The definitions in RCW
48.201.020, apply in this regulation unless otherwise specified or unless the context clearly requires otherwise. The following definitions apply to this chapter and to chapter
48.201 RCW:
(1) "Captive insurer" means an entity that is wholly or partially owned by a "captive owner" and it insures risks of the captive owner, the captive owner's other affiliates, or both.
(2) "Eligible captive insurer" has the same meaning as set forth in chapter
48.201 RCW.
(3) "Insurer" has the same meaning as set forth in RCW
(4) "Principal place of business" refers to the place where a business entity's management direct, control, and coordinate the corporation's activities, i.e., its "nerve center," which will typically be found at its corporate headquarters. Except where the parent corporation is the alter ego of the subsidiary, subsidiaries are analyzed separately from their parent or holding companies. For example, if a captive insurer insures a subsidiary that is headquartered in Washington, then this state would be the principal place of business for the insured subsidiary, even if the parent company was headquartered elsewhere.
(5) "Registered eligible captive insurer" means an eligible captive insurer who submitted an application that was approved by the commissioner. A registered eligible captive insurer that fails to properly renew its registration will no longer be considered registered under chapter
48.201 RCW.
(6) "Reinsurance" means a form of insurance issued to insurers.
(7) "Reinsurer" means an insurer that assumes all or part of an insurance or reinsurance policy written by the ceding insurer.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
48.02.060 (3)(a) and
48.201.060. WSR 21-23-078, ยง 284-201-130, filed 11/15/21, effective 12/21/21.]