(1) A notice of infraction represents a determination that the infraction has been committed, and the determination will be final unless it is contested.
(2) A person or business who receives a work zone speed safety camera system notice of infraction has 30 days from receipt, as defined in WAC
446-105-090, to respond as directed in the notice of infraction.
(3) The recipient must respond to all notices of infraction, whether the penalty is $0 or $248.
(4) If, within 30 days of receipt of the notice of infraction, the recipient does not respond by either admitting to the violation and paying any assessed penalty, or by requesting a hearing, a notification will be mailed finding the infraction committed and imposing the penalty identified in the notice of infraction.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
46.63.200. WSR 25-03-026, s 446-105-170, filed 1/7/25, effective 2/7/25.]