(1) An annual report is a year end statement that discloses information to the commission about regulated companies.
(a) Carriers must report information as required in the annual report forms.
(b) The commission will mail annual report forms and instructions to each household goods permit holder at its address of record. If a carrier does not receive an annual report form, it is the carrier's responsibility to contact the commission and request the form.
(2) A regulatory fee is an annual assessment paid by each household goods carrier to cover the costs of regulating the household goods industry. The commission reviews the costs of regulating the industry and sets fees proportionate to costs, although not above the maximum amount allowed by law.
(3) Regulatory fees are calculated as a percentage of intrastate gross operating revenues generated from the transportation of household goods during the prior calendar year. For example:
Gross operating revenue | $100,000 | |
Times the regulatory fee percentage | .0025 | |
Equals the regulatory fee due | $250 | |
(4) Carriers must file annual reports and pay regulatory fees by May 1st of each year based on the prior year's operations. The commission must receive both the annual report and the regulatory fee payment no later than May 1.
(a) The commission will assess an automatic late fee of two percent of the amount due, plus one percent interest for each month after that, for any regulatory fees not received by May 1.
(b) The commission may issue penalty assessments or cancel a carrier's permit for failure to pay regulatory fees or file annual reports.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
81.80.130 and
81.80.290. WSR 08-02-049 (Docket TV-070466, General Order R-547), § 480-15-480, filed 12/27/07, effective 1/27/08. Statutory Authority: RCW
81.04.160 and
80.01.040. WSR 99-01-077 (Order R-454, Docket No. TV-971477), § 480-15-480, filed 12/15/98, effective 1/15/99.]