(1) The commission may add a corrective action designation to a training program's full approval status when deficiencies in or violations of program standards exist. Corrective action designations are organized to provide progressive steps for corrective action to meet program standards and restore full approval status.
(2) Corrective action designations include:
(a) Full approval with plan of correction:
(i) The program develops, implements, and evaluates an initial plan of correction using a format provided by the commission.
(ii) The commission staff may provide one formal technical assistance session to a program on request.
(b) Full approval with plan of correction and technical assistance:
(i) The program develops, implements, and evaluates an adjusted plan of correction when program standards are not met or violations persist after implementation of the first plan of correction or if the first plan of correction was not fully implemented.
(ii) The commission may require the program to participate in one technical assistance session as part of the plan of correction.
(iii) The commission may require a directed plan of correction, which means the commission stipulates some or all aspects of the plan of correction.
(c) Conditional approval:
(i) The commission may change a program's approval status to conditional if the program fails to fully implement the plan of correction or if deficiencies in or violations of program standards persist with implementation of plans of correction.
(ii) The commission will establish in writing additional specific conditions with which the program must comply.
(iii) The commission may require the program to participate in one technical assistance session with commission staff as a condition.
(iv) The program has a responsibility to seek external sources of technical assistance other than commission staff if additional support is needed to meet conditions.
(v) The commission may conduct announced or unannounced site visits to monitor a program on conditional approval. Failure to cooperate with site visits may result in withdrawal of approval by the commission.
(3) The commission will reevaluate a program's corrective action designation in accordance with a timeline established and provided by the commission at the time the program is notified in writing of the designation.
(4) With reevaluation, the commission may:
(a) Remove a corrective action designation if program standards are consistently met;
(b) Change the corrective action designation to a higher designation with improvement toward meeting standards;
(c) Change the corrective action designation to lower designation if standards are not met; for programs with a conditional approval designation, this means withdrawal of approval in accordance with WAC
(d) Extend a corrective action designation if more time and evaluation are needed to determine program standards are being met consistently.