PDFWAC 132A-127-010

Statement of jurisdiction.

(1) The Peninsula College student rights and responsibilities shall apply to conduct by students or student groups that occurs:
(a) On college premises;
(b) At or in connection with college programs or activities; or
(c) Off college premises, if in the judgment of the college, the conduct has an adverse impact on the college community, the pursuit of its objectives, or the ability of a student or staff to participate in the college's programs and activities.
(2) Jurisdiction extends to locations in which students are engaged in college programs or activities including, but not limited to, college-sponsored housing, foreign or domestic travel, activities funded by the students, student government, student clubs or organizations, athletic events, training internships, cooperative and distance education, online education, practicums, supervised work experiences or any other college-sanctioned social or club activities.
(3) Students are responsible for their conduct from the time they gain admission to the college through the last day of enrollment or award of any degree or certificate, even though conduct may occur before classes begin or after classes end, as well as during the academic year and during periods between terms of enrollment.
(4) These standards shall apply to a student's conduct even if the student withdraws from college while a disciplinary matter is pending.
(5) The college has sole discretion, on a case-by-case basis, to determine whether the student conduct code will be applied to conduct by students or student groups that occurs off-campus.
(6) In addition to initiating disciplinary proceedings for violation of the student conduct code, the college may refer any violations of federal, state, or local laws to civil and criminal authorities for disposition. The college reserves the right to pursue student disciplinary proceedings regardless of whether the underlying conduct is subject to civil or criminal prosecution.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 25-01-152, s 132A-127-010, filed 12/18/24, effective 1/18/25.]