WSR 18-04-103
[Filed February 6, 2018, 2:18 p.m.]
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 18-01-72 [18-01-072].
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: WAC 132D-305-005—Sexual harassment policy.
Hearing Location(s): On March 13, 2018, at 2:30-3:00 p.m., at Skagit Valley College, Board Room, 2405 East College Way, Mount Vernon, WA 98273.
Date of Intended Adoption: March 13, 2018.
Submit Written Comments to: Carolyn Tucker, 2405 East College Way, Mount Vernon, WA 98273, email, fax 360-416-7773, by March 8, 2018.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Carolyn Tucker, phone 360-416-7679, fax 360-416-7773, email, by March 8, 2018.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: This rule change is needed because Skagit Valley College has already updated and clarified its sexual harassment policy in a revised policy/procedure for prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination. The college intends to permanently repeal WAC 132D-305-005 to implement the updated policy changes in line with the most recent guidance from the United States Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, Title IX guidance letters, VAWA, and Campus SaVE.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Skagit Valley College has already updated and clarified its sexual harassment policy in a revised policy/procedure for prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination. The college intends to permanently repeal WAC 132D-305-005 to implement the updated policy changes in line with the most recent guidance from the United States Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, Title IX guidance letters, VAWA, and Campus SaVE.
Rule is necessary because of federal law.
Name of Proponent: Skagit Valley College, public.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation, and Enforcement: Carolyn Tucker, Skagit Valley College, 2405 East College Way, Mount Vernon, WA 98273, 360-416-7679.
A school district fiscal impact statement is not required under RCW 28A.305.135. A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. This rule proposal, or portions of the proposal, is exempt from requirements of the Regulatory Fairness Act because the proposal:
Is exempt under RCW 19.85.025(3) as the rules adopt, amend, or repeal a procedure, practice, or requirement relating to agency hearings; or a filing or related process requirement for applying to an agency for a license or permit. February 6, 2018
Lisa Radeleff
Executive Assistant
Rules Coordinator
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
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WAC 132D-305-005 |
Sexual harassment policy. |