- /BienniumTest/2019-20/Docx/Bills/Senate Resolutions/
[To Parent Directory]
1/14/2019 4:06 PM 2282 8600-Senate organized, ready.docx
1/14/2019 1:25 PM 25484 8601-Senate permanent rules.docx
1/15/2019 1:14 PM 25629 8601.E-Senate permanent rules.docx
2/4/2019 1:09 PM 3339 8602-Women In Cloud initiative.docx
1/23/2019 4:31 PM 3152 8603-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..docx
1/21/2019 11:22 AM 3432 8604-.docx
1/22/2019 5:19 PM 3689 8604-Paul G. Allen.docx
2/4/2019 1:08 PM 3209 8605-Dairy industry.docx
2/4/2019 1:07 PM 2949 8606-India's Republic Day.docx
1/25/2019 3:07 PM 3358 8607-.docx
2/4/2019 1:07 PM 3491 8607-Hospitality industry.docx
1/25/2019 3:07 PM 3015 8608-.docx
2/6/2019 5:41 PM 3164 8608-Seattle General Strike, 1919.docx
1/29/2019 2:47 PM 3207 8609-.docx
2/4/2019 1:08 PM 3364 8609-Fredi Simpson.docx
1/29/2019 2:47 PM 3024 8610-.docx
2/11/2019 1:10 PM 3159 8610-Dorothy O'Loughlin.docx
2/4/2019 1:08 PM 4249 8611-Civil rights-reconstruction.docx
2/5/2019 9:55 AM 2766 8612-.docx
2/5/2019 2:02 PM 2923 8612-Lunar New Year.docx
2/12/2019 1:57 PM 3197 8613-Knights of Columbus.docx
2/27/2019 5:12 PM 3495 8614-Tahoma High School students.docx
4/12/2019 3:16 PM 3648 8615-Taiwan.docx
2/12/2019 1:24 PM 2848 8616-Blessing of the fleet.docx
2/19/2019 11:35 AM 3436 8617-Presidents' day.docx
2/18/2019 9:52 AM 2992 8618-.docx
2/18/2019 1:49 PM 3163 8618-Civic education.docx
2/18/2019 10:48 AM 3267 8619-.docx
2/18/2019 3:54 PM 3294 8619-Children's day.docx
2/19/2019 4:15 PM 4751 8620-Japanese American internment.docx
2/25/2019 10:33 AM 2742 8621-.docx
2/26/2019 1:09 PM 2915 8621-CAPAA Sapphire Anniversary.docx
2/26/2019 1:02 PM 3327 8622-Shree Saini.docx
3/1/2019 5:38 PM 3798 8623-Black history month.docx
3/1/2019 5:37 PM 3363 8624-DES-February 2019 snow event.docx
3/18/2019 3:41 PM 3372 8625-PTSI education.docx
3/12/2019 8:47 PM 3331 8626-Meals on Wheels-Spokane.docx
4/12/2019 3:25 PM 3758 8627-Apple blossom festival.docx
3/22/2019 4:00 PM 3760 8628-Oso landslide.docx
4/1/2019 12:42 PM 4919 8629-Edgar Martinez.docx
4/23/2019 4:03 PM 3699 8630-Greg Stewart.docx
3/22/2019 4:00 PM 2931 8631-Equal Rights Amendment.docx
4/2/2019 12:34 PM 3256 8632-Daffodil festival.docx
3/22/2019 9:30 AM 2718 8633-.docx
3/26/2019 3:20 PM 2732 8633-Nowruz.docx
3/28/2019 12:21 PM 3260 8634-Jerry Smith.docx
3/28/2019 3:51 PM 3230 8635-Deputy Ryan Thompson.docx
3/28/2019 3:51 PM 3343 8636-Washington National Guard.docx
3/28/2019 12:40 PM 2996 8637-.docx
4/3/2019 8:34 AM 3137 8637-Kittitas boys' basketball.docx
4/9/2019 12:38 PM 3389 8638-Methow Headwaters campaign.docx
4/11/2019 3:02 PM 2788 8639-Sikh American community.docx
4/2/2019 4:24 PM 2808 8640-.docx
4/3/2019 2:21 PM 3051 8640-Navy.docx
4/5/2019 2:56 PM 2862 8641-National donate life month.docx
4/4/2019 12:03 PM 3000 8642-.docx
4/12/2019 3:09 PM 3164 8642-Eastern Washington Univ..docx
4/8/2019 8:48 AM 2942 8643-.docx
4/9/2019 11:21 AM 3106 8643-Destination Imagination.docx
4/24/2019 3:32 PM 3172 8644-Erik Stark.docx
4/12/2019 1:06 PM 3394 8645-.docx
4/22/2019 3:01 PM 3409 8645-Mike Colbrese.docx
4/17/2019 9:31 AM 3497 8646-.docx
4/17/2019 5:39 PM 3646 8646-Luis Fernando Esteban.docx
4/19/2019 11:39 AM 3952 8647-Jack Sikma.docx
4/19/2019 11:39 AM 3140 8648-Motorcycle safety awareness.docx
5/3/2019 10:17 AM 3410 8649-William W. Philip.docx
4/18/2019 10:12 AM 2882 8650-.docx
4/19/2019 11:40 AM 3027 8650-Ukrainian Americans.docx
4/25/2019 8:53 AM 4081 8651-Senator Prentice.docx
4/22/2019 10:41 AM 3027 8652-Deputy Justin DeRosier.docx
