Washington State Senate

Introduction and First Reading of
Bills, Memorials, Joint Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions
2025 Regular Session of the 69th Legislature
DENNY HECK, President of the Senate STEVE CONWAY, President Pro Tem
SARAH BANNISTER, Secretary of the Senate JOHN LOVICK, Vice President Pro Tem

February 20, 2025 - Thursday 39TH DAY
SJR 8201 By Senators Braun and Pedersen

Amending the Constitution to allow the state to invest moneys from long-term services and supports accounts.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SJR 8202 By Senator Fortunato

Amending the state Constitution so that state revenue collected from a road usage charge, vehicle miles traveled fee, or other similar type of comparable charge, must be used exclusively for highway purposes.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.