The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this student conduct code:
(1) College premises. "College premises" shall include all campuses and electronic presences of the college, wherever located, and includes all land, buildings, facilities, vehicles, equipment, computer systems, websites, and other property owned, used, or controlled by the college.
(2) Complainant. A "complainant" for purposes of this student code means any person who is the alleged victim of prohibited student conduct, whether or not such person has made an actual complaint.
(3) Conduct officer. The "conduct officer" or "student conduct officer" is the college official designated by the college to be responsible for initiating disciplinary action for alleged violations of this code.
(4) Conduct review officer. The "conduct review officer" is the college official designated by the college to hear appeals of disciplinary action conducted as brief adjudicative proceedings and to enter final decisions in proceedings heard by the student conduct committee.
(5) Day. The term "day," unless otherwise qualified, means "calendar day." The qualified term "instructional day" means any day within an academic term that the college is open for business, excluding weekends and holidays.
(6) Disciplinary action. The term "disciplinary action" means the decision of the designated college official regarding alleged violations of the student code and includes any disciplinary sanction imposed for such violations. Disciplinary action does not include a summary suspension.
(7) Filing and service.
(a) Filing. The term "filing" means the delivery to the designated college official of any document that is required to be filed under this code. A document is filed by hand-delivering it or by mailing it to the college official (or the official's assistant) at the official's office address. Filing is complete upon actual receipt during office hours at the office of the designated official.
(b) Service. The term "service" means the delivery to a party of any document that is required to be served under this code. A document is served by hand-delivering it to the party or by mailing it to the party's address of record. Service is complete when the document is hand-delivered or actually deposited in the mail.
(c) Electronic filing and service. Unless otherwise provided, filing or service may be accomplished by electronic mail.
(8) Party. A "party" to a disciplinary proceeding under this code includes the student conduct officer and the student respondent, as well as any complainant in a proceeding involving allegations of sexual misconduct.
(9) Preponderance of evidence. The term "preponderance of the evidence" is a standard of proof requiring that facts alleged as constituting a violation of this code must be proved on a more likely than not basis.
(10) Respondent. A "respondent" is a student against whom disciplinary action is initiated.
(11) Service. See "Filing and service."
(12) Student. The term "student" includes all persons taking courses at or through the college, whether on a full-time or part-time basis, and whether such courses are credit courses, noncredit courses, online courses, or otherwise. The term includes prospective students who have been accepted for admission or registration, currently enrolled students who withdraw before the end of a term, and students, including former students, who engage in prohibited conduct between terms of actual enrollment or before the awarding of a degree or other certificate of completion.
(13) Student group. A student group for purposes of this code, is a student organization, athletic team, or living group including, but not limited to, student clubs and organizations, members of a class or student cohort, student performance groups, and student living groups within student housing.
(14) Vice president. The term "vice president" means the chief student affairs officer of the college and includes any acting or interim vice president and any other college official designated by the president to perform the functions and duties of the vice president under this student code.