(Effective until March 1, 2025)

PDFWAC 296-20-12501

Physician assistant billing procedure.

Billing for physician assistant services will be paid at ninety percent of the value listed in the fee schedules. Payment will be made directly to the supervising physician.
(1) Bills must be itemized on department or self-insurer forms, as the case may be, specifying: The date, type of service and the charges for each service.
(2) The bill form must be completed in detail to include the claim number. All bills must be submitted under the physician assistant's account number. Bills will be accepted when signed by other than the practitioner rendering services. When bills are prepared by someone else, the responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the description of services and charges rests with the supervising physician.
(3) For a bill to be considered for payment, it must be received in the department or by the self-insurer within one year from the date each specific treatment and/or service was rendered or performed. Whenever possible, bills should be submitted monthly.
(4) Bills cannot be paid for services rendered while a claim is closed.
(5) The department or self-insurer may deny payment of bills for services rendered in violation of the medical aid rules or department policy. Workers may not be billed for services rendered in violation of these rules.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. WSR 03-21-069, § 296-20-12501, filed 10/14/03, effective 12/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159. WSR 93-16-072, § 296-20-12501, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. WSR 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-20-12501, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80.]