PDFWAC 204-36-050

Equipment requirements.

(1) Authorized emergency vehicles must be:
(a) Conventional passenger cars, vans, pickups, or similar vehicles;
(b) Conventionally painted; and
(c) Legally equipped in conformance with RCW 46.37.190(1) with at least one lamp capable of displaying a red light visible from at least 500 feet in normal sunlight and a siren capable of giving an audible signal. Such equipment must not be installed prior to obtaining approval of the application and issuance of a temporary certificate of approval for the vehicle(s) by the patrol. To be considered approved equipment for use under the provisions of this section, all devices must meet the criteria established in RCW 46.37.320. In descending order of preference, these are:
(i) Conformance to current standards and specifications of the Society of Automotive Engineers, or; if none
(ii) Certified for compliance by any recognized organization or agency such as, but not limited to, the American National Standards Institute, the Society of Automotive Engineers, or the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.
(2) Authorized emergency vehicles must not:
(a) Be equipped with blue lamps except as provided in RCW 46.37.184, 46.37.196, and WAC 204-21-230(4).
(b) Display commercial signs, posters, or pictures.
(c) Carry or attach to the outside of the vehicle equipment, not related to the emergency nature of the vehicle.
(d) Display or use any name that includes the word "police" or "law enforcement" or other word which portrays the individual or business as a public law enforcement agency.
(3) Authorized emergency vehicles may, in addition to the required equipment, have:
(a) An amber or white lamp on their vehicle as outlined under WAC 204-21-130;
(b) Signal preemptive device as outlined in RCW 46.37.670;
(c) Flashing or strobing headlamps;
provided that such equipment is listed on the application and approved by each primary jurisdiction and the patrol.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.37.005, 46.37.320, and 46.37.194. WSR 24-16-032, § 204-36-050, filed 7/29/24, effective 8/29/24; WSR 22-21-031, § 204-36-050, filed 10/6/22, effective 11/6/22. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.37.194. WSR 14-24-116, § 204-36-050, filed 12/3/14, effective 1/3/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.37.194 and 46.37.005. WSR 09-09-091, § 204-36-050, filed 4/16/09, effective 5/17/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.37.194. WSR 90-07-034, § 204-36-050, filed 3/15/90, effective 4/15/90; WSR 88-15-052 (Order 88-08-ESR), § 204-36-050, filed 7/18/88; Order 7301, § 204-36-050, filed 2/5/73.]