(1) Work zone speed safety camera infraction penalties may be paid by credit/debit card, check, or money order.
(2) Payments may be made:
(a) By mail, using the payment coupon mailed with the notice of infraction;
(b) By telephone, as described on the instructions contained in the notice of infraction; and
(c) Online, by following the instructions for online payments contained in the notice of infraction.
(3) All payments must be made in full, unless a payment plan has been approved under WAC
(a) Partial payments will not be accepted.
(b) If a payment plan has not been approved and a partial payment is received by mail, the payment will be returned to the sender.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
46.63.200. WSR 25-03-026, s 446-105-120, filed 1/7/25, effective 2/7/25.]