State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
BySenators Boehnke, Chapman, Dozier, Fortunato, Harris, Hasegawa, Short, and Wellman
Prefiled 12/13/24.Read first time 01/13/25.Referred to Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology.
AN ACT Relating to strengthening Washington's leadership and accountability on climate policy by transitioning to annual reporting of statewide emissions data; amending RCW
70A.45.005; and reenacting and amending RCW
Sec. 1. RCW
70A.45.005 and 2021 c 316 s 44 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The legislature finds that Washington has long been a national and international leader on energy conservation and environmental stewardship, including air quality protection, renewable energy development and generation, emission standards for fossil-fuel based energy generation, energy efficiency programs, natural resource conservation, sustainable forestry and the production of forest products, vehicle emission standards, and the use of biofuels. Washington is also unique among most states in that in addition to its commitment to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, it has established goals to grow the clean energy sector and reduce the state's expenditures on imported fuels.
(2) The legislature further finds that Washington should continue its leadership on climate change policy by creating accountability for achieving the emission reductions established in RCW
70A.45.020, participating in the design of a regional multisector market-based system to help achieve those emission reductions, assessing other market strategies to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, maintaining and enhancing the state's ability to continue to sequester carbon through natural and working lands and forest products, and ensuring the state has a well
-trained workforce for our clean energy future.
Climate policy leadership and full accountability for achieving emission reductions includes consistent tracking and annual reporting of statewide emissions in a greenhouse gas inventory as required under RCW 70A.45.020.(3) It is the intent of the legislature that the state will: (a) Limit and reduce emissions of greenhouse gas consistent with the emission reductions established in RCW
70A.45.020; (b) minimize the potential to export pollution, jobs, and economic opportunities; (c) support industry sectors that can act as sequesterers of carbon; and (d) reduce emissions at the lowest cost to Washington's economy, consumers, and businesses.
(4) In the event the state elects to participate in a regional multisector market-based system, it is the intent of the legislature that the system will become effective by January 1, 2012, after authority is provided to the department for its implementation. By acting now, Washington businesses and citizens will have adequate time and opportunities to be well positioned to take advantage of the low carbon economy and to make necessary investments in low carbon technology.
(5) It is also the intent of the legislature that the regional multisector market-based system recognize Washington's unique emissions and sequestration portfolio, including the:
(a) State's hydroelectric system;
(b) Opportunities presented by Washington's abundant forest resources and the associated forest products industry, along with aquatic and agriculture land and the associated industries; and
(c) State's leadership in energy efficiency and the actions it has already taken that have reduced its generation of greenhouse gas emissions and that entities receive appropriate credit for early actions to reduce greenhouse gases.
(6) If any revenues, excluding those from state trust lands, that accrue to the state are created by a market system, they must be used for the purposes established in chapter
70A.65 RCW and to further the state's efforts to achieve the goals established in RCW
70A.45.020, address the impacts of global warming on affected habitats, species, and communities, promote and invest in industry sectors that act as sequesterers of carbon, and increase investment in the clean energy economy particularly for communities and workers that have suffered from heavy job losses and chronic unemployment and underemployment.
Sec. 2. RCW
70A.45.020 and 2020 c 79 s 2, 2020 c 32 s 4, and 2020 c 20 s 1398 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) The state shall limit anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases to achieve the following emission reductions for Washington state:
(i) By 2020, reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to 1990 levels, or ((ninety million five hundred thousand))90,500,000 metric tons;
(ii) By 2030, reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to ((fifty million))50,000,000 metric tons, or ((forty-five))45 percent below 1990 levels;
(iii) By 2040, reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to ((twenty-seven million))27,000,000 metric tons, or ((seventy))70 percent below 1990 levels;
(iv) By 2050, reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to ((five million))5,000,000 metric tons, or ((ninety-five))95 percent below 1990 levels.
(b) By December 1, 2008, the department shall submit a greenhouse gas reduction plan for review and approval to the legislature, describing those actions necessary to achieve the emission reductions in (a) of this subsection by using existing statutory authority and any additional authority granted by the legislature. Actions taken using existing statutory authority may proceed prior to approval of the greenhouse gas reduction plan.
(c) In addition to the emissions limits specified in (a) of this subsection, the state shall also achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Except where explicitly stated otherwise, nothing in chapter 14, Laws of 2008 limits any state agency authorities as they existed prior to June 12, 2008.
(d) Consistent with this directive, the department shall take the following actions:
(i) Develop and implement a system for monitoring and reporting emissions of greenhouse gases as required under RCW
70A.15.2200; and
(ii) Track progress toward meeting the emission reductions established in this subsection, including the results from policies currently in effect that have been previously adopted by the state and policies adopted in the future, and report on that progress. Progress reporting should include statewide emissions as well as emissions from key sectors of the economy including, but not limited to, electricity, transportation, buildings, manufacturing, and agriculture.
(e) Nothing in this section creates any new or additional regulatory authority for any state agency as they existed prior to January 1, 2019.
(2) By December 31st of each ((
even-numbered)) year beginning in ((
2026, the department and the department of commerce shall report to the governor and the appropriate committees of the senate and house of representatives the total emissions of greenhouse gases for the preceding ((
two years))
year, and totals in each major source sector, including emissions associated with leaked gas identified by the utilities and transportation commission under RCW
81.88.160. The report must include greenhouse gas emissions from wildfires, developed in consultation with the department of natural resources. The department shall ensure the reporting rules adopted under RCW
70A.15.2200 allow it to develop a comprehensive inventory of emissions of greenhouse gases from all significant sectors of the Washington economy.
(3) Except for purposes of reporting, emissions of carbon dioxide from industrial combustion of biomass in the form of fuel wood, wood waste, wood by-products, and wood residuals shall not be considered a greenhouse gas as long as the region's silvicultural sequestration capacity is maintained or increased.
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