State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
BySenate Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators Wellman, Dhingra, Frame, Krishnadasan, Nobles, Riccelli, Saldaña, Trudeau, Valdez, and C. Wilson)
AN ACT Relating to reestablishing the advisory board for the missing and exploited children task force; and adding a new section to chapter
13.60 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter
13.60 RCW to read as follows:
The advisory board on missing and exploited children is established to advise the chief of the Washington state patrol on the objectives, conduct, management, and coordination of the various activities of the task force on missing and exploited children.
(1) The chief of the Washington state patrol shall appoint seven members to the advisory board as provided herein:
(a) One member shall be a county prosecuting attorney or a representative and shall be appointed in consultation with the elected county prosecuting attorneys;
(b) One member shall be a municipal police chief or a county sheriff, or their representative, and shall be appointed in consultation with the association of sheriffs and police chiefs under RCW
(c) One member shall be a representative of the Washington state patrol;
(d) One member shall be a defense attorney or a representative and shall be appointed in consultation with the Washington association of criminal defense lawyers;
(e) One member shall be a member of a federally recognized tribe with knowledge or experience related to the various activities of the task force and shall be appointed in consultation with the Washington state patrol tribal liaison;
(f) One member shall be a certified sex offender treatment provider and shall be appointed in consultation with the Washington association for the treatment of sexual abusers; and
(g) One member shall be a person with direct lived experience of child abduction or child exploitation.
(2) One member shall be a representative of and appointed by the attorney general.
(3) To improve interagency communication and coordination, the chief of the Washington state patrol shall invite representatives of federal law enforcement agencies and state social service agencies to participate in the advisory board.
(4) The members of the advisory board shall be qualified on the basis of knowledge and experience as may contribute to the effective performance of the board's duties. The advisory board shall elect its own chair from among its members. Meetings of the advisory board may be convened at the call of the chair or by a majority of the members.
(5) The term of each member of the advisory board shall be two years and shall be conditioned upon the member retaining the official position from which the member was appointed.
(6) The advisory board shall meet on at least an annual basis.
(7) By December 1, 2026, and annually thereafter, the advisory board must submit a report to the appropriate committees of the legislature. The report must include:
(a) Details regarding reactive sting operations and proactive sting operations conducted by the task force on missing and exploited children in the reporting year, including:
(i) The total number of reactive sting operations and proactive sting operations conducted;
(ii) The number of exploited children rescued as a result of reactive sting operations and proactive sting operations; and
(iii) Statistics regarding the people arrested and sentenced as a result of reactive sting operations and proactive sting operations;
(b) Assessments of the objectives, conduct, achievements, and performance outcomes of the task force on missing and exploited children; and
(c) Recommendations, if any, to better achieve the objectives of the task force on missing and exploited children.
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