State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
ByRepresentatives Bergquist, Couture, Schmidt, and Pollet; by request of Governor Ferguson
Read first time 02/10/25.Referred to Committee on Early Learning & Human Services.
AN ACT Relating to modifying access to the working connections child care program by expanding access for small business employees and adjusting implementation dates; amending RCW
43.216.810; reenacting and amending RCW
43.216.802; adding a new section to chapter
43.216 RCW; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter
43.216 RCW to read as follows:
(1) An applicant or consumer is eligible to receive working connections child care benefits for the care of one or more eligible children when:
(a) The applicant or household member is employed by a small business;
(b) The applicant or consumer's household annual income adjusted for family size does not exceed 75 percent of the state median income at the time of application, or, beginning July 1, 2031, does not exceed 85 percent of the state median income if funds are appropriated for the purpose of RCW
(c) The child receiving care is (i) less than 13 years of age, or (ii) less than 19 years of age and either has a verified special need according to department rule or is under court supervision; and
(d) The household meets all other program eligibility requirements established in this chapter or in rule by the department in accordance with RCW
43.216.065, and
(2) The department must adopt a copayment model for benefits granted under this section, which must align with any copayment identified or adopted for households with the same income level under RCW
(3) For the purposes of this section "small business" means any business entity that is owned and operated independently from all other businesses, and that has 50 or fewer employees.
Sec. 2. RCW
43.216.802 and 2024 c 225 s 1 and 2024 c 67 s 2 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) It is the intent of the legislature to increase working families' access to affordable, high quality child care and to support the expansion of the workforce to support businesses and the statewide economy.
(2) A family is eligible for working connections child care when the household's annual income is at or below 60 percent of the state median income adjusted for family size and:
(a) The child receiving care is: (i) Less than 13 years of age; or (ii) less than 19 years of age and has a verified special need according to department rule or is under court supervision; and
(b) The household meets all other program eligibility requirements established in this chapter or in rule by the department as authorized by RCW
43.216.055 or
43.216.065 or any other authority granted by this chapter.
(3) Beginning July 1, ((2025))2029, a family is eligible for working connections child care when the household's annual income is above 60 percent and at or below 75 percent of the state median income adjusted for family size and:
(a) The child receiving care is: (i) Less than 13 years of age; or (ii) less than 19 years of age and has a verified special need according to department rule or is under court supervision; and
(b) The household meets all other program eligibility requirements established in this chapter or in rule by the department as authorized by RCW
43.216.055 or
43.216.065 or any other authority granted by this chapter.
(4) Beginning July 1, ((2027))2031, and subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, a family is eligible for working connections child care when the household's annual income is above 75 percent of the state median income and is at or below 85 percent of the state median income adjusted for family size and:
(a) The child receiving care is: (i) Less than 13 years of age; or (ii) less than 19 years of age and has a verified special need according to department rule or is under court supervision; and
(b) The household meets all other program eligibility requirements established in this chapter or in rule by the department as authorized by RCW
43.216.055 or
43.216.065 or any other authority granted by this chapter.
(5) Beginning November 1, 2024, when an applicant or consumer is a member of an assistance unit that is eligible for or receiving basic food benefits under the federal supplemental nutrition assistance program or the state food assistance program the department must determine that the household income eligibility requirements in this section are met.
(6) The department must adopt rules to implement this section, including an income phase-out eligibility period.
(7) The department may not consider the citizenship status of an applicant or consumer's child when determining eligibility for working connections child care benefits.
(8) The income eligibility requirements in subsections (2) through (4) of this section do not apply to households eligible for the working connections child care program under RCW
43.216.812, and
Sec. 3. RCW
43.216.810 and 2024 c 67 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) An applicant or consumer is eligible to receive working connections child care benefits for the care of one or more eligible children for the first 12 months of the applicant's or consumer's enrollment in a state registered apprenticeship program under chapter
49.04 RCW when:
(a) The applicant or consumer's household annual income adjusted for family size does not exceed 75 percent of the state median income at the time of application, or, beginning July 1, ((
2031, does not exceed 85 percent of the state median income if funds are appropriated for the purpose of RCW
(b) The child receiving care is: (i) Less than 13 years of age; or (ii) less than 19 years of age and either has a verified special need according to department rule or is under court supervision; and
(c) The household meets all other program eligibility requirements established in this chapter or in rule by the department in accordance with RCW
43.216.065, and
(2) The department must adopt a copayment model for benefits granted under this ((
subsection [section]))
section, which must align with any copayment identified or adopted for households with the same income level under RCW
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 2025.
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