WSR 17-01-129
[Filed December 20, 2016, 12:12 p.m.]
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 14-14-105.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Chapter 250-18 WAC, Residency status for higher education.
Hearing Location(s): Washington Student Achievement Council, 917 Lakeridge Way S.W., Third Floor Conference Room, Olympia, WA 98504, on January 25, 2017, at 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: February 1, 2017.
Submit Written Comments to: Gail Wootan, Washington Student Achievement Council, P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430, email, fax (360) 753-7808, by January 24, 2017.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Kristin Ritter, by January 24, 2017, (360) 753-7810.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: WAC 250-18-010, to make housekeeping changes;
WAC 250-18-015, to make housekeeping changes and to add new definitions;
WAC 250-18-020, to make housekeeping changes, to add language from new RCW since last rule filing in 2006, to delete redundant language, and to clarify certain subsections;
WAC 250-18-025, to make housekeeping changes, to delete redundant language, and to delete subsection (6), which is not practiced by institutions nor required by RCW;
WAC 250-18-030, to make housekeeping changes, to add clarification language, and to delete confusing language;
WAC 250-18-035, to make housekeeping changes, to clarify definition of independent student with specific time periods and references to tax years;
WAC 250-18-055, to make housekeeping changes;
WAC 250-18-060, to make housekeeping changes and add clarifying language so that it better aligns with RCW.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28B.15.012, 28B.15.013, 28B.15.015.
Rule is necessary because of federal law, Section 702 of the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014.
Name of Proponent: Washington student achievement council, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation, and Enforcement: Gail Wootan, 917 Lakeridge Way S.W., Olympia, WA 98504, (360) 753-7890.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Does not apply.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. Does not apply.
December 14, 2016
Randy Spaulding
Director of Academic
Affairs and Policy
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 93-20-004, filed 9/22/93, effective 10/23/93)
WAC 250-18-010Purpose and applicability.
This chapter is promulgated pursuant to RCW 28B.15.015 by the ((board)) council to establish the necessary regulations for the administration of residency status in higher education. Institutions shall apply the provisions of the regulations specified in chapter 250-18 WAC for the uniform determination of a student's resident and nonresident status and for recovery of fees for improper classification of residency.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-13-056, filed 6/13/03, effective 7/14/03)
WAC 250-18-015Definitions.
(1) The term "institution" shall mean a public university, college, or community or technical college within the state of Washington.
(2) The term "domicile" shall denote a person's true, fixed, and permanent home and place of habitation ((for other than educational purposes)). It is the place where ((he or she)) the person intends to remain, and to which ((he or she)) the person expects to return when ((he or she)) the person leaves without intending to establish a new domicile elsewhere.
(3) The term "reside" shall mean the maintenance and occupancy of a primary residence in the state of Washington.
(4) The term "financially independent" shall be determined according to WAC 250-18-035.
(5) The term "financially dependent" shall mean a person who is not financially independent.
(6) The term "resident" for tuition and fee purposes shall be determined according to WAC 250-18-020.
(7) The term "nonresident" for tuition and fee purposes shall be determined according to WAC 250-18-020.
(8) The term "recovery of fees" shall apply to the amounts due to the institution or the student as a result of improper classification.
(9) The term "civil service" shall mean Washington state or federal government nonmilitary employment.
(10) The term "spouse" shall include individuals in state registered domestic partnerships as outlined in RCW 28B.15.980.
(11) The term "parent" shall include a person who becomes a stepparent through marriage or through a state registered domestic partnership.
(12) The term "legal guardian" shall include the court when an individual is a ward of the court.
(13) The terms "active military duty," "active duty service," and "uniformed services" shall be defined as outlined in RCW 28B.15.012 (7), (8), and (9).
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 06-20-118, filed 10/4/06, effective 11/4/06)
WAC 250-18-020Student classification.
