PDFWAC 391-45-400


(1) After issuance of a remedial order or entry of a court judgment enforcing an order, an agency compliance officer will work with the parties to facilitate compliance with the terms of the order.
(2) The compliance officer will regularly report to the executive director on the parties' progress toward compliance with the order. After a reasonable amount of time, the compliance officer will make a recommendation as to whether the parties have achieved compliance or whether disputed issues regarding compliance remain.
(a) If the compliance officer recommends that the parties have achieved compliance and neither party disputes compliance, the executive director may accept compliance and close the case.
(b) If the compliance officer identifies that disputed issues regarding compliance remain, the executive director will assign the matter to an examiner under WAC 391-45-130 to conduct a hearing on the disputed issues. If the matter is assigned to an examiner for a hearing, the compliance officer may continue compliance facilitation efforts with the parties.
(3) Hearings on whether the parties have complied with the terms of the order will be governed by WAC 391-45-270 and 391-45-290. The issues will be limited to the disputed issues regarding compliance. Unless appealed to the commission under WAC 391-45-350, a decision issued on the disputed issues under this section is the final order of the agency with the same force and effect as if issued by the commission.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.58.050, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.76.060, 47.64.135, and 49.39.060. WSR 25-03-064, s 391-45-400, filed 1/14/25, effective 2/14/25.]