State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
ByHouse Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Macri, Doglio, Parshley, Davis, Ormsby, Scott, and Pollet)
AN ACT Relating to the reprocurement of medical assistance services, including the realignment of behavioral health crisis services for medicaid enrollees; amending RCW
71.24.380; reenacting and amending RCW
71.24.045; adding a new section to chapter
74.09 RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter
74.09 RCW to read as follows:
(1)(a) The authority, in consultation with the office of the insurance commissioner, shall conduct a review of service delivery models within each behavioral health administrative services organization region, including mobile crisis response, facility-based crisis stabilization services, and other crisis services.
(b) When new programs or facilities including, but not limited to, those programs and facilities described in RCW
71.24.045(1)(e) are established or existing services are expanded in a region, the authority shall direct the state's medicaid actuaries to promptly adjust the region's medicaid rates to include a programmatic adjustment related to the new or expanded service. The state contract with the relevant behavioral health administrative services organization must be promptly adjusted to reflect the projected increase or decrease in service capacity. Adjustments must be based on the operational costs of the new or expanded facility or program, including staffing and resources required to support the delivery of services and the projected number of individuals served, assuring that both medicaid and nonmedicaid populations are served effectively.
(2)(a) Within existing funds, the authority shall prepare for the reprocurement of services to enrollees of medical assistance programs authorized under this chapter, including by providing the opportunity for comment by key stakeholders, to the extent allowed by applicable state and federal procurement standards, including tribes, patient groups, health care providers and facilities, counties, and behavioral health administrative services organizations. Preparation for the reprocurement of services must be completed within existing resources by January 1, 2026, and include:
(i) The full participation and inclusion of the interests of tribes, tribal health care providers, and urban Indian health care providers in the contract development process to assure that there is no disruption to the tribal health care delivery system and that opportunities to promote the health of American Indians are considered;
(ii) Contract standards to maximize care coordination between the managed care organizations and the behavioral health administrative services organizations;
(iii) The most effective methodologies for measuring network access and adequacy for each provider type subject to network access and adequacy standards and tailored to the particular needs of the regional service areas, to be implemented in the reprocurement to assure access to appropriate and timely behavioral health services in each region;
(iv) The optimal number of managed care organizations for each regional service area;
(v) Appropriate outcome measures for inclusion in managed care contracts;
(vi) Timelines for new contracts to be executed and each step in the procurement process to reach the finalization of the new contracts;
(vii) Provisions for best practices regarding contract revisions and future reprocurement timelines;
(viii) Opportunities to amend managed care contract requirements to further streamline and standardize processes to reduce administrative burden for providers; and
(ix) Exploration of contracting directly with behavioral health administrative services organizations, rather than managed care organizations, for the crisis services described in RCW
(b) The authority shall submit the strategic plan to the governor and the legislature by July 1, 2026.
Sec. 2. RCW
71.24.045 and 2024 c 368 s 3 and 2024 c 209 s 30 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) The behavioral health administrative services organization contracted with the authority pursuant to RCW
71.24.381 shall:
(a) Administer crisis services for the assigned regional service area. Such services must include:
(i) A behavioral health crisis hotline that operates 24 hours a day every day for its assigned regional service area that provides immediate support, triage, and referral for individuals experiencing behavioral health crises, including the capacity to connect individuals with trained crisis counselors and, when appropriate, dispatch additional crisis services;
(ii) Crisis response services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year;
(iii) Services related to involuntary commitments under chapters
71.05 and
71.34 RCW;
(iv) Tracking of less restrictive alternative orders issued within the region by superior courts, and providing notification to a managed care organization in the region when one of its enrollees receives a less restrictive alternative order so that the managed care organization may ensure that the person is connected to services and that the requirements of RCW
71.05.585 are complied with. If the person receives a less restrictive alternative order and is returning to another region, the behavioral health administrative services organization shall notify the behavioral health administrative services organization in the home region of the less restrictive alternative order so that the home behavioral health administrative services organization may notify the person's managed care organization or provide services if the person is not enrolled in medicaid and does not have other insurance which can pay for those services;
(v) Additional noncrisis behavioral health services, within available resources, to individuals who meet certain criteria set by the authority in its contracts with the behavioral health administrative services organization. These services may include services provided through federal grant funds, provisos, and general fund state appropriations;
(vi) Care coordination, diversion services, and discharge planning for nonmedicaid individuals transitioning from state hospitals or inpatient settings to reduce rehospitalization and utilization of crisis services, as required by the authority in contract;
(vii) Regional coordination, cross-system and cross-jurisdiction coordination with tribal governments, and capacity building efforts, such as supporting the behavioral health advisory board and efforts to support access to services or to improve the behavioral health system; and
(b) Administer and provide for the availability of an adequate network of evaluation and treatment services to ensure access to treatment, investigation, transportation, court-related, and other services provided as required under chapter
71.05 RCW;
(c) Coordinate services for individuals under RCW
(d) Administer and provide for the availability of resource management services, residential services, and community support services as required under its contract with the authority;
(e) Contract with a sufficient number, as determined
and funded by the authority, of licensed or certified providers for crisis services
, which may include crisis services delegated to the behavioral health administrative services organization consistent with RCW 71.24.380(3)(b) and other behavioral health services required by the authority;
(f) ((Maintain adequate reserves or secure a bond as required by its contract with the authority))Collaborate with the authority to identify a business-sound model for establishing adequate reserve thresholds;
(g) Establish and maintain quality assurance processes;
(h) Meet established limitations on administrative costs for agencies that contract with the behavioral health administrative services organization; and
(i) Maintain patient tracking information as required by the authority.
