PDFWAC 296-900-12015


(1) Employees or employee representatives may file a written complaint if they believe they have been exposed to a hazard that is a violation of DOSH requirements.
What to expect from DOSH:
(2) After receiving a written complaint from an employee or employee representative, DOSH reviews the allegations and responds according to Table 2, DOSH Responses to Employee Complaints.
Table 2
DOSH Responses to Employee Complaints
For this determination:
DOSH will take the following actions:
The complaint is within DOSH jurisdiction and an inspection does not appear to be needed at this time
Call the employer to discuss the complaint
Set a deadline for the employer to respond in writing
Email or mail a complaint notification letter to the employer. Before the complaint is emailed or mailed, the following names will be removed unless specific permission is given to include them:
The name of the person submitting the complaint
The names of any employees identified in the complaint
Evaluate the employer's response, and do one of the following:
Close the complaint because the issues have been addressed, and send a copy of the employer's response to the person filing the complaint
Inspect the workplace
If the complaint is closed and additional information is received from the person filing the complaint disputing the employer's written response, DOSH may schedule an inspection
If the person who filed the original complaint requests in writing that DOSH review a decision not to conduct an inspection, DOSH will review the decision and notify the person in writing of the results
If the person requesting the review is not satisfied with the results of the review, they may request a second review by the assistant director or designee
The complaint is within DOSH jurisdiction and an inspection needs to be conducted
Conduct an inspection
Issue a citation and notice that shows one of the following:
Violations found
No violations were found
Send a letter to the person filing the complaint with inspection results
Reference: For citation and notice information, turn to citation and notice, WAC 296-900-130
The complaint is not within DOSH jurisdiction
Send a written response to the person filing the complaint explaining the matter is not within DOSH jurisdiction
Note: DOSH may make a referral to the proper authority
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060, 49.17.180, 49.17.190, and chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 25-03-091, s 296-900-12015, filed 1/16/25, effective 2/17/25. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 17-18-075, § 296-900-12015, filed 9/5/17, effective 10/6/17; WSR 06-06-020, § 296-900-12015, filed 2/21/06, effective 6/1/06.]