State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
ByRepresentatives Fey, Wylie, and Zahn; by request of Department of Transportation
Prefiled 02/11/25.Read first time 02/12/25.Referred to Committee on Transportation.
AN ACT Relating to the interstate bridge replacement toll bond authority; amending RCW
47.10.906, and
47.10.907; and adding new sections to chapter
47.10 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. (1) In order to provide funds necessary for the design, right-of-way, and construction of the Interstate 5 bridge replacement project as allowed in RCW 47.56.902 and 47.56.904, there shall be issued and sold upon the request of the department up to $1,600,000,000 of general obligation bonds of the state of Washington first payable from toll revenue and excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees in accordance with section 4 of this act. (2) For purposes of this act, "vehicle-related fees" means vehicle-related fees imposed under Title
46 RCW that constitute license fees for motor vehicles to be used for highway purposes.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. Upon the request of the department, the state finance committee shall supervise and provide for the issuance, sale, and retirement of bonds authorized by this act in accordance with chapter 39.42 RCW. Bonds authorized by this act shall be sold in the manner, at time or times, in amounts, and at the price as the state finance committee shall determine. No bonds may be offered for sale without prior legislative appropriation of the net proceeds of the sale of the bonds. NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. (1) The proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized in section 1(1) of this act must be deposited in the Interstate 5 bridge replacement project account created in RCW 47.56.904. (2) The bond proceeds must be available only for the purposes enumerated in section 1 of this act, for payment of bond anticipation notes or other interim financing, if any, capitalizing interest on the bonds, funding a debt service reserve fund, if any, and for the payment of bond issuance costs, including the costs of underwriting.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. Bonds issued under the authority of this section and sections 1, 6, and 7 of this act must distinctly state that they are a general obligation of the state of Washington, must pledge the full faith and credit of the state to the payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon, and must contain an unconditional promise to pay such principal and interest as the same becomes due. The principal of and interest on the bonds must be first payable in the manner provided in this section and sections 1, 6, and 7 of this act from toll revenue and then from proceeds of excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees to the extent toll revenue is not available for that purpose. Toll revenue and the state excise taxes on fuel imposed by chapter 82.38 RCW and vehicle-related fees are hereby pledged to the payment of any bonds and the interest thereon issued under the authority of this section and sections 1, 6, and 7 of this act, and the legislature agrees to continue to impose these toll charges on the Interstate 5 bridge replacement project, and on any other eligible toll facility designated by the legislature and on which the imposition of tolls is authorized by the legislature in respect of the bonds, and excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees in amounts sufficient to pay, when due, the principal and interest on all bonds issued under the authority of this section and sections 1, 6, and 7 of this act. NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. (1) If and to the extent that the state finance committee determines, in consultation with the department and the tolling authority, that it will be beneficial for the state to issue any bonds authorized in sections 1, 4, 6, and 7 of this act as toll revenue bonds rather than as general obligation bonds, the state finance committee is authorized to issue and sell, upon the request of the department, such bonds as toll revenue bonds and not as general obligation bonds. Notwithstanding section 4 of this act, each such bond must contain a recital that payment or redemption of the bond and payment of the interest and any premium thereon is payable solely from and secured solely by a direct pledge, charge, and lien upon toll revenue and is not a general obligation of the state to which the full faith and credit of the state is pledged.
(2) Toll revenue is hereby pledged to the payment of any bonds and the interest thereon issued under the authority of this section, and the legislature agrees to continue to impose these toll charges on the Interstate 5 bridge replacement project, and on any other eligible toll facility designated by the legislature and on which the imposition of tolls is authorized by the legislature in respect of the bonds, in amounts sufficient to pay, when due, the principal and interest on all bonds issued under the authority of this section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. (1) For bonds issued under the authority of this section and sections 1, 4, and 7 of this act, the state treasurer shall first withdraw toll revenue from the appropriate toll account for the facility for which the bonds are issued and sold, and, to the extent toll revenue is not available, excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees and deposit in the toll facility bond retirement account, or a special subaccount in the account, such amounts, and at such times, as are required by the bond proceedings.
(2) Any excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees required for bond retirement or interest on the bonds authorized by this section and sections 1, 4, and 7 of this act must be taken from that portion of the motor vehicle fund that results from the imposition of excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees and which is, or may be, appropriated to the department for state highway purposes. Funds required must never constitute a charge against any other allocations of fuel tax and vehicle-related fee revenues to the state, counties, cities, and towns unless the amount arising from excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees distributed to the state in the motor vehicle fund proves insufficient to meet the requirements for bond retirement or interest on any such bonds.
