State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
BySenators Torres, Christian, Dozier, Harris, Krishnadasan, McCune, Salomon, Schoesler, and J. Wilson
Prefiled 12/02/24.Read first time 01/13/25.Referred to Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
AN ACT Relating to emergency response systems in public schools including panic or alert buttons; and amending RCW
Sec. 1. RCW
28A.320.126 and 2019 c 333 s 16 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) School districts must work collaboratively with local law enforcement agencies and ((
school security personnel))
safety and security staff as defined in RCW 28A.320.124 to develop an emergency response system using evolving technology to expedite the response and arrival of law enforcement in the event of a threat or emergency at a school. ((
School districts are encouraged to use the model policies developed by the school safety center in the office of the superintendent of public instruction as a resource.))
"Emergency response system" includes: (a) Panic or alert buttons that are tied to school administration, school district staff, and emergency response providers;
(b) Live video feed with law enforcement, school district, and school access;
(c) Live audio feed with law enforcement, school district, and school access;
(d) Remote control access to doors;
(e) Live interactive two-way communications; or
(f) Interconnection with an alert and communication system maintained by the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs.
(2) Each school district must submit a progress report on its implementation of an emergency response system as required under this section to the office of the superintendent of public instruction by ((December 1, 2014))October 1, 2025. By December 1, 2025, the office of the superintendent of public instruction must compile the information submitted by school districts and report to the legislature on the types of emergency response systems used by school districts.
(3) This section governs school operation and management under RCW 28A.710.040 and 28A.715.020 and applies to charter schools established under chapter 28A.710 RCW and state-tribal education compact schools subject to chapter 28A.715 RCW.
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