S-2501 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 51st Legislature 1989 Regular Session
By Senators Patterson, Bender and Nelson
Read first time 3/9/89 and referred to Committee on Transportation.
AN ACT Relating to license fees for public transportation vehicles; amending RCW 46.16.020; and adding a new section to chapter 46.16 RCW.
Sec. 1. Section 46.16.020, chapter 12, Laws of 1961 as last amended by section 1, chapter 30, Laws of 1986 and RCW 46.16.020 are each amended to read as follows:
Public transportation vehicles operating under the authority of chapter 35.58, 36.57, or 36.57A RCW or RCW 35.84.060, with a seating capacity of more than seven, including the driver, are subject to the licensing provisions of section 2 of this act. Otherwise, any vehicle owned, rented, or leased by the state of Washington, or by any county, city, town, school district, or other political subdivision of the state of Washington and used exclusively by them, and all vehicles owned or leased with an option to purchase by the United States government, or by the government of foreign countries, or by international bodies to which the United States government is a signatory by treaty, or owned or leased by the governing body of an Indian tribe located within this state and recognized as a governmental entity by the United States department of the interior, and used exclusively in its or their service shall be exempt from the payment of license fees for the licensing thereof as in this chapter provided: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That such vehicles, except those owned and used exclusively by the United States government and which are identified by clearly exhibited registration numbers or license plates assigned by an instrumentality of that government, shall be registered as prescribed for the license registration of other vehicles and shall display the vehicle license number plates assigned to it. The department shall assign a plate or plates to each vehicle or may assign a block of plates to an agency or political subdivision for further assignment by the agency or political subdivision to individual vehicles registered to it pursuant to this section. The agency, political subdivision, or Indian tribe, except a foreign government or international body, shall pay a fee of two dollars for the plate or plates for each vehicle. An Indian tribe is not entitled to license and register any tribal government service vehicle under this section if that tribe itself licenses or registers any tribal government service vehicles under tribal law. No vehicle license or license number plates shall be issued to any such vehicle under the provisions of this section for the transportation of school children unless and until such vehicle shall have been first personally inspected by the director or the director's duly authorized representative.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 46.16 RCW to read as follows:
In lieu of all other vehicle licensing fees, there shall be paid and collected annually for each public transportation vehicle operating under the authority of chapter 35.58, 36.57, or 36.57A RCW or RCW 35.84.060, with a seating capacity of more than seven, including the driver, a license fee based upon the following declared gross weight of the vehicle:
!tp1,1,1,1,1!tr4,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,00327.75
!tr6,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,00332.72
!tr8,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,00340.30
!tr10,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,00345.37
!tr12,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,00352.62
!tr14,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,00359.86
!tr16,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,00367.31
!tr18,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,00399.02
!tr20,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002109.94
!tr22,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002118.76
!tr24,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002127.95
!tr26,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002135.08
!tr28,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002158.66
!tr30,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002182.18
!tr32,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002218.78
!tr34,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002232.06
!tr36,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002251.39
!tr38,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002275.51
!tr40,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002314.99
!tr42,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002327.16
!tr44,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002334.02
!tr46,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002358.91
!tr48,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002374.19
!tr50,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002405.36
!tr52,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002426.45
!tr54,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002460.02
!tr56,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002485.21
!tr58,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002504.53
!tr60,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002537.29
!tr62,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002575.50
!tr64,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002588.75
!tr66,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002655.14
!tr68,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002682.99
!tr70,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002735.14
!tr72,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002785.36
!tr74,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002853.15
!tr76,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,002922.05
!tr78,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,0011,006.10
!tr80,000 lbs.!sc ,1!w×!tj2!tr$!sc ,0011,085.95!ix!te
The gross weight of a public transit vehicle is the scale weight of each bus, plus the seating capacity, including the operator's seat, computed at one hundred fifty pounds per seat.
The proceeds from the gross weight fees collected under this section shall be deposited in the motor vehicle fund.