- /BienniumTest/2015-16/Docx/Bills/Senate Resolutions/

[To Parent Directory]

1/12/2015 11:50 AM 2891 8600-.docx
1/15/2015 11:39 AM 2296 8600-Senate organized, ready.docx
1/12/2015 12:21 PM 24029 8601-.docx
1/15/2015 11:41 AM 23386 8601-Adopting senate rules.docx
1/15/2015 11:41 AM 4779 8602-Daniel J. Evans.docx
1/16/2015 4:43 PM 2821 8603-.docx
1/19/2015 3:37 PM 2993 8603-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..docx
1/19/2015 12:00 PM 2968 8604-.docx
1/19/2015 12:00 PM 2966 8605-.docx
1/29/2015 4:11 PM 3315 8606-Fairs and fairgrounds.docx
1/26/2015 10:16 AM 2777 8607-.docx
1/28/2015 4:17 PM 3042 8607-Republic day in India 2015.docx
1/28/2015 3:20 PM 3039 8608-Dairy day at the legislature.docx
1/27/2015 4:04 PM 3125 8609-Senate rules committee.docx
1/30/2015 3:24 PM 3615 8610-National Guard.docx
1/28/2015 10:06 AM 3284 8611-.docx
1/30/2015 3:24 PM 3435 8611-Phil Anderson.docx
1/30/2015 3:24 PM 3423 8612-Seattle Seahawks.docx
2/27/2015 5:19 PM 3093 8613-WA families outdoor heritage.docx
2/11/2015 3:22 PM 3215 8614-Navy appreciation day.docx
2/17/2015 3:05 PM 3001 8615-Mike Kluse, Pac. NW Nat. Lab.docx
2/12/2015 3:11 PM 3395 8616-Congenital heart defect week.docx
2/16/2015 2:39 PM 3890 8617-.docx
2/19/2015 3:14 PM 4101 8617-Japanese-Americans-WWII.docx
2/17/2015 3:05 PM 3299 8618-St need grnt, coll bound sch.docx
2/23/2015 2:58 PM 2949 8619-Auburn Mountainview-robotics.docx
2/24/2015 3:03 PM 4275 8620-Civil air patrol.docx
2/20/2015 5:09 PM 2917 8621-.docx
2/23/2015 3:05 PM 3073 8621-Bob Heirman.docx
2/26/2015 3:05 PM 3810 8622-Tahoma HS We the People team.docx
3/10/2015 2:14 PM 3268 8623-Carla Olman Peperzak.docx
3/10/2015 8:06 AM 3106 8623-Carla Oman Peperzak.docx
2/26/2015 5:46 PM 3135 8624-.docx
2/27/2015 5:20 PM 3306 8624-Boy Scouts of America.docx
3/2/2015 4:57 PM 3150 8625-.docx
3/3/2015 4:19 PM 3311 8625-Bethel SD super. Tom Seigel.docx
3/24/2015 2:05 PM 2739 8626-Child abuse awareness month.docx
3/24/2015 2:05 PM 2949 8627-Motorcycle awareness month.docx
3/24/2015 2:06 PM 2985 8628-Traumatic brain injury month.docx
3/12/2015 1:23 PM 3099 8629-Letter carriers' food drive.docx
3/4/2015 12:50 PM 3352 8630-.docx
3/4/2015 4:39 PM 3504 8630-Selma to Montgomery marches.docx
3/5/2015 9:08 AM 8467 8631-.docx
3/6/2015 4:32 PM 8602 8631-WA women and girls in sports.docx
3/5/2015 9:08 AM 3527 8632-.docx
3/6/2015 5:03 PM 3311 8633-.docx
3/9/2015 2:09 PM 3481 8633-Salvation Army Clark County.docx
3/6/2015 5:03 PM 3046 8634-.docx
4/22/2015 2:14 PM 3152 8634-Bob Massey.docx
3/11/2015 2:18 PM 2984 8635-HPV awareness.docx
3/12/2015 1:23 PM 3131 8636-Blessing of the fleet 2015.docx
3/10/2015 9:54 PM 3592 8637-.docx
3/23/2015 2:00 PM 3734 8637-Sedro-Woolley HS football.docx
3/12/2015 1:23 PM 3260 8638-Skagit Valley tulip festival.docx
3/31/2015 2:10 PM 3206 8639-Mt. Vernon Chr School soccer.docx
3/12/2015 11:00 AM 2963 8640-.docx
3/13/2015 10:57 AM 2962 8640-Fire marshal Robert Marshall.docx
3/17/2015 10:25 AM 3008 8641-.docx
3/18/2015 2:35 PM 3161 8641-Mill Creek Middle School.docx
3/19/2015 2:48 PM 3079 8642-Law enforcement officers.docx
3/27/2015 2:03 PM 2779 8643-Mark Morris HS girls' bsktbl.docx
3/19/2015 2:48 PM 3840 8644-Human trafficking, reducing.docx
4/1/2015 2:06 PM 3474 8645-Daffodil festival.docx