(3) Any payments for bond retirement or interest on the bonds taken from other revenues from the fuel taxes and vehicle-related fees that are distributable to the state, counties, cities, and towns must be repaid from available toll revenue in the manner provided in the bond proceedings or, if toll revenue is not available for that purpose, from the first revenues from the excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees distributed to the motor vehicle fund not required for bond retirement or interest on the bonds. Any excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees required for bond retirement or interest on the bonds authorized by this section and sections 1, 4, and 7 of this act must be reimbursed to the motor vehicle fund from toll revenue in the manner and with the priority specified in the bond proceedings.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. Bonds issued under the authority of sections 1, 4, and 6 of this act and this section and any other general obligation bonds of the state of Washington that have been or that may be authorized and that pledge excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees for the payment of principal and interest thereon must be an equal charge against the revenues from such excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees.
Sec. 8. RCW
47.10.905 and 2019 c 421 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
The toll facility bond retirement account is created in the state treasury for the purpose of payment of the principal of and interest and premium on bonds. Both principal of and interest on the bonds issued for the purposes of chapter 498, Laws of 2009, chapter 377, Laws of 2011, ((and)) chapter 421, Laws of 2019, and chapter . . ., Laws of 2025 (this act) shall be payable from the toll facility bond retirement account. The state finance committee may provide that special subaccounts be created in the account to facilitate payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds. The state finance committee shall, on or before June 30th of each year, certify to the state treasurer the amount required for principal and interest on the bonds in accordance with the bond proceedings.
Sec. 9. RCW
47.10.906 and 2019 c 421 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
The state finance committee may determine and include in any resolution authorizing the issuance of any bonds under chapter 498, Laws of 2009, chapter 377, Laws of 2011, ((and)) chapter 421, Laws of 2019, and chapter . . ., Laws of 2025 (this act), such terms, provisions, covenants, and conditions as it may deem appropriate in order to assist with the marketing and sale of the bonds, confer rights upon the owners of bonds, and safeguard rights of the owners of bonds including, among other things:
(1) Provisions regarding the maintenance and operation of eligible toll facilities;
(2) The pledges, uses, and priorities of application of toll revenue;
(3) Provisions that bonds shall be payable from and secured solely by toll revenue as provided by RCW
47.10.886 and section 5 of this act, or shall be payable from and secured by both toll revenue and by a pledge of excise taxes on motor vehicle and special fuels and the full faith and credit of the state as provided in RCW
47.10.879 and
47.10.883 through
(4) Provisions that bonds shall be payable from and secured by both toll revenue and by a pledge of excise taxes on fuel and vehicle-related fees and the full faith and credit of the state as provided in RCW
47.10.896 and
47.10.899 through
47.10.901 and sections 1, 4, 6, and 7 of this act;
(5) In consultation with the department of transportation and the tolling authority, financial covenants requiring that the eligible toll facilities must produce specified coverage ratios of toll revenue to debt service on bonds;
(6) The purposes and conditions that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of any additional bonds that are to be payable from and secured by any toll revenue on an equal basis with previously issued and outstanding bonds payable from and secured by toll revenue;
(7) Provisions that bonds for which any toll revenue are pledged, or for which a pledge of any toll revenue may be reserved, may be structured on a senior, parity, subordinate, or special lien basis in relation to any other bonds for which toll revenue is pledged, with respect to toll revenue only; and
(8) Provisions regarding reserves, credit enhancement, liquidity facilities, and payment agreements with respect to bonds.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, covenants and conditions detailing the character of management, maintenance, and operation of eligible toll facilities, insurance for eligible toll facilities, financial management of toll revenue, and disposition of eligible toll facilities must first be approved by the department of transportation.
The owner of any bond may by mandamus or other appropriate proceeding require and compel performance of any duties imposed upon the tolling authority and the department of transportation and their respective officials, including any duties imposed upon or undertaken by them or by their respective officers, agents, and employees, in connection with the construction, maintenance, and operation of eligible toll facilities and in connection with the collection, deposit, investment, application, and disbursement of the proceeds of the bonds and toll revenue.
Sec. 10. RCW
47.10.907 and 2019 c 421 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) For the purposes of chapter 498, Laws of 2009, chapter 377, Laws of 2011, ((and)) chapter 421, Laws of 2019, and chapter . . ., Laws of 2025 (this act), "toll revenue" means all toll receipts, all interest income derived from the investment of toll receipts, and any gifts, grants, or other funds received for the benefit of transportation facilities in the state, including eligible toll facilities. However, for the purpose of any pledge of toll revenue to the payment of particular bonds issued under chapter 498, Laws of 2009, chapter 377, Laws of 2011, ((and)) chapter 421, Laws of 2019, and chapter . . ., Laws of 2025 (this act), "toll revenue" means and includes only such toll revenue or portion thereof that is pledged to the payment of those bonds in the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds. Toll revenue constitutes "fees and revenues derived from the ownership or operation of any undertaking, facility, or project" as that phrase is used in Article VIII, section 1(c)(1) of the state Constitution.
(2) For the purposes of chapter 498, Laws of 2009, chapter 377, Laws of 2011, ((
and)) chapter 421, Laws of 2019,
and chapter . . ., Laws of 2025 (this act), "tolling authority" has the same meaning as in RCW
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. Sections 1 through 7 of this act are each added to chapter 47.10 RCW. --- END ---