It is hereby declared to be the policy of the state of Washington that each agency or other occupant of newly constructed or substantially renovated facilities owned and operated by the department of enterprise services in Thurston county shall proportionally share the debt service costs associated with the original construction or substantial renovation of the facility. Beginning July 1, 1995, each state agency or other occupant of a facility constructed or substantially renovated after July 1, 1992, and owned and operated by the department of enterprise services in Thurston county, shall be assessed a charge to pay the principal and interest payments on any bonds or other financial contract issued to finance the construction or renovation or an equivalent charge for similar projects financed by cash sources. In recognition that full payment of debt service costs may be higher than market rates for similar types of facilities or higher than existing agreements for similar charges entered into prior to June 9, 1994, the initial charge may be less than the full cost of principal and interest payments. The charge shall be assessed to all occupants of the facility on a proportional basis based on the amount of occupied space or any unique construction requirements. The office of financial management, in consultation with the department of enterprise services, shall develop procedures to implement this section and report to the legislative fiscal committees, by October 1994, their recommendations for implementing this section. The office of financial management shall separately identify in the budget document all payments and the documentation for determining the payments required by this section for each agency and fund source during the current and the two past and future fiscal biennia. The charge authorized in this section is subject to annual audit by the state auditor.
[2015 c 225 § 57; 1994 c 219 § 19.]