69th Legislature - 2025 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore


March 3, 2025 - Monday
Added 2/5/2025

Bill No. Description Prime Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1298 Student athlete insurance Berg,Reed PEW DP17
Added 2/11/2025

HB 1090 Contraceptive coverage Alvarado,Parshley HCW DP17
HB 1172 Fire district civil service Schmidt,Bronoske LG DP7
HB 1186 Medication dispensing Parshley,Rule HCW DPS19
HB 1262 Health disparities council Santos,Thai HCW DP12 DNP5 w/oRec2
Added 2/18/2025

HB 1061 Residential parking Low,Jacobsen TR DPS23 w/oRec2
HB 1094 Social services/property tax Walen,Ryu FIN DP9 w/oRec5
HB 1191 Manufactured home titles Connors,Peterson HOUS DP15
HB 1260 Document recording fee admin Schmidt,Ormsby APP DPS30
HB 1291 Maternity services costs Rule,Stonier HCW DPS14 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1321 Outside militia activities Mena,Ortiz-Self SGOV DPS4 DNP2
HB 1390 Community protection program Goodman,Farivar ELHS DPS9 w/oRec2
HB 1430 APRN & PA reimbursement Simmons,Leavitt HCW DPS14 DNP5
HB 1457 SVP electronic monitoring Griffey,Couture CS DP9
HB 1483 Digital electronics/repair Gregerson,Reeves TEDV DPS8 DNP5
HB 1488 Conservation district limits Berg,Duerr FIN DPS11 DNP4
HB 1537 Roadway safety account use Barkis TR DP27
HB 1562 Diaper changing stations Hunt,Griffey LG DPS7
HB 1573 Oath of office timing/local Parshley,Hunt SGOV DP7
HB 1606 Journal access/state empl. Engell,Bernbaum APP DPS30
HB 1610 Critical energy infra./PRA Hunt,Doglio SGOV DPS4 w/oRec2 DNP1
HJM 4002 Medal of Honor Bridge Dent,Paul TR DP27
Added 2/28/2025

