Chapter 388-60B WAC

Last Update: 1/16/25

Domestic violence intervention treatment program standards

WAC Sections

HTMLPDF388-60B-0015What definitions apply to this chapter?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0025What is the purpose of this chapter?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0035The department's advisory committeeWho is on the advisory committee and what is its role?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0045Program records requirementsWhat records must programs keep?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0055Department record retentionWhat records must the department keep?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0100Certification requirementsMust a program be certified to provide domestic violence assessments or treatment?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0105Application processHow must a program apply for certification or recertification to provide domestic violence assessments or intervention treatment services?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0110Required documentation for certification and recertificationWhat must be included in an application to provide domestic violence assessments or treatment?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0115Policies and proceduresWhich policies and procedures must be approved by the department before I may provide domestic violence assessments or treatment services?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0120Facility requirementsWhat facility requirements must a program meet for the space where domestic violence intervention assessments or treatment services are provided?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0125Quality managementWhat are the minimum treatment outcomes for participants and how must a program measure staff and treatment effectiveness?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0130Adding to existing certificationHow must a program add assessments or a level of treatment to an existing certification?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0135Change in ownershipWhat must be sent to the department when a program is sold or changes ownership?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0140Change of addressWhat must be sent to the department when a program changes the physical location of where they provide assessments or groups?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0200Personnel recordsWhat personnel records must a program keep for direct service staff?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0210Minimum staff qualificationsWhat staff qualifications must a program document for direct service staff?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0220Staff disclosuresWhat disclosures must direct service staff provide to participants seeking assessments or who are in the program?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0230Trainee requirementsWhat qualifications must the program document for direct treatment staff designated as a "trainee" by the department?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0240Staff requirementsWhat qualifications must the program document for direct treatment staff designated as "staff" by the department?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0250Supervisor requirementsWhat qualifications must the program document for direct treatment staff designated as a "supervisor" by the department?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0260Supervisor responsibilitiesWhat responsibilities must the supervisor document for the program?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0270Continuing educationWhat continuing education requirements must the program document for direct service staff?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0280Adding direct treatment staffWhat documentation must a program submit to the department to add a new direct service staff person, or request designation as a staff or supervisor for existing direct service staff, during a certification period?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0300Referral screeningMay a program screen referrals in order to accept or deny services to potential participants?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0305NondiscriminationWhat are the nondiscrimination criteria with which a program must comply?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0310Treatment focusWhat requirements must a program focus on during treatment and what methods of treatment may they use?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0315Group treatmentWhat standards must programs follow regarding the provision of group treatment?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0320Treatment practicesHow must a program approach treatment and what must happen if it is determined that a participant should move into a different level of treatment?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0325Victim safetyWhat steps must programs take in order to help increase victim safety?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0330Victim confidentialityWhat must programs do in order to safeguard victim confidentiality?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0335Cooperation with victim servicesHow must a program cooperate with local domestic violence victim services agencies?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0340Domestic violence lawsWhat must a program know about domestic violence laws and justice system practices?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0345Participant requirementsWhat must the program require of participants accepted into a domestic violence intervention treatment program?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0350Co-occurring treatmentMay participants engage in other types of treatments while they are in domestic violence intervention treatment?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0355Participant rightsWhat are the participant rights that a program must follow and provide to the participant?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0360Participant confidentialityWhat must programs do in order to safeguard participant confidentiality?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0365Releases of informationWhat releases of information must the program require from participants before they are accepted into a program?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0370Participant contractsWhat elements must be included in a contract between a program and participant?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0400Behavioral assessment and interview criteriaWho may conduct the interview and assessment and what must it include?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0405Treatment planningWhat must the treatment plan include and when must it be updated?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0410Placement criteriaHow must a program determine a participant's level of treatment?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0415Required cognitive and behavioral changesDepending on their level of treatment, what changes must the program document that the participant has made?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0420Minimum treatment periods and requirementsHow must a program determine the treatment period for each participant?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0425Reoffenses and noncompliance during treatmentWhat must happen if a participant reoffends or is not compliant while they are in treatment?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0430Completion criteria and core competenciesWhat must the program document for a participant to be eligible to successfully complete treatment?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0435Discharging participantsWhat must a program do when a participant is discharged from treatment?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0500On-site reviews and plans of correctionHow does the department review certified programs for compliance with the regulations of this chapter?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0510Complaint investigationsHow must an investigation get initiated and what is the process of the investigation?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0520Program or staff status changesWhat must happen if a program's certification or a staff member's designation is changed by the department?
HTMLPDF388-60B-0530Program responsibilities after an actionWhat actions must the program take after notification that its certification has been suspended, revoked, or if no direct service staff are qualified to provide services?