HR 4627
ByRepresentatives Taylor and Connors
WHEREAS, 112 years ago, Juliette Gordon Low organized the first Girl Scout Troop in Savannah, Georgia. At a time when women were not granted the right to vote in the United States, this gathering empowered young women and instilled them with the strength to accomplish anything; and
WHEREAS, Over 50 million youth in the United States were Girl Scouts in their childhood; and
WHEREAS, Girl Scouts of Western Washington, Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho, and Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington councils are proud to provide a safe learning environment for scouts of all backgrounds through the end of high school; and
WHEREAS, Girl Scouts plays an indispensable role in engaging girls in afterschool and out-of-school programming and experiences that expand their world and allow them to tap into their inner community builder, innovator, change maker, and leader; and
WHEREAS, Girl Scouts is most widely known for its cookies. Cookie season instills Girl Scouts with an entrepreneurial spirit and allows them to develop life skills. It also grants the opportunity to develop soft skills and make connections on a personal level with people from all backgrounds; and
WHEREAS, Girl Scouts has advanced its mission to "build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place"; and
WHEREAS, Girl Scouts is about building community and relationships that last a lifetime, and developing skills that allow for success in adulthood in any field they choose; and
WHEREAS, Girl Scouts plants the seeds of community and teaches young women about working towards a common cause and greater good; and
WHEREAS, At a time when civics education is missing from many schools, Girl Scouts engages girls of all grade levels in civics programming that deepens their understanding of democracy and government, prepares them for a lifetime of civic engagement, and motivates them to take action on issues that are important to them;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize the Girl Scouts for its services to the youth of the state and the development of the next generation of leaders.