BySenators Muzzall, Lovick, Conway, Fortunato, Hasegawa, Saldaña, Torres, and Wagoner
WHEREAS, The Washington State Patrol has served the people of Washington State since 1921, continually ensuring public safety through its dedicated law enforcement officers and specialized units; and
WHEREAS, Washington State Troopers demonstrate remarkable bravery in high-risk situations, as exemplified when Trooper Nathan Donwen recently used his patrol SUV to stop a wrong-way driver on I-90 near Sammamish, preventing a potentially catastrophic crash and demonstrating the life-saving actions of Washington's finest; and
WHEREAS, With over 2,200 employees, including 43 canine officers, and a fleet of more than 1,600 vehicles, the Washington State Patrol protects over 18,000 lane miles of Washington's roadways daily, ensuring the safety of commuters, travelers, and all citizens; and
WHEREAS, The troopers and staff of the Washington State Patrol are known for their professionalism, selflessness, and courageous service, which exemplify the highest standards of law enforcement and public service; and
WHEREAS, The Washington State Patrol's service extends beyond traffic enforcement, to include roles in homeland security, emergency response, cybercrime investigation, and public safety across our state;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate honor the Washington State Patrol, its troopers, and all supporting personnel for their outstanding service, including their heroic actions in dangerous situations, and express gratitude for their unwavering commitment to protecting the citizens of Washington State.
I, Sarah Bannister, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8624,
adopted by the Senate
March 5, 2025
Secretary of the Senate