All regular elections in first
-class cities having a mayor-council form of government whose charters provide for twelve councilmembers elected for a term of two years, two being elected from each of six wards, and for the election of a mayor, treasurer, and comptroller for terms of two years, shall be held biennially as provided in RCW
29A.04.330. The term of each councilmember, mayor, treasurer, and comptroller shall be four years and until his or her successor is elected and qualified and assumes office in accordance with RCW
29A.60.280. The terms of the councilmembers shall be so staggered that six councilmembers shall be elected to office at each regular election.
[2015 c 53 § 37; 2003 c 111 § 2301. Prior: 1981 c 213 § 3; 1979 ex.s. c 126 § 11; 1965 c 9 § 29.13.023; prior: 1963 c 200 § 2; 1957 c 168 § 1. Formerly RCW