PDFWAC 182-116-0200

Peer specialistApplication, training, examination, and authority approval.

(1) People applying with the authority to train and test to qualify as a peer specialist certified under the department of health must meet all of the following:
(a) Be age 18 or older;
(b) Attest on the authority's application that they self-identify as:
(i) A person with one or more years of recovery from a mental health condition, substance use disorder, or both; or
(ii) The parent or legal guardian of a child age 17 or younger who is receiving or has received behavioral health services.
(c) Pass the authority's educational courses and pass the required examination with a total score of 80 percent or higher.
(2) After a person passes the authority's examination, the authority issues a letter stating that the person meets the educational qualifications to become a certified peer specialist through the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.05.021, 41.05.160, and 71.24.920. WSR 25-01-118, s 182-116-0200, filed 12/16/24, effective 1/16/25.]