(1) For a student to be classified as a "resident" for tuition and fee purposes, ((he or she)) the student must prove by evidence of a sufficient quantity and quality to satisfy the institution that ((he or she)) the student:
(a)(((i) Has established)) Is financially independent and has maintained a bona fide domicile in the state of Washington primarily for purposes other than educational for ((the period of one year)) at least one year immediately prior to commencement of the first day of the semester or quarter for which ((he or she)) the student has registered at any institution; ((and
(ii) Is financially independent;)) or
(b) Is ((a)) financially dependent ((student, one or both of whose parents or legal guardians have)) with at least one parent or legal guardian who has maintained a bona fide domicile in the state of Washington for at least one year immediately prior to commencement of the first day of the semester or quarter for which the student has registered at any institution ((provided that any student who has)); or
(c) Meets RCW 28B.15.012 (2)(c); or
(d) Has spent at least seventy-five percent of both ((his or her)) junior and senior years in high school in this state, ((whose)) who has at least one parent((s)) or legal guardian((s have)) who had been domiciled in the state for a period of at least one year within the five-year period before the student graduates from high school, and who has enrolled in ((a public institution of higher education)) an institution within six months of leaving high school((, shall be considered a resident only for as long as)). The student shall retain resident student status so long as the student remains continuously enrolled for three quarters or two semesters in any calendar year; or
(((c) Is a person who has completed)) (e) Has met all of the following:
(i) Has either:
(A) Completed the full senior year of high school and obtained a high school diploma(( - both)) at a Washington public high school or a Washington private high school approved under chapter 28A.195 RCW (((or who has received the equivalent of a diploma). The person must have lived in Washington at least three years immediately prior to receiving the diploma (or its equivalent), and lived continuously in Washington state after receiving the diploma (or its equivalent) until the time of admittance to an institution of higher education (defined as a public university, college, or community college within the state of Washington). In addition, the person must provide an affidavit to the institution indicating that the individual will file an application to become a permanent resident at the earliest opportunity the individual is eligible to do so. Furthermore, the individual must indicate a willingness to engage in other activities necessary to acquire citizenship, including, but not limited to, citizenship or civics review courses; or
(d) Is a student who is)); or
(B) Received the equivalent of a high school diploma;
(ii) Has resided in Washington at least thirty-six months immediately prior to receiving the diploma or equivalent;
(iii) Has resided continuously in Washington state after receiving the diploma or equivalent until the time of admittance to the institution determining residency; and
(iv) Has provided an affidavit to the institution indicating one of the following:
(A) That the student will file an application to become a permanent resident at the earliest opportunity the student is eligible to do so and that the student is willing to engage in other activities necessary to acquire citizenship including, but not limited to, citizenship or civics review courses; or
(B) That the student is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States; or
(f) Has resided in Washington primarily for purposes other than educational for at least one year immediately prior to commencement of the first day of the semester or quarter for which the student has registered at any institution, and who has met any of the following:
(i) Holds lawful nonimmigrant status pursuant to 8 U.S.C. Sec. (a)(15) (E)(iii), (H)(i), or (L);
(ii) Holds lawful nonimmigrant status as the spouse or child of a person having nonimmigrant status under 8 U.S.C. Sec. (a)(15) (E)(iii), (H)(i), or (L); or
(iii) Holds or previously held lawful nonimmigrant status pursuant to 8 U.S.C. Sec. (a)(15) (E)(iii), (H)(i), or (L) as a principal or derivative and has filed an application for adjustment of status pursuant to 8 U.S.C. Sec. 1255(a); or
(g) Is on active military duty stationed in the state((, or who)) of Washington or is a member of the Washington national guard((; or
(e))) (Washington national guard member does not need to be on "active duty" status in order to qualify); or
(h) Is on active military duty or a member of the Washington national guard and meets all of the following:
(i) Entered service as a Washington resident;
(ii) Has maintained a Washington domicile; and
(iii) Is stationed out-of-state; or
(i) Is the spouse or dependent of a person as defined in (h) of this subsection; or
(j) Is the spouse or dependent of ((an active duty military person)) a person on active military duty stationed in the state of Washington. If the person on active military duty is reassigned out-of-state, the student shall retain resident student status so long as the student is continuously enrolled in a degree program; or
(((f) Is a student who resides in)) (k) Resides in the state of Washington and is the spouse or dependent of a member of the Washington national guard; or
