(2) The cab card is the certificate of registration for the vehicle. The cab card must contain the name and address of the registrant as maintained in the records of the department, the license plate number assigned to the vehicle, the vehicle identification number, and other information the department may require. The cab card must be signed by the registrant, or a designated person if the registrant is a business, and must always be carried in the vehicle.
(3) The apportioned license plates are not transferrable. License plates must be legible and remain with the vehicle until the department requires them to be removed.
(4) Validation tab(s) of a design determined by the department must be affixed to the license plate(s) as prescribed by the department and indicate the month and year for which the vehicle is registered.
(5) A fleet vehicle properly registered is deemed to be fully registered in this state for any type of legal movement or operation. In instances in which a permit or grant of authority is required for interstate or intrastate operation, the vehicle must not be operated in interstate or intrastate commerce unless the owner is granted the appropriate operating authority and the vehicle is being operated in conformity with that permit or operating authority.
(6) The department may deny, suspend, or revoke the credentials authorized under subsection (1) of this section to any person: (a) Who formerly held any type of license, registration, credentials, or permit issued by the department pursuant to chapter
46.16A, 46.44, 46.85, 46.87, or
82.38 RCW that has been revoked for cause, which cause has not been removed; (b) who is a subterfuge for the real party in interest whose license, registration, credentials, or permit issued by the department pursuant to chapter
46.16A, 46.44, 46.85, 46.87, or
82.38 RCW and has been revoked for cause, which cause has not been removed; (c) who, as a person, individual licensee, or officer, partner, director, owner, or managing employee of a nonindividual licensee, has had a license, registration, or permit issued by the department pursuant to chapter
46.16A, 46.44, 46.85, 46.87, or
82.38 RCW that has been revoked for cause, which cause has not been removed; (d) who has an unsatisfied debt to the state assessed under either chapter
46.16A, 46.44, 46.85, 46.87, 82.38, or
82.44 RCW; or (e) who, as a person, individual licensee, officer, partner, director, owner, or managing employee of a nonindividual licensee, has been prohibited from operating as a motor carrier by the federal motor carrier safety administration or Washington state patrol and the cause for such prohibition has not been satisfied.
(7) Before such denial, suspension, or revocation under subsection (6) of this section, the department must grant the applicant, registrant, or owner an informal hearing and at least ten days written notice of the time and place of the hearing.
[2015 c 228 § 10; 2013 c 225 § 609; 2011 c 171 § 97; 2005 c 194 § 6; 1998 c 115 § 1; 1993 c 307 § 14; 1987 c 244 § 23; 1985 c 380 § 8.]