3/20/2015 2:05 PM 3524 8646-Apple blossom festival.docx
3/20/2015 8:23 AM 4641 8647-Senate permanent rule 45.docx
3/25/2015 2:33 PM 3762 8648-Women leaders in government.docx
3/30/2015 2:03 PM 2870 8649-Norway's culture & heritage.docx
4/21/2015 2:28 PM 3837 8650-Dr. Thomas L. 'Les' Purce.docx
3/30/2015 2:03 PM 2615 8651-Kent Pride.docx
3/31/2015 2:10 PM 3519 8652-The Magna Carta.docx
3/31/2015 2:11 PM 2887 8653-William P. Gerberding.docx
3/31/2015 2:11 PM 3278 8654-Bryce Seidl.docx
3/31/2015 8:21 AM 3755 8655-.docx
3/31/2015 2:11 PM 3917 8655-TVW.docx
3/31/2015 1:29 PM 3165 8656-.docx
4/1/2015 2:06 PM 3307 8656-Autism, individuals with.docx
4/10/2015 10:21 AM 3591 8657-Individuals w- Down syndrome.docx
4/2/2015 8:26 AM 2350 8658-.docx
4/3/2015 9:36 AM 2403 8658.E-Senate permanent rule 53.docx
4/23/2015 2:08 PM 3481 8659-Billy Frank Jr..docx
4/6/2015 12:51 PM 2631 8660-.docx
4/8/2015 2:16 PM 2784 8660-Roberto Gonzalez.docx
4/9/2015 4:29 PM 3256 8661-Azerbaijan Republic Day.docx
4/8/2015 3:01 PM 2877 8662-.docx
4/9/2015 2:01 PM 3016 8662-Nowruz, the Persian New Year.docx
4/13/2015 2:17 PM 3585 8663-UW and WSU, certain campuses.docx
4/13/2015 1:22 PM 2941 8664-.docx
4/14/2015 2:04 PM 3079 8664-C. Welliver and P. Ferguson.docx
4/13/2015 7:56 PM 3202 8665-.docx
4/16/2015 2:07 PM 3354 8665-Lyon Terry-teacher of the yr.docx
4/22/2015 2:14 PM 3986 8666-Bonita 'Bonnie' Henderson.docx
4/17/2015 2:03 PM 3479 8667-Dave Roseleip.docx
4/16/2015 2:07 PM 2965 8668-Organ, eye, tissue donors.docx
4/17/2015 2:03 PM 3577 8669-National day of silence.docx
4/16/2015 1:27 PM 3203 8670-.docx
4/21/2015 2:28 PM 3352 8670-John C. Hughes.docx
4/21/2015 2:28 PM 3206 8671-Kent's 125th anniversary.docx
4/20/2015 2:12 PM 2962 8672-.docx
4/22/2015 2:15 PM 3111 8672-Federal Way boys' basketball.docx
4/20/2015 2:08 PM 2617 8673-.docx
4/23/2015 2:08 PM 2762 8673-Debbie Christian.docx
4/22/2015 2:14 PM 4243 8674-Nancy Ruth Malmgren.docx
5/27/2015 2:06 PM 3114 8675-2015 U.S. Open golf chsp.docx
4/22/2015 2:14 PM 3476 8676-Dr. Benjamin Hall.docx
4/22/2015 2:14 PM 3000 8677-Larry Phillips.docx
4/22/2015 2:14 PM 3051 8678-Federal Way 25th anniversary.docx
4/24/2015 3:28 PM 3650 8679-Filipino history month.docx
4/23/2015 3:33 PM 3515 8680-.docx
4/24/2015 10:11 AM 2945 8681-.docx
7/9/2015 10:53 AM 3119 8681-Senate business-interim.docx
5/20/2015 10:09 AM 2865 8682-.docx
5/20/2015 2:08 PM 3010 8682-Miss Auburn scholarship.docx
5/28/2015 2:03 PM 3746 8683-Nepal earthquake condolences.docx
6/3/2015 2:02 PM 3107 8684-Kip Herren.docx
6/24/2015 3:49 PM 4102 8685-.docx
6/25/2015 2:04 PM 4457 8685-Dr. Elson S Floyd, WSU pres..docx
6/24/2015 4:22 PM 3023 8686-.docx
6/26/2015 2:07 PM 3159 8686-Herb Tsuchiya & Sam Mitsui.docx
6/28/2015 2:58 PM 3375 8687-.docx
6/28/2015 2:02 PM 3173 8688-.docx
6/29/2015 2:47 PM 2797 8689-.docx
7/16/2015 8:53 AM 2959 8689-Patsy L. Feeley.docx
1/11/2016 10:41 AM 2146 8690-.docx
1/11/2016 3:12 PM 2300 8690-Senate organized, ready.docx
1/13/2016 10:16 AM 2830 8691-.docx
1/13/2016 3:20 PM 3182 8691-WA law enforcement officers.docx
1/18/2016 10:45 AM 2662 8692-.docx
1/18/2016 3:29 PM 3010 8692-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..docx
1/25/2016 3:08 PM 3426 8693-Wong Tsoo-aeronautics.docx
