Exception: | When a subscriber or their dependent is enrolled in a medicare advantage (MA) plan, a medicare advantage-prescription drug (MA-PD) plan, or the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic medicare plan, the enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage will be deferred effective the first of the month following the date the plan disenrollment form is received. |
(5) A retiree who meets substantive eligibility requirements in WAC
182-12-171(2) and whose own employer-paid coverage, COBRA coverage, or continuation coverage ended between January 1, 2001, and December 31, 2001, was not required to have submitted the deferral form at that time, but must meet all procedural requirements as stated in this section, WAC
182-12-171, and
(6) A subscriber described in subsection (1) of this section who defers enrollment as described in subsection (3)(a) through (f) of this section may later enroll themselves and their dependents in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms as described below. A subscriber who defers enrollment as described in subsection (3)(a) through (e) of this section must provide evidence of continuous enrollment in one or more qualifying coverages as described in subsection (3)(a) through (e) of this section. A gap of 31 days or less is allowed between the date PEBB retiree insurance coverage is deferred and the start date of a qualifying coverage, and between each period of enrollment in qualifying coverages during the deferral period. A subscriber who defers enrollment as described in subsection (3)(f) of this section must provide proof of enrollment in medicare parts A and B; evidence of continuous enrollment in a qualified coverage is waived as described in (f) of this subsection:
(a) A subscriber who defers enrollment while enrolled in employer-based group medical or such medical insurance continued under COBRA coverage or continuation coverage may enroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment to the PEBB program:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When their employer-based group medical or such coverage under COBRA coverage or continuation coverage ends. The required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after the employer-based group medical coverage, COBRA coverage, or continuation coverage ends.
Note: | Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive. (1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins. (2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins. (3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins. |
(b) A subscriber who defers enrollment while enrolled as a retiree or dependent of a retiree in a federal retiree medical plan will have a one-time opportunity to enroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment to the PEBB program:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When the federal retiree medical plan coverage ends. The required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after coverage under the federal retiree medical plan ends.
Note: | Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive. (1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins. (2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins. (3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins. |
(c) A subscriber who defers enrollment while enrolled in medicare Parts A and B and a medicaid program that provides creditable coverage as defined in WAC
182-12-109 may enroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment to the PEBB program:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When their medicaid coverage ends. The required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after the medicaid coverage ends; or
Note: | Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive. (1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins. (2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins. (3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins. |
(iii) No later than the end of the calendar year when their medicaid coverage ends if the retiree or survivor was also determined eligible under 42 U.S.C. § 1395w-114 and subsequently enrolled in a medicare Part D plan. Enrollment in the PEBB health plan will begin January 1st following the end of the calendar year when the medicaid coverage ends. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the calendar year in which the medicaid coverage ends.
(d) A subscriber who defers enrollment while enrolled in exchange coverage will have a one-time opportunity to enroll or reenroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment to the PEBB program:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When exchange coverage ends. The required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after exchange coverage ends.
Note: | Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive. (1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins. (2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins. (3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins. |
(e) A subscriber who defers enrollment while enrolled in CHAMPVA will have a one-time opportunity to enroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment to the PEBB program:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When CHAMPVA coverage ends. The required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after CHAMPVA coverage ends.
Note: | Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive. (1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins. (2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins. (3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins. |
(f) A subscriber enrolled in medicare who defers enrollment while permanently living outside of the United States may enroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and proof of enrollment in medicare parts A and B. Evidence of continuous enrollment in a qualified coverage is waived while a subscriber enrolled in medicare lives outside of the United States:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When the subscriber permanently moved back to the United States. The required forms and proof of enrollment in medicare parts A and B must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after the date of the permanent move or the date the subscriber provides notification of such move, whichever is later. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after the permanent move or the date the subscriber provides notification of such move, whichever is later.
Note: | Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive. (1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins. (2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins. (3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins. |
(7) A subscriber described in subsection (1) of this section who defers enrollment as described in subsection (3)(a) through (f) of this section may later enroll themselves and their dependents in a PEBB health plan if they receive formal notice that the authority has determined it is more cost-effective to enroll them or their eligible dependents in PEBB medical than a medical assistance program.
(8) If a subscriber elects to enroll a dependent in PEBB health plan coverage as described in subsection (6) or (7) of this section, the dependent must be enrolled in the same PEBB medical and PEBB dental plan as the subscriber.