(((g) Is a student of an out-of-state institution of higher education who is))
(l)(i) Separated from the uniformed services with any period of honorable service after at least ninety days of active duty service and is eligible for benefits under the federal all-volunteer force educational assistance program (38 U.S.C. Sec. 3001 et seq.), the federal Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (38 U.S.C. Sec. 3301 et seq.), or any other federal law authorizing educational assistance benefits for veterans after separating (a student who has had a dishonorable discharge from the uniformed services qualifies if the student is receiving veterans administration educational assistance benefits); and
(ii) Enters an institution within three years of the date of separation from the uniformed services (student shall retain resident student status for as long as student remains continuously enrolled at an institution, regardless of years after separation); or
(m)(i) Is entitled to veterans administration educational assistance benefits based on the student's relationship as a spouse, former spouse, or child to an individual who has separated from the uniformed services with any period of honorable service after at least ninety days of active duty service (if the individual who separated from the uniformed services has had a dishonorable discharge from the uniformed services, the student qualifies if the student is receiving veterans administration educational assistance benefits); and
(ii) Enters an institution within three years of the service member's date of separation (student shall retain resident student status for as long as student remains continuously enrolled at an institution, regardless of years after separation); or
(n)(i) Is receiving or entitled to veterans administration educational assistance benefits based on the student's relationship with a deceased member of the uniformed services who completed at least ninety days of active duty service and died in the line of duty; and
(ii) Enters an institution within three years of the service member's death (student shall retain resident student status for as long as student remains continuously enrolled at an institution, regardless of years after separation); or
(o) Resides in Washington and is on active military duty stationed in the Oregon counties of Columbia, Gilliam, Hood River, Multnomah, Clatsop, Clackamas, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, or Washington; or
(p) Resides in Washington and is the spouse or a dependent of a person as defined in (o) of this subsection. If the person on active military duty moves from Washington or is reassigned out of the Oregon counties identified in (o) of this subsection, the student shall retain resident student status so long as the student resides in Washington and is continuously enrolled in a degree program;
(q) Is attending ((a Washington state institution of higher education)) an institution pursuant to a home tuition ((program)) agreement with an out-of-state institution of higher education under RCW 28B.15.725; or
(((h) Is a student)) (r)(i) Was domiciled for one year immediately prior to enrollment at an institution in one or a combination of the following states: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington((, and is)); and
(ii) Is a member of a federally recognized tribe whose traditional and customary tribal boundaries included portions of the state of Washington, or whose tribe was granted reserved lands within the state of Washington. (The official list of federally recognized Washington tribes maintained by the governor's office of Indian affairs shall be used to determine eligibility((.
(i) Is a student who is)) and will be made available by the council); or
(s) Is a resident of Oregon residing in Columbia, Gilliam, Hood River, Multnomah, Clatsop, Clackamas, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, or Washington county((. The student must meet)); and who meets one of the following ((conditions)):
(i) Is eligible to pay Oregon resident tuition rates under Oregon laws and has been domiciled in one or more of the designated Oregon counties for at least ninety days immediately prior to enrollment at ((a community college located in the following Washington counties: Asotin, Benton, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, Franklin, Garfield, Klickitat, Pacific, Skamania, Wahkiakum, or Walla Walla)) Clark College, Columbia Basin College, Grays Harbor College, Lower Columbia College, and Walla Walla Community College; or
(ii) Is ((a student)) enrolled for eight credits or less at the Tri-Cities branch or Vancouver branch of Washington State University((.)); or
(t) Meets all of the following:
(i) Is currently domiciled in Washington;
(ii) Relocated to Washington from one of the Oregon counties identified in (s) of this subsection within the previous twelve months;
(iii) Was domiciled in one or more of the Oregon counties identified in (s) of this subsection for at least ninety days immediately prior to relocating to Washington and was eligible to pay Oregon resident tuition rates under Oregon laws during that time; and
(iv) Enrolled at Clark College, Columbia Basin College, Grays Harbor College, Lower Columbia College, or Walla Walla Community College; or enrolled for eight credits or less at the Tri-Cities branch or Vancouver branch of Washington State University.
