PDFWAC 391-25-400

Card check.

(1) If only one organization is seeking certification as the exclusive representative of unrepresented employees and the showing of interest exceeds 50 percent of the employees subject to the petition, then the executive director or the executive director's designee may direct a card check to determine whether the employees desire to be represented by the petitioner. A card check may not be directed unless the petitioner submits a declaration that satisfies WAC 391-25-070(7).
(2) Any employee desiring to withdraw their showing of interest card for purposes of the card check may do so by sending an individual card or letter signed by the employee to the executive director or the executive director's designee before the date specified in the direction of card check. The agency shall notify the petitioner of any such request before the commencement of the card check but shall not disclose the identity of the employee submitting the request.
(3) Before the commencement of the card check, the petitioner may file and serve, as required by WAC 391-08-120, a request that the question concerning representation be determined by a representation election.
(4) When conducting card checks, the agency must compare the valid showing of interest cards submitted under WAC 391-24-110 to the agreed-upon list of eligible employees. The agency shall not disclose the names of employees giving representation authorization in favor of the organization. Following the comparison of records, the agency shall issue a tally sheet demonstrating the outcome of the card check.
(5) The card check procedures described in subsections (1) through (4) of this section are not applicable for certificated employees who collectively bargain under chapter 41.59 RCW, academic employees who collectively bargain under chapter 28B.52 RCW, employees of the Washington state legislature who collective bargain under chapter 44.90 RCW, symphony musicians who collectively bargain under chapter 49.39 RCW, and the bargaining units described in RCW 74.39A.270, 74.39A.300, 41.56.028, 41.56.029, and 41.56.510.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.58.050, 41.58.080, 41.59.110, 41.76.060, 41.80.080, 47.64.135, and 49.39.060. WSR 25-03-066, s 391-25-400, filed 1/14/25, effective 1/15/25. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.58.050, 41.59.110, 41.76.060, 41.80.080, 47.64.135, and 49.39.060. WSR 22-23-101, § 391-25-400, filed 11/16/22, effective 1/1/23.]