(1) An entity or organization whose employer group application to participate in public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage is denied by the authority may appeal the decision by submitting a request for a brief adjudicative proceeding to the PEBB appeals unit. For rules regarding eligible entities, see WAC
(2) The PEBB appeals unit must receive the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding no later than 30 days after the date of the denial notice. The contents of the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding are to be provided as described in WAC
(3) The PEBB appeals unit must notify the appellant in writing when the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding has been received.
(4) The brief adjudicative proceeding will be conducted by a presiding officer designated by the director.
(5) Failing to timely request a brief adjudicative proceeding will result in the prior PEBB program decision becoming the authority's final order without further action.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
41.06.065 [
41.05.065], and
41.05.160. WSR 24-18-076 (Admin #2024-01.01), § 182-16-2060, filed 8/29/24, effective 1/1/25. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.021 and
41.05.160. WSR 20-16-062 (Admin #2020-03), § 182-16-2060, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160, and PEBB policy resolutions. WSR 19-17-073 (Admin #2019-01), § 182-16-2060, filed 8/20/19, effective 1/1/20. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.021 and
41.05.160. WSR 18-22-033 (Admin #2018-03), § 182-16-2060, filed 10/29/18, effective 1/1/19.]