

State of Washington
69th Legislature
2025 Regular Session
BySenators Wagoner and J. Wilson
Read first time 01/21/25.Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
AN ACT Relating to restoring liquor sales revenue distributions to local governments; amending RCW 66.08.190 and 66.08.200; and repealing RCW 66.24.065.
Sec. 1. RCW 66.08.190 and 2012 2nd sp.s. c 5 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
(((1) Prior to making distributions described in subsection (2) of this section, amounts must be retained to support allotments under RCW 43.88.110 from any legislative appropriation for municipal research and services. The legislative appropriation for such services must be in the amount specified under RCW 66.24.065.
(2))) When excess funds are distributed during the months of June, September, December, and March of each year, all moneys subject to distribution must be disbursed ((to border areas, counties, cities, and towns as provided in RCW 66.24.065.
(3) The amount remaining after distributions under subsections (1) and (2) of this section must be deposited into the general fund))as follows:
(1) Three-tenths of one percent to border areas; and
(2) From the amount remaining after distributions under subsection (1) of this section, (a) 50 percent to the general fund state, (b) 10 percent to the counties of the state, and (c) 40 percent to the incorporated cities and towns of the state.
Sec. 2. RCW 66.08.200 and 2012 2nd sp.s. c 5 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
With respect to the ((distribution of funds))10 percent share coming to the counties, the computations for distribution must be made by the state agency responsible for collecting the same as follows:
(1) The share coming to each eligible county must be determined by a division among the eligible counties according to the relation which the population of the unincorporated area of such eligible county, as last determined by the office of financial management, bears to the population of the total combined unincorporated areas of all eligible counties, as determined by the office of financial management. However, no county in which the sale of liquor is forbidden in the unincorporated area thereof as the result of an election is entitled to share in such distribution. "Unincorporated area" means all that portion of any county not included within the limits of incorporated cities and towns.
(2) When a special county census has been conducted for the purpose of determining the population base of a county's unincorporated area for use in the distribution of liquor funds, the census figure becomes effective for the purpose of distributing funds as of the official census date once the census results have been certified by the office of financial management and officially submitted to the office of the secretary of state.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3. RCW 66.24.065 (Spirits license fee distribution) and 2012 c 2 s 302 are each repealed.
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