PDFWAC 388-60B-0015

What definitions apply to this chapter?

The following definitions apply to this chapter:
"Administrative hearing" means a hearing held before an administrative law judge and conducted according to chapter 34.05 RCW and chapter 388-02 WAC.
"Assessment" means the process of obtaining pertinent bio-psychosocial information, as identified by the participant, family, and collateral sources to determine a level of care and to plan individualized domestic violence intervention services and possible referrals for ancillary treatment, assessments, and services.
"Certified" means the status given to domestic violence intervention treatment programs by the department under its authority to certify domestic violence perpetrator programs under RCW 43.20A.735.
"Corrective action" means the steps required of the domestic violence intervention treatment program by the department in order to maintain or regain certification.
"Critical incident" means any one of the following events:
(1) Any death, serious injury, or sexual assault that occurs at a program that is certified by the department;
(2) Alleged abuse or a gross violation of rights of an individual receiving services, that is of a serious or emergency nature caused by an employee, volunteer, contractor, or another individual receiving services;
(3) Alleged abuse, harassment, or a gross violation of rights of a direct treatment service staff member by an employee, volunteer, contractor, or another individual receiving services;
(4) A natural disaster, such as an earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami, urban fire, flood, or outbreak of communicable disease that presents substantial threat to program operation or client safety;
(5) A bomb threat or death threat;
(6) Theft or loss of data in any form regarding an individual receiving services, including but not limited to, a missing or stolen computer, or a missing or stolen computer disc or flash drive, or any other type of memory device;
(7) Any physical violence that occurs at the program;
(8) Any violence that is perpetrated by a participant of a certified program that results in death, serious injury, or sexual assault;
(9) Any negative media event regarding a participant receiving services, or regarding a direct treatment staff member or owner(s) of the program; or
(10) Any response to the premises of a program by law enforcement or emergency personnel.
"Department" or "DSHS" means the Washington state department of social and health services.
"Direct service staff" means a person who works or volunteers at a certified domestic violence intervention treatment program and has been designated by the department as a trainee, staff, or supervisor.
"Domestic violence intervention treatment program" or "program" means a program that provides domestic violence assessments or intervention treatment to perpetrators of intimate partner violence and is certified by DSHS under chapter 388-60B WAC.
"Evidence-based" means strategies, activities, or approaches which have been shown through scientific research and evaluation to be effective in preventing or delaying a negative outcome.
"Face-to-face" means either physically in person or by way of live HIPAA compliant video conferencing.
"Forensic counseling" means the provision of group or individual counseling sessions with a participant who has also been engaged with the criminal justice system. Forensic counseling involves skills in assessment, interviewing, report writing, strong verbal communication skills, and case presentation when needed. The practice of forensic counseling involves investigations, research, assessments, consultations, and the design and implementation of treatment programs. In this chapter it specifically relates to assessing, making recommendations, and providing treatment to those who have committed acts of domestic violence regardless of whether the abuse was illegal or resulted in a criminal conviction or not.
"Intimate partner" means a person who is or was married, in a state registered partnership, or in an intimate or dating relationship with another person presently or at some time in the past. Any person who has one or more children in common with another person, regardless of whether they have been married, in a domestic partnership with each other, or lived together at any time, shall be considered an intimate partner.
"Intimate partner abuse" or "intimate partner violence" means a pattern of abusive behavior that is used by one intimate partner against the other and may include, but is not limited to, assaultive and coercive behaviors, physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, psychological, and economic abuse or coercion, or the improper use of children to control the victim. It may also include the infliction or threat of harm against an intimate partner and is directed at achieving compliance from or control over that intimate partner. It may include, but is not limited to, a categorization of domestic violence offenses as defined in RCW 10.99.020 committed by one intimate partner against another.
"Level of treatment" or "level of care" means the level of treatment a participant is required, recommended, or currently receiving as determined by a certified program through a behavioral assessment, standardized testing, the "risk, needs, and responsivity" form, and a current treatment plan.
"Off-site" means the provision of services by a provider from a certified domestic violence intervention treatment program at a location where the domestic violence assessment or treatment is not the primary purpose of the site, such as in correctional facilities.
"Participant" means an individual being assessed, enrolled, discharged, or treated in a certified domestic violence intervention treatment program. This individual may be court-ordered to participate in treatment or someone who chooses to voluntarily participate in treatment. The terms "client," "perpetrator," and "participant" are used interchangeably in this chapter.
"Promising practices" means programs and strategies that have some scientific research or data showing positive outcomes in delaying a negative outcome, but do not have enough evidence to support generalized conclusions.
"Service area" means each geographic location, by county, where a program has more than one active participant attending group or individual sessions.
"Victim services program" means a nonprofit program or organization that provides, as its primary purpose, assistance and advocacy for domestic violence victims. Domestic violence assistance and advocacy must include crisis intervention, individual and group support, information, referrals, safety assessments, and planning. Domestic violence victim assistance and advocacy may also include, but is not limited to: provision of shelter; emergency transportation; self-help services; culturally specific services; legal advocacy; economic advocacy; and accompaniment and advocacy through medical, legal, immigration, human services, and financial assistance systems. Domestic violence programs that are under the auspices of, or the direct supervision of a court, law enforcement, a prosecution agency, or the child protective services section of the department as defined in RCW 26.44.020 are not considered victim services programs.
"Victim" or "survivor" means a person who has been subjected to domestic violence. The terms "victim" and "survivor" are used interchangeably in this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.735. WSR 25-03-090, s 388-60B-0015, filed 1/16/25, effective 2/16/25. WSR 19-15-044, recodified as § 388-60B-0015, filed 7/11/19, effective 7/28/19. WSR 18-14-078, recodified as § 110-60A-0015, filed 6/29/18, effective 7/1/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 26.50.150. WSR 18-12-034, § 388-60A-0015, filed 5/29/18, effective 6/29/18.]