(2) A student shall be classified as a "nonresident" for tuition and fee purposes if ((he or she)) the student does not qualify as a resident student under the provisions of subsection (1) of this section. A nonresident student shall include a student ((if he or she:
(a) Will be financially dependent for the current year or was financially dependent for the calendar year prior to the year in which application is made and who does not have a parent or legally appointed guardian who has maintained a bona fide domicile in the state of Washington for one year immediately prior to the commencement of the semester or quarter for which the student has registered at an institution;
(b))) who:
(a) Attends an institution with financial assistance provided by another state or governmental unit or agency thereof wherein residency in that state is a continuing qualification for such financial assistance((, such nonresidency continuing for one year after the completion of the quarter or semester for which financial assistance is provided)). Such financial assistance relates to that which is provided by another state, governmental unit or agency thereof for direct or indirect educational purposes and does not include retirements, pensions, or other noneducational related income. A student loan guaranteed by another state or governmental unit or agency thereof on the basis of eligibility as a resident of that state is included within the term "financial assistance((;"
(c)))." Nonresidency will continue for one year after the completion of the quarter or semester for which financial assistance was last provided. This subsection shall not apply to students who qualify for resident tuition under subsection (1)(q), (s), or (t) of this section; or
(b) Is not a citizen of the United States of America, unless such person ((holds)) meets one of the following:
(i) Holds permanent or temporary resident immigration status, "refugee - parolee((," or))" status, "conditional entrant" status ((or is not)), refugee status, asylee status, temporary protected status, withholding of removal status, or is otherwise permanently residing in the United States under color of law and further meets and complies with all applicable requirements of WAC 250-18-030 and 250-18-035; or
(ii) Fulfills the requirements outlined in subsection (1)(e) of this section.
(3) The one year waiting period for establishing domicile for individuals who are excepted from the definition of nonresident student pursuant to subsection (2)(b)(i) of this section starts on the date of application for said status provided that the individual further meets and complies with all applicable requirements of WAC 250-18-030 and 250-18-035 on that date.
(4) A person does not lose a domicile in the state of Washington by reason of residency in any state or country while a member of the civil or military service of this state or of the United States, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of this state or of the United States or of the high seas if that person returns to the state of Washington within one year of discharge from said service with the intent to be domiciled in the state of Washington.
(((4))) (5) Any ((resident)) financially dependent resident student who remains in this state when such student's parents or legal guardians, having theretofore been domiciled in this state for a period of at least one year immediately prior to commencement of the first day of the semester or quarter for which the student has registered at any institution, move from this state, shall ((be entitled to continued classification as a)) retain resident student status so long as such student is continuously enrolled during the academic year.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-13-056, filed 6/13/03, effective 7/14/03)
WAC 250-18-025Classification procedure.
(1) After a student has registered at any institution ((as a nonresident)), such student's residency classification shall remain unchanged in the absence of evidence of a sufficient quantity and quality to satisfy the institution to the contrary. The provision of such evidence to the contrary may be initiated by the student or the institution.
(2) Application for a change in classification shall be accepted up to the thirtieth calendar day following the first day of the instruction of the quarter or semester for which application is made. Applications made after that date in any quarter or semester shall be considered to have been filed as of the first day of the subsequent quarter or semester.
(3) Any change in classification, either nonresident to resident, or the reverse, shall be based upon written evidence maintained in the files of the institution.
(4) Approval of an application for resident status shall be made only after satisfaction ((that the requirements of domicile and independency or dependency have been made in compliance with)) that the requirements outlined in RCW 28B.15.012 and WAC 250-18-020, 250-18-030, and 250-18-035 have been met. Reclassification from nonresident to resident status preliminarily approved sixty days or more prior to the satisfaction of a one-year durational domicile shall be supplemented with additional documented proof of domicile if deemed necessary by the institution prior to final approval.
(((5) The burden of proof that a student, parent, or legally appointed guardian has established a domicile in the state of Washington primarily for purposes other than educational lies with the student.
(6) For any student classified as a resident or authorized to pay resident fees or exempted from the payment of the nonresident differential on a basis other than an established domicile in the state of Washington, the fee paying status of such student shall be subject to determination each term on the basis of chapter 28B.15 RCW.))