4/23/2019 4:04 PM 2739 8653-Perfect Attendance program.docx
4/24/2019 3:32 PM 3292 8654-Lake Stevens Eagles softball.docx
4/30/2019 1:54 PM 3088 8655-.docx
1/10/2020 2:17 PM 2124 8656-.docx
1/13/2020 1:48 PM 2279 8656-Senate organized, ready.docx
1/13/2020 1:48 PM 5385 8657-Senate rules.docx
1/14/2020 5:16 PM 2663 8658-.docx
1/15/2020 11:44 AM 3068 8658-Military spouses, caregivers.docx
1/20/2020 3:14 PM 2541 8659-Amending Senate Rule 49.docx
1/20/2020 3:15 PM 3206 8660-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..docx
1/22/2020 9:58 AM 2789 8661-.docx
1/22/2020 2:57 PM 2998 8661-Lunar New Year.docx
1/23/2020 11:46 AM 2864 8662-.docx
1/24/2020 3:20 PM 3257 8663-.docx
1/28/2020 5:47 PM 3432 8663-Holocaust remembrance day.docx
1/24/2020 3:20 PM 2996 8664-.docx
1/27/2020 3:58 PM 3168 8664-Indian Americans.docx
1/28/2020 1:38 PM 2940 8665-Resolution Washington.docx
2/21/2020 11:29 AM 3153 8666-Washington FFA.docx
1/29/2020 5:25 PM 3234 8667-Navy day.docx
1/29/2020 4:40 PM 2736 8668-.docx
1/30/2020 5:07 PM 2974 8668-Human trafficking awareness.docx
1/29/2020 4:40 PM 3380 8669-.docx
1/31/2020 11:20 AM 3539 8669-Dave Boyer.docx
2/13/2020 7:00 PM 5184 8670-Womens' right to vote.docx
2/5/2020 11:49 AM 3237 8671-Dairy industry.docx
2/7/2020 1:17 PM 2755 8672-Building Industry Assoc..docx
2/6/2020 1:51 PM 3549 8673-Ronald Reagan.docx
2/11/2020 1:35 PM 3860 8674-George R. Nethercutt, Jr..docx
2/10/2020 1:22 PM 3522 8675-.docx
2/10/2020 4:51 PM 3534 8675-Keith Cotton.docx
2/10/2020 2:09 PM 2863 8676-.docx
2/27/2020 3:43 PM 3023 8676-Liberia.docx
2/11/2020 4:45 PM 2839 8677-.docx
2/12/2020 5:14 PM 3030 8677-15th Amendment.docx
2/20/2020 3:44 PM 4000 8678-Japanese American internment.docx
2/26/2020 11:47 AM 3099 8679-Washington Farm Bureau.docx
2/17/2020 10:59 AM 4912 8680-Congressman Dennis Heck.docx
2/14/2020 1:47 PM 4258 8681-.docx
2/20/2020 5:25 PM 3008 8682-Commercial fishing fleet.docx
2/17/2020 10:59 AM 3413 8683-.docx
2/18/2020 3:59 PM 3597 8684-Chinese Americans.docx
2/18/2020 3:11 PM 3620 8685-.docx
2/25/2020 1:33 PM 3761 8685-Apple blossom festival.docx
2/21/2020 11:29 AM 3360 8686-Civic education day.docx
2/27/2020 3:35 PM 3410 8687-Agricultural producers.docx
2/24/2020 1:23 PM 3229 8688-Daffodil festival.docx
3/2/2020 10:07 AM 3494 8689-Tahoma HS-We the People.docx
2/25/2020 1:34 PM 3001 8690-.docx
2/26/2020 5:58 PM 3030 8690-ADA anniversary.docx
2/25/2020 11:32 AM 3105 8691-.docx
2/25/2020 1:34 PM 3325 8692-.docx
2/25/2020 11:49 AM 3200 8693-.docx
3/2/2020 10:13 AM 3353 8693-Ronald J. Shurer II.docx
3/5/2020 1:30 PM 3940 8694-Nikki Kuhnhausen.docx
2/27/2020 3:33 PM 3409 8695-Poland-United States.docx
2/28/2020 3:32 PM 3039 8696-Sikh American community.docx
2/27/2020 3:44 PM 3122 8697-Women in Cloud Initiative.docx
3/2/2020 10:13 AM 3101 8698-Motorcycle safety awareness.docx
3/2/2020 6:18 PM 3311 8699-Don Kardong.docx
2/27/2020 3:32 PM 3739 8700-Claire Beach.docx
2/27/2020 3:32 PM 3705 8701-.docx
2/28/2020 10:48 AM 2890 8702-.docx
3/2/2020 6:18 PM 3049 8702-Healthy practices-flu.docx
3/2/2020 6:17 PM 3614 8703-.docx
3/2/2020 2:26 PM 3434 8704-.docx
3/3/2020 11:27 AM 3580 8704-Ken Jennings.docx
3/4/2020 1:11 PM 3494 8705-Justice Rosselle Pekelis.docx
3/6/2020 11:23 AM 3199 8706-Deputy Cooper Dyson.docx
3/4/2020 6:17 PM 2904 8707-National Donate Life Month.docx
3/6/2020 1:14 PM 3634 8708-.docx
3/7/2020 11:26 AM 3777 8708-James R. Ellis.docx
3/9/2020 12:03 PM 2758 8709-Ronald Main.docx
3/11/2020 10:46 AM 3025 8710-Hunter Goodman-blood drive.docx
3/12/2020 7:38 PM 3087 8711-.docx