Exceptions: | (1) If a subscriber selects a medicare supplement plan, a MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan, nonmedicare enrollees will be enrolled in the UMP Classic. If a subscriber selects any other medicare plan, they must also select a nonmedicare plan with the same contracted vendor available to nonmedicare enrollees. (2) If a subscriber selects a medicare supplement plan, MA-PD plan, or any other medicare plan, they may elect a PEBB vision plan available for any nonmedicare enrollees. |
(9) A nonmedicare subscriber must enroll in PEBB medical to be able to enroll in PEBB dental, in PEBB vision, or in both PEBB dental and PEBB vision. Any nonmedicare dependents they elect to enroll must be enrolled in the same PEBB medical, PEBB dental, and PEBB vision plan.
(10) An enrolled retiree or a survivor who requests to voluntarily terminate their enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage must do so in writing. The written termination request must be received by the PEBB program. A retiree or a survivor who voluntarily terminates their enrollment in a PEBB health plan also terminates enrollment for all eligible dependents. Once coverage is terminated, a retiree or a survivor may not enroll again in the future unless they reestablish eligibility for PEBB insurance coverage by becoming newly eligible. Enrollment in a PEBB health plan will terminate on the last day of the month in which the PEBB program receives the termination request. If the termination request is received on the first day of the month, enrollment will terminate on the last day of the previous month.
Exception: | When a subscriber or their dependent is enrolled in a MA plan, a MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan, the enrollment will terminate on the last day of the month when the plan disenrollment form is received. |
(11) When a retiree becomes eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB or SEBB benefits, PEBB retiree insurance coverage will be automatically deferred. The subscriber will be exempt from the deferral form requirement.
Note: | When the subscriber is no longer eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB or SEBB benefits, they may enroll in PEBB retiree insurance coverage as described in WAC 182-12-171 or continue in a deferred status if they meet the requirements described in WAC 182-12-200 or this section. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
41.06.065 [
41.05.065], and
41.05.160. WSR 24-18-083 (Admin #2024-02), § 182-12-205, filed 8/29/24, effective 1/1/25. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.021 and
41.05.160. WSR 23-14-015 (Admin #2023-01), § 182-12-205, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160, and Policy Resolutions PEBB 2022-03 and 2022-04. WSR 22-13-165 (Admin #2022-02.04), § 182-12-205, filed 6/21/22, effective 1/1/23. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160 and Policy resolution PEBB 2021-14. WSR 21-13-104 (Admin #2021-01.04), § 182-12-205, filed 6/18/21, effective 1/1/22. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160, 42 C.F.R. § 422.62(b) and § 423.38(c) and PEBB policy resolution 2020-05. WSR 20-16-063 (Admin #2020-02), § 182-12-205, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160, and PEBB policy resolutions. WSR 19-17-073 (Admin #2019-01), § 182-12-205, filed 8/20/19, effective 1/1/20; WSR 18-20-117 (Admin #2018-02), § 182-12-205, filed 10/3/18, effective 1/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160, 2016 c 67, and PEBB policy resolutions. WSR 16-20-080, § 182-12-205, filed 10/4/16, effective 1/1/17. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160, 2015 c 116, and PEBB policy resolutions. WSR 15-22-099 (PEBB Admin # 2015-01 Rev 1), § 182-12-205, filed 11/4/15, effective 1/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160 and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 4. WSR 14-20-058 (PEBB Admin 2014-02), § 182-12-205, filed 9/25/14, effective 1/1/15. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160 and 2012 2nd sp.s. c 3. WSR 13-22-019 (Admin. 2013-01), § 182-12-205, filed 10/28/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160. WSR 12-20-022 (Order 2012-01), § 182-12-205, filed 9/25/12, effective 11/1/12. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160 and 2011 c 8. WSR 11-22-036 (Order 11-02), § 182-12-205, filed 10/26/11, effective 1/1/12. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160. WSR 10-20-147 (Order 10-02), § 182-12-205, filed 10/6/10, effective 1/1/11; WSR 09-23-102 (Order 09-02), § 182-12-205, filed 11/17/09, effective 1/1/10; WSR 08-20-128 (Order 08-03), § 182-12-205, filed 10/1/08, effective 1/1/09; WSR 08-09-027 (Order 08-01), § 182-12-205, filed 4/8/08, effective 4/9/08; WSR 07-20-129 (Order 07-01), § 182-12-205, filed 10/3/07, effective 11/3/07. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160 and
41.05.068. WSR 06-23-165 (Order 06-09), § 182-12-205, filed 11/22/06, effective 12/23/06. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.350, and
41.05.165. WSR 05-16-046 (Order 05-01), § 182-12-205, filed 7/27/05, effective 8/27/05. Statutory Authority: RCW
41.05.160 and
41.05.165. WSR 04-18-039, § 182-12-205, filed 8/26/04, effective 1/1/05.]