Subject Matter |
WAC Chapter or Sections |
Description DEL Rules Under Development on the DEL web site has current information on these rules. |
Emergency Rules (CR-103E) |
Preproposal Notice (CR-101) |
Proposed Rule (CR-102) and Public Hearings or Expedited Rule (CR-105) |
Permanent Rule (CR-103P) |
Single set of licensing standards for child care and the early childhood education and assistance program (ECEAP) |
Possible revisions to chapters 170-06, 170-12, 170-290, 170-100 and 170-297 WAC Repealing chapters 170-295 and 170-296A WAC Creating a new WAC chapter |
Rule making to implement a single set of licensing standards for child care and the early childhood education and assistance program. The new WAC chapter will provide minimum health and safety standards for child care and preschool programs, rely on the standards established in the early achievers program to address quality issues in participating early childhood programs, take into account the separate needs of family care providers and child care centers and promote the continued safety of child care settings. |
None |
WSR 17-13-058 CR-101 sets out negotiation schedule. Negotiators include family home providers, child care centers, Head Start/ECEAP providers, families, and DEL licensing staff. |
To be determined |
To be determined |
Family, friends and neighbors program |
Possible revisions to chapters 170-03 and 170-290 WAC New WAC chapter |
To comply with new requirements allowing Washington state to receive federal funding for subsidized child care provided by a family member, friend or neighbor, DEL anticipates engaging in rule making to address program eligibility, background check requirements, health and safety requirements, monitoring and inspection, administrative hearing rights, and other topics to be determined. Revisions to chapter 170-290 WAC may be necessary for consistency. |
None |
WSR 16-15-052 |
To be determined |
To be determined |
Chapter 170-290 WAC review |
Possible revisions to chapter 170-290 WAC |
DEL intends to review chapter 170-290 WAC and revise as necessary to improve readability, promote working connections and seasonal child care program integrity, and improve program delivery. |
None |
WSR 16-20-108 |
To be determined |
To be determined |
Working connections child care |
Possible revisions to chapter 170-290 WAC |
DEL is developing rules that will require providers who accept working connections and seasonal child care subsidies to use an electronic system that tracks attendance of the children who receive care. |
None |
WSR 16-20-108 |
To be determined |
To be determined |
Preparing for the abolishment of the department of early learning and creation of the department of children, youth, and families |
Title 170 WAC, Department of early learning |
Expedited rule making planned to make nonsubstantive updates to revise agency name and embedded statute and rule citations. |
None |
To be determined |
To be determined |