PDFWAC 246-976-182

Authorized care—Scope of practice.

(1) Certified EMS personnel are only authorized to provide patient care:
(a) When performing:
(i) In a prehospital emergency setting; or
(ii) During interfacility ambulance transport; or
(iii) When participating in a community assistance education and referral (CARES) program authorized under RCW 35.21.930; or
(iv) When providing collaborative medical care in agreement with local, regional, or state public health agencies to control and prevent the spread of communicable diseases; and
(b) When performing for a licensed EMS service or an emergency services supervisory organization (ESSO) recognized by the secretary; and
(c) Within the scope of care that is included in the approved instructional guidelines/curriculum or approved specialized training and is included on the department-approved EMS skills and procedures list (DOH 530-173) for the individual's level of certification; and
(d) When following department-approved county MPD protocols.
(2) If protocols, MPD policies, county operating procedures, or regional patient care procedures do not provide off-line direction for the situation, the certified person in charge of the patient must consult with their online medical control as soon as possible. Medical control can only authorize a certified person to perform within their scope of practice.
(3) All prehospital providers must follow state approved triage procedures, county operating procedures, regional patient care procedures, county MPD policies, and patient care protocols.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.71.205, 18.73.081, 43.70.040, 70.168.050, 2017 c 70, 2017 c 295, 2020 c 76, 2021 c 276, 2019 c 314, 2021 c 69, and 2022 c 136. WSR 24-15-104, § 246-976-182, filed 7/22/24, effective 9/30/24. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.71, 18.73, and 70.168 RCW. WSR 11-07-078, § 246-976-182, filed 3/22/11, effective 5/15/11; WSR 00-08-102, § 246-976-182, filed 4/5/00, effective 5/6/00.]