PDFWAC 391-25-070

Contents of petition filing forms.

Each completed representation petition filing form, whether obtained from the agency's website or through the agency's e-filing system, must include all of the following:
(1) Information identifying the parties and their representatives (if known), including:
(a) The name, email address, mailing address, and telephone number of the employer and of the employer's representative.
(b) The name, email address, mailing address, and telephone number of the petitioner and of the petitioner's representative.
(c) The name, email address, mailing address, and telephone number of any organization that currently represents the employees involved and of its principal representative.
(2) Information concerning the parties' relationships, including:
(a) The employer department or division involved;
(b) The parties' contractual relationship, indicating that:
(i) The parties have never had a contract covering the employees involved; or
(ii) The parties have had a contract, and a copy of the current or most recent collective bargaining agreement is attached.
(3) A description of the proposed or existing bargaining unit which the petitioner claims to be appropriate, specifying inclusions and exclusions and the number of employees in the proposed or existing bargaining unit.
(4) A statement consenting to the public employment relations commission's jurisdiction over the public employer and petitioner.
(5) An indication as to whether any unfair labor practice complaints involving the petitioned-for employees exist.
(6) A statement that:
(a) The petitioner claims to represent a majority of the employees involved and requests certification as exclusive bargaining representative of the bargaining unit;
(b) The employees in the bargaining unit desire to change their exclusive bargaining representative and to designate the petitioner as their exclusive bargaining representative; or
(c) The employees in the bargaining unit no longer desire to be represented by any employee organization.
(7) A declaration that attests to the authenticity of the showing of interest submitted under WAC 391-25-110. If submitting showing of interest cards with electronic signatures as authorized by RCW 41.58.080, the declaration must also, at a minimum:
(a) Identify the technology used to obtain and verify the signatures on the showing of interest cards;
(b) Provide the methods used to ensure the authenticity of the signatures; and
(c) Confirm that the information transmitted to the signers was the same information to which the signers assented.
(8) Any other relevant facts.
(9) The name, signature, and title, if any, of the person filing the petition, as well as the date of the signature.
(10) Any other information requested in the representation petition filing form found on the agency's website at www.perc.wa.gov or as required through the agency's e-filing system.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.58.050, 41.58.080, 41.59.110, 41.76.060, 41.80.080, 47.64.135, and 49.39.060. WSR 25-03-066, s 391-25-070, filed 1/14/25, effective 1/15/25. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.58.050, 41.59.110, 41.76.060, 41.80.080, 47.64.135, and 49.39.060. WSR 22-23-101, § 391-25-070, filed 11/16/22, effective 1/1/23. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 34.05.413, 41.56.050, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. WSR 01-14-009, § 391-25-070, filed 6/22/01, effective 8/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 34.05.413, 41.56.060, [41.56].070, 41.59.070 and [41.59].080. WSR 96-07-105, § 391-25-070, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. WSR 90-06-072, § 391-25-070, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. WSR 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), § 391-25-070, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]