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-13-056, filed 6/13/03, effective 7/14/03)
WAC 250-18-030Establishment of a domicile.
The domicile of any person shall be determined according to the individual's overall situation and circumstances and is not determined on the basis of a single factor; nor is a predetermined number of factors required. Institutions shall require evidence of a Washington domicile that is of sufficient quantity and quality to negate the existence of a domicile in a state other than Washington.
A nonresident student who is enrolled for more than six hours per semester or quarter shall be presumed to be in the state of Washington for primarily educational purposes. Such period of enrollment shall not be counted toward the establishment of a bona fide domicile of one year in this state unless such student proves that ((he or she)) the student has, in fact, established a bona fide domicile in this state primarily for purposes other than educational. The burden of proof that a person has established a domicile in the state of Washington primarily for purposes other than educational lies with the student.
To aid the institutions in determining whether a ((student, parent, legally appointed guardian, or the person having legal custody of a student)) person has established a bona fide domicile in the state of Washington primarily for purposes other than educational, ((the following)) factors such as those listed in subsections (1) through (14) of this section are to be considered ((for both the individual and his or her spouse)). The weight assigned to any given factor should depend on the ease with which it might be established and the degree to which it demonstrates commitment to domicile as a matter of common sense and as part of the individual's overall circumstances. Factors include, but are not limited to:
(1) Location and duration of registration or payment of taxes or fees on any motor vehicle, mobile home, travel trailer, boat, or any other item or personal property owned or used by the person;
(2) State and duration of any driver's license for the previous one year;
(3) Location and duration of any continuous full-time employment of the previous one year;
(4) Address and other pertinent facts listed on a true and correct copy of federal and state income tax returns for the calendar year prior to the year in which application is made;
(5) Location and duration of any voter registration for the previous one year;
(6) Location and duration of primary residence, evidenced by title, lease agreement, or monthly rental receipts for the previous one year;
(7) Residence status in all secondary and postsecondary schools attended outside the state of Washington;
(8) Location and duration of any checking accounts, savings accounts, and/or safety deposit boxes for the previous one year;
(9) Address listed on selective service registration;
(10) Location of membership in professional, business, civic or other organizations;
(11) Receipt of benefits under a public assistance program((s));
(12) State claimed as residence for obtaining eligibility to hold a public office or for judicial actions;
(13) State claimed as residence for obtaining state hunting or fishing licenses;
(14) State in which a custodial parent or legal guardian has a child attending public schools.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-20-053, filed 9/26/03, effective 10/27/03)
WAC 250-18-035Evidence of financial dependence or independence.
(1) A ((person)) student is financially independent if ((he or she)) the student:
(a) Has not been claimed as a dependent exemption on an income tax return for the calendar year prior to the year in which the student enrolls at an institution and will not be claimed as ((an exemption)) a dependent exemption on an income tax return for the calendar year in which the student enrolls at an institution; and
(b) Has not received and will not receive significant financial assistance in any form directly or indirectly from ((his or her)) the student's parents, relatives, legal guardians, or others for the ((current calendar year and for the calendar year immediately prior to the year in which application is made)) twelve months immediately prior to and the twelve months immediately after commencement of the first day of the semester or quarter for which the student has registered at any institution.
(((1))) (2) To consider a claim that a ((person)) student is financially independent, the institution may require such documentation as deemed necessary((,)) including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) ((That individual's)) The student's sworn statement.
(b) A true and correct copy of the state and federal income tax returns of the ((person)) student for the calendar year ((immediately)) prior to the year in which ((application is made)) the student enrolls at an institution.
Should a ((person)) student not have filed a state or federal income tax return because of minimal or no taxable income, documented information concerning the receipt of such nontaxable income may be submitted.
(c) A true and correct copy of the ((person's)) student's W-2 forms filed for the ((previous)) calendar year prior to the year in which the student enrolls at an institution.
(d) Other documented financial resources, which may include but are not limited to the sale of personal or real property, inheritance, trust funds, state or financial assistance, gifts, loans, or statement of earnings of ((the spouse of a married student)) the student's spouse.
