(1) When a member of the board of registration for professional engineers and land surveyors (Board) either owns a beneficial interest in or is an officer, agent, employee or member of an entity or individual, which is subject to a board action, the member must:
(a) Recuse themselves from the board discussion regarding the specific action;
(b) Recuse themselves from the board vote on the specific action; and
(c) Refrain from attempting to influence the remaining board members in their discussion and vote regarding the specific action.
(2) The prohibition against discussion and voting set forth in sections (a) and (c) may not prohibit the member of the board from using their general expertise to educate and provide general information on the subject area to the other members.
(3) "Board action" may include any of the following:
(a) An investigation or adjudicative proceeding;
(b) Application or submission;
(c) Request for a ruling or other determination decision, finding, ruling, or order; or
(d) Monetary grant, payment, or award.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
18.210.050, and
18.210.060. WSR 25-02-004, s 196-09-131, filed 12/18/24, effective 1/18/25. Statutory Authority: RCW
18.43.035. WSR 21-22-092, § 196-09-131, filed 11/2/21, effective 12/3/21; WSR 06-22-032, § 196-09-131, filed 10/25/06, effective 11/25/06.]