RCW 9.94A.704 Community custody—Supervision by the department—Conditions.
(1) Every person who is sentenced to a period of community custody shall report to and be placed under the supervision of the department, subject to RCW
(2)(a) The department shall assess the offender's risk of reoffense and may establish and modify additional conditions of community custody based upon the risk to community safety.
(b) Within the funds available for community custody, the department shall determine conditions on the basis of risk to community safety, and shall supervise offenders during community custody on the basis of risk to community safety and conditions imposed by the court. The secretary shall adopt rules to implement the provisions of this subsection (2)(b).
(3) If the offender is supervised by the department, the department shall at a minimum instruct the offender to:
(a) Report as directed to a community corrections officer;
(b) Remain within prescribed geographical boundaries;
(c) Notify the community corrections officer of any change in the offender's address or employment;
(d) Pay the supervision fee assessment; and
(e) Disclose the fact of supervision to any mental health or chemical dependency treatment provider, as required by RCW
(4) The department may require the offender to participate in rehabilitative programs, or otherwise perform affirmative conduct, and to obey all laws.
(5) If the offender was sentenced pursuant to a conviction for a sex offense, the department may:
(a) Require the offender to refrain from direct or indirect contact with the victim of the crime or immediate family member of the victim of the crime. If a victim or an immediate family member of a victim has requested that the offender not contact him or her after notice as provided in RCW
72.09.340, the department shall require the offender to refrain from contact with the requestor. Where the victim is a minor, the parent or guardian of the victim may make a request on the victim's behalf.
(b) Impose electronic monitoring. Within the resources made available by the department for this purpose, the department shall carry out any electronic monitoring using the most appropriate technology given the individual circumstances of the offender. As used in this section, "electronic monitoring" has the same meaning as in RCW
(6) The department may not impose conditions that are contrary to those ordered by the court and may not contravene or decrease court-imposed conditions.
(7)(a) The department shall notify the offender in writing of any additional conditions or modifications.
(b) By the close of the next business day after receiving notice of a condition imposed or modified by the department, an offender may request an administrative review under rules adopted by the department. The condition shall remain in effect unless the reviewing officer finds that it is not reasonably related to the crime of conviction, the offender's risk of reoffending, or the safety of the community.
(8) The department shall notify the offender in writing upon community custody intake of the department's violation process.
(9) The department may require offenders to pay for special services rendered including electronic monitoring, day reporting, and telephone reporting, dependent on the offender's ability to pay. The department may pay for these services for offenders who are not able to pay.
(10)(a) When an offender on community custody is under the authority of the board, the department shall assess the offender's risk of recidivism and shall recommend to the board any additional or modified conditions based upon the offender's risk to community safety and may recommend affirmative conduct or electronic monitoring consistent with subsections (4) through (6) of this section.
(b) The board may impose conditions in addition to court-ordered conditions. The board must consider and may impose department-recommended conditions. The board must impose a condition requiring the offender to refrain from contact with the victim or immediate family member of the victim as provided in subsection (5)(a) of this section.
(c) By the close of the next business day, after receiving notice of a condition imposed by the board or the department, an offender may request an administrative hearing under rules adopted by the board. The condition shall remain in effect unless the hearing examiner finds that it is not reasonably related to any of the following:
(i) The crime of conviction;
(ii) The offender's risk of reoffending;
(iii) The safety of the community.
(d) If the department finds that an emergency exists requiring the immediate imposition of additional conditions in order to prevent the offender from committing a crime, the department may impose such conditions. The department may not impose conditions that are contrary to those set by the board or the court and may not contravene or decrease court-imposed or board-imposed conditions. Conditions imposed under this subsection shall take effect immediately after notice to the offender by personal service, but shall not remain in effect longer than seven working days unless approved by the board.
(11) In setting, modifying, and enforcing conditions of community custody, the department shall be deemed to be performing a quasi
-judicial function.
[2015 c 287 § 7; 2015 c 134 § 8; 2014 c 35 § 1; 2012 1st sp.s. c 6 § 3; 2009 c 375 § 6; 2009 c 28 § 12; 2008 c 231 § 10.]
Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2015 c 134 § 8 and by 2015 c 287 § 7, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
Effective date—2015 c 134: See note following RCW
Effective date—2012 1st sp.s. c 6 §§ 1, 3 through 9, and 11 through 14: See note following RCW
Application—2012 1st sp.s. c 6: See note following RCW
Application—2009 c 375: See note following RCW
Effective date—2009 c 28: See note following RCW
Intent—Application—Application of repealers—Effective date—2008 c 231: See notes following RCW
Severability—2008 c 231: See note following RCW