HB 1002 PTSD/coroners & examiners Abbarno,Rude LAWS DP7 w/oRec2
HB 1024 St. Edward state park Kloba,Duerr CB DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)19
HB 1064 System improvement team Abbarno,Tharinger CB DP19
HB 1068 DOC WMS employee arbitration Doglio,Bronoske APP DP21 w/oRec5 DNP3
HB 1080 Lodging fee disclosure Donaghy,Ryu CPB DPS9 w/oRec4 DNP1
HB 1081 Solicited real estate Donaghy,Connors CPB DPS9 DNP6
HB 1105 DOC employee bargaining Fosse,Low APP DPS23 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 1114 Respiratory care compact Leavitt,Ybarra APP DP31
HB 1121 Work restrictions/age 16, 17 McClintock,Schmidt LAWS DPS9
HB 1135 Local government planning Duerr,Parshley LG DPS4 w/oRec3
HB 1154 Solid waste handling Duerr,Doglio APP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)21 DNP8 w/oRec2
HB 1160 Local gov. design review Walen,Ramel LG DPS6 w/oRec1
HB 1167 Maritime careers task force Shavers,Reed ED DP18
HB 1171 Mandated reporting/higher ed Pollet,Goodman ELHS DPS10
HB 1177 Child welfare housing assist Ortiz-Self,Callan APP DPS(ELHS)19 DNP12
HB 1185 Correctional industries comm Fosse,Farivar CS DP9
HB 1201 Emergency shelters/pets Leavitt,Ryu TEDV DPS12 w/oRec1
HB 1205 Forged digital likeness Ryu,Obras CS DPS8
HB 1244 Driver training alternative Wylie TR DPS16 w/oRec7 DNP4
HB 1252 Pretrial release Davis,Griffey CS DPS8 w/oRec1
HB 1272 Children in crisis program Callan,Eslick APP DPS31
HB 1275 Self-insurer withdrawal Scott,Berry APP DP31
HB 1289 Public school survey info. McClintock,Santos ED DPS18
HB 1314 Early learning facilities Callan,Abbarno CB DP19
HB 1339 Even-numbered year elections Gregerson,Farivar APP DPS18 DNP12 w/oRec1
HB 1351 ECEAP age requirements Bernbaum,Eslick APP DPS(ELHS)30
HB 1353 ADU self-certification Ramel,Duerr LG DPS7
HB 1382 All payers claim database Tharinger,Macri HCW DP12 DNP7
HB 1385 Background checks Taylor,Burnett ELHS DPS10
HB 1393 Commencement/cultural exp. McEntire,Morgan ED DP18
HB 1394 Hospital medical records Parshley,Obras HCW DPS19
HB 1406 Associate development orgs Barnard,Ryu APP DPS30
HB 1418 PTBA governing body members Timmons,Ramel TR DPS23 DNP2 w/oRec2
HB 1439 Vehicle and driver licensing Bernbaum,Abell TR DPS27
HB 1461 Joint operating agencies Stearns,Barnard CB DP19
HB 1511 Ferry captains Parshley,Fosse LAWS DP8
HB 1522 Utility wildfire mitigation Dent,Reeves ENVI DPS20
HB 1533 Specialty electricians Schmidt,Ramel LAWS DPS9
HB 1539 Wildfire protection Reeves,Dent AGNR DPS10
HB 1551 Cannabis social equity prg. Reeves,Entenman CPB DPS9 DNP6
HB 1553 Dairy inspection program Richards,Dent APP DP31
HB 1605 State patrol longevity bonus Fey,Barkis TR DP27
HB 1621 Housing court commissioners Macri,Taylor CRJ DPS13
HB 1628 Fire service policy board Bronoske,Griffey SGOV DP6 w/oRec1
HB 1631 State marine forest Nance,Mena SGOV DP7
HB 1640 Med. & PA licensure compacts Zahn,Bronoske HCW DP18
HB 1670 Sewage-containing spills Hunt,Griffey APP DPS(ENVI)30
HB 1698 Liquor permits & licensing Waters,Reed CPB DP15
HB 1700 Comprehensive plan updates Volz,Graham LG DPS7
HB 1706 Prior auth. APIs/health Simmons HCW DPS19
HB 1722 Secondary career education Connors,Schmidt LAWS DP9
HB 1731 Unclaimed property/museums Waters CRJ DP13
HB 1760 Manufactured homes/org. sale Volz,Peterson CPB DP15
HB 1774 Lease of unused highway land Fey,Parshley TR DPS21 w/oRec5 DNP1
HB 1783 Law enf. officers/colleges Mendoza,Springer PEW DPS13 w/oRec3 DNP1
HB 1798 Firefighters' pension boards Volz,Chase LG DP7
HB 1811 Crisis co-response Salahuddin,Davis HCW DPS19
HB 1817 Schools/sexual assault Scott,Pollet ED DPS18
HB 1819 Transmission capacity Barnard,Doglio ENVI DPS21
HB 1823 Transp. improvement board Low TR DP27
HB 1824 Accredited birthing centers Barnard HCW DPS19
HB 1827 Basic education/juv. justice Callan,McEntire ED DPS18
HB 1842 Captive insurers/PUDs Steele,Barnard ENVI DP21
HB 1857 Asbestos building materials Ley,Doglio ENVI DPS21
HB 1874 Textured hair training Morgan,Entenman PEW DP17
HB 1875 Sick leave/immigration Salahuddin,Thai LAWS DPS6 DNP3
HB 1879 Hospital worker breaks Thomas,Berry LAWS DPS9
HB 1899 Homelessness point-in-time Zahn,Thomas HOUS DPS17
HB 1934 Employment investigation/PRA Chase,Doglio SGOV DP7
HB 1947 Group B public water systems Engell,Springer ENVI DP21
HJM 4004 Marine mammal protection act Chase,Nance AGNR DP11