(e) A true and correct copy of the first and signature page of the state and federal tax returns of at least one of the student's parents((, legally appointed)) or legal guardians((, or person or persons having legal custody of the student for the calendar year immediately prior to the year in which application is made)) for the calendar year prior to the year in which the student enrolls at an institution.
The ((extent of the)) tax returns disclosure ((required concerning the parent's or legal guardian's state and federal tax returns)) shall be limited to the listing of dependent((s claimed)) exemptions and the signature of the taxpayer and shall not require disclosure of financial information contained in the returns.
(f) A student whose parents are ((both)) deceased or who has been made an official ward of the court may be required to provide documentation attesting to the fact of such circumstances.
(g) Evidence of coverage for medical, life, automobile, and property insurance.
(((2))) (3) To aid institutions in determining the financial independence of a student whose parents((, legally appointed guardian, or person having legal custody of the student)) or legal guardians do not provide the documentation because of total separation or other reasons from the student, documentation clearly stating the student's status and relationship with ((his or her)) the student's parents or legal guardians from a responsible third person, e.g., family physician, lawyer, or social worker may be submitted.
(((3))) (4) To be considered financially independent, a student must demonstrate by evidence satisfactory to the institution that ((he or she)) the student has met, through ((his or her)) the student's income, the expenses associated with college tuition and living for the ((current calendar year and the calendar year immediately prior to the year in which application is made. Personal loans, PLUS loans (parent loan for undergraduate students), gifts, and cash earnings shall not be counted as income in this calculation)) twelve months immediately prior to and the twelve months immediately after commencement of the first day of the semester or quarter for which the student has registered at any institution. Financial aid grants, scholarships and loans authorized by the financial aid office in the student's name may be considered as personal income. Personal loans, parent PLUS loans, gifts, and cash earnings shall not be counted as income in this calculation.
(((4))) (5) A trust or other account available to the student shall be considered evidence of financial dependence. If the account was created before the student entered high school, there shall be a rebuttable presumption of dependence.
(((5))) (6) Information submitted by the student to the institution on the financial aid form may be used to affirm the authenticity of information submitted on an application.
(((6))) (7) In all cases, the burden of proof that a student is financially independent lies with the student.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 82-19-015, filed 9/8/82)
WAC 250-18-055Recovery of fees for improper classification of residency.
To aid the institutions in the determination of accuracy of statements made by a student, institutions shall require that a student affirm the authenticity of all information and supporting documentation provided by ((his or her)) the student's signature thereon.
If erroneous, untrue, or incorrect information submitted results in an improper classification of resident or nonresident status, or if a final determination is reversed through ((the appeals process)) a subsequent appeal, institutions shall recover from the student or refund to the student, as the case may be, an amount equal to the total difference in tuition and fees had the proper classification been made.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-20-053, filed 9/26/03, effective 10/27/03)
WAC 250-18-060Exemptions from nonresident status.
In accordance with RCW 28B.15.014, certain nonresidents may be exempted from paying the nonresident tuition and fee differential. Exemption from the nonresident tuition and fee differential shall apply only during the term(s) such persons shall hold such appointments or classifications, or be so employed. To be eligible for such an exemption, a nonresident student must provide documented evidence that ((he or she does reside in the state of Washington, and)) the student meets any of the following:
(1) Resides in the state of Washington and holds a graduate service appointment, designated as such by an institution, involving not less than twenty hours per week;
(2) Resides in Washington and is employed for an academic department in support of the instructional or research programs involving not less than twenty hours per week;
(3) Is a faculty member, classified staff member, or administratively exempt employee who resides in the state of Washington and is holding not less than a half-time appointment at an institution, or the spouse or dependent child of such a person;
(4) Is an immigrant having refugee classification ((from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service)) granted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services or the spouse or dependent child of such refugee, if the refugee meets any of the following:
(a) Is on parole status((, or));
(b) Has received an immigrant visa((,)); or
(c) Has applied for United States citizenship; or
(5) Is a dependent of a member of the United States Congress representing the state of Washington.