1/21/2016 2:55 PM 2839 8694-.docx
1/27/2016 3:22 PM 3021 8694-WA's dairy workers.docx
1/21/2016 2:56 PM 3292 8695-.docx
2/1/2016 3:12 PM 3501 8695-2016 Paddle to Nisqually.docx
1/26/2016 1:43 PM 3025 8696-2016 Republic Day in India.docx
1/27/2016 3:22 PM 3370 8697-Senator Max Benitz.docx
2/3/2016 3:42 PM 3665 8698-Tahoma H.S. We the People.docx
1/28/2016 10:38 AM 2789 8699-.docx
1/29/2016 2:25 PM 3006 8699-Violence-women's health care.docx
2/8/2016 12:54 PM 3356 8700-Latino-a Ed. Achiev. Project.docx
2/18/2016 3:04 PM 3518 8701-Auburn Chamber of Commerce.docx
2/15/2016 9:30 AM 3239 8702-Alzheimer's disease plan.docx
2/3/2016 4:18 PM 3387 8703-.docx
2/4/2016 3:09 PM 3534 8703-Washington's National Guard.docx
3/7/2016 3:18 PM 3788 8704-Cyndie Shepard-WWU.docx
2/8/2016 12:57 PM 3258 8705-Cherie Tessier-WWU.docx
2/10/2016 3:05 PM 3399 8705-Cherie Tessier.docx
2/9/2016 3:10 PM 2814 8706-Bladder Health Month.docx
2/18/2016 9:25 AM 3387 8707-Don Murdzia-umpire & referee.docx
3/8/2016 3:23 PM 2898 8708-Motorcycle awareness month.docx
2/22/2016 3:19 PM 3783 8709-Filipino history month.docx
2/11/2016 9:32 AM 3215 8710-.docx
2/11/2016 3:49 PM 3426 8710-Refugees.docx
2/11/2016 9:37 AM 3820 8711-.docx
3/7/2016 3:47 PM 3994 8711-Bruce Shepard-WWU.docx
2/11/2016 9:38 AM 3126 8712-.docx
2/23/2016 3:27 PM 3289 8712-Ryan Lafferty-educator.docx
2/11/2016 9:38 AM 3168 8713-.docx
2/11/2016 1:37 PM 2653 8714-.docx
3/8/2016 3:23 PM 2816 8714-MSA awareness month.docx
2/11/2016 1:38 PM 3145 8715-.docx
3/7/2016 11:43 AM 3154 8715-November 2015 windstorm.docx
2/15/2016 5:19 PM 3602 8716-African American history mo..docx
2/24/2016 3:02 PM 4275 8717-Civil air patrol.docx
3/3/2016 3:38 PM 2985 8718-National Donate Life Month.docx
2/15/2016 5:19 PM 2733 8719-Richard Allen.docx
2/29/2016 10:44 AM 3620 8720-Catherine Wilson-educator.docx
2/16/2016 10:18 AM 2953 8721-.docx
2/16/2016 3:56 PM 3099 8721-WA State Historical Society.docx
3/7/2016 3:47 PM 3553 8722-Joan Earl-Sound Transit.docx
3/7/2016 11:43 AM 2872 8723-Stamp Out Hunger food drive.docx
2/18/2016 3:04 PM 4077 8724-Japanese-American internees.docx
2/16/2016 3:56 PM 3672 8725-.docx
2/19/2016 12:23 PM 2808 8726-.docx
2/23/2016 3:27 PM 2979 8726-WGU Washington anniversary.docx
2/25/2016 3:07 PM 3044 8727-Miss Auburn Scholarship Prg..docx
3/3/2016 3:39 PM 3546 8728-Apple Blossom Festival.docx
3/2/2016 3:49 PM 3309 8729-Steven VanAusdle-WWCC pres..docx
2/29/2016 5:25 PM 3441 8730-.docx
3/1/2016 3:22 PM 3598 8730-Daffodil festival.docx
3/1/2016 1:52 PM 2836 8731-.docx
3/3/2016 3:39 PM 2982 8731-Taiwan.docx
3/3/2016 10:04 AM 3023 8732-.docx
3/8/2016 3:23 PM 3177 8732-Adventuress historic vessel.docx
3/7/2016 11:47 AM 3043 8733-Pandas in WA.docx
3/9/2016 3:22 PM 3528 8734-Judy Rogers-LaVigne.docx
3/9/2016 3:22 PM 3376 8735-Bob Neilson-community leader.docx
3/10/2016 9:30 AM 4055 8736-Steve Jones-Senate staffer.docx
3/8/2016 11:15 AM 3243 8737-.docx
3/8/2016 3:23 PM 3391 8737-Bill Hobson-homelessness.docx
3/8/2016 3:24 PM 3569 8738-.docx
4/6/2016 2:27 PM 3563 8738-Achievements of women.docx
3/10/2016 4:08 PM 2983 8739-.docx
3/11/2016 12:45 PM 3120 8739-Senate business-interim.docx
3/29/2016 8:04 AM 3448 8740-.docx
3/29/2016 2:39 PM 3594 8740-John McKibbin.docx