(2) The behavioral health administrative services organization must collaborate with the authority and its contracted managed care organizations to develop and implement strategies to coordinate care with tribes and community behavioral health providers for individuals with a history of frequent crisis system utilization.
(3) The behavioral health administrative services organization shall:
(a) Assure that the special needs of minorities, older adults, individuals with disabilities, children, and low-income persons are met;
(b) Collaborate with local and tribal government entities to ensure that policies do not result in an adverse shift of persons with mental illness into state, local, and tribal correctional facilities; and
(c) Work with the authority to expedite the enrollment or reenrollment of eligible persons leaving state or local correctional facilities and institutions for mental diseases.
(4) The behavioral health administrative services organization shall employ an assisted outpatient treatment program coordinator to oversee system coordination and legal compliance for assisted outpatient treatment under RCW
71.05.148 and
(5) The behavioral health administrative services organization shall comply and ensure their contractors comply with the tribal crisis coordination plan agreed upon by the authority and tribes for coordination of crisis services, care coordination, and discharge and transition planning with tribes and Indian health care providers applicable to their regional service area.
Sec. 3. RCW
71.24.380 and 2023 c 51 s 32 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The director shall purchase behavioral health services primarily through managed care contracting, but may continue to purchase behavioral health services directly from providers serving medicaid clients who are not enrolled in a managed care organization.
(2) The director shall require that contracted managed care organizations have a sufficient network of providers to provide adequate access to behavioral health services for residents of the regional service area that meet eligibility criteria for services, and for maintenance of quality assurance processes. Contracts with managed care organizations must comply with all federal medicaid and state law requirements related to managed health care contracting, including RCW
(3)(a) A managed care organization must contract with the authority's selected behavioral health administrative services organization for the assigned regional service area for the administration of crisis services. The contract shall require the managed care organization to reimburse the behavioral health administrative services organization for behavioral health crisis services delivered to individuals enrolled in the managed care organization.
(b) The authority shall direct managed care organizations to establish, continue, or expand delegation arrangements with behavioral health administrative services organizations for crisis services for medicaid enrollees, including crisis phone interventions, mobile crisis teams, peer support services in crisis settings, and crisis stabilization services to include crisis stabilization facilities, in-home crisis stabilization services, and crisis relief centers. The authority shall direct managed care organizations to permit and enable behavioral health administrative services organizations to submit costs to managed care organizations for reimbursement for services delivered in crisis facilities in connection with behavioral health care.
(4) The authority must contract with the department of commerce for the provision of behavioral health consumer advocacy services delivered to individuals enrolled in a managed care organization by the advocacy organization selected by the state office of behavioral health consumer advocacy established in RCW
71.40.030. The contract shall require the authority to reimburse the department of commerce for the behavioral health consumer advocacy services delivered to individuals enrolled in a managed care organization.
(5) ((A managed care organization))Managed care organizations and behavioral health administrative services organizations must collaborate with the authority ((and its contracted behavioral health administrative services organization)) to develop and implement strategies to coordinate care with tribes and community behavioral health providers for individuals with a history of frequent crisis system utilization.
(6) A managed care organization must work closely with designated crisis responders, behavioral health administrative services organizations, and behavioral health providers to maximize appropriate placement of persons into community services, ensuring the client receives the least restrictive level of care appropriate for their condition. Additionally, the managed care organization shall work with the authority to expedite the enrollment or reenrollment of eligible persons leaving state or local correctional facilities and institutions for mental diseases.
(7) As an incentive to county authorities to become early adopters of fully integrated purchasing of medical and behavioral health services, the standards adopted by the authority shall provide for an incentive payment to counties which elect to move to full integration by January 1, 2016. Subject to federal approval, the incentive payment shall be targeted at ten percent of savings realized by the state within the regional service area in which the fully integrated purchasing takes place. Savings shall be calculated in alignment with the outcome and performance measures established in RCW 71.24.435, 70.320.020, and 71.36.025, and incentive payments for early adopter counties shall be made available for up to a six-year period, or until full integration of medical and behavioral health services is accomplished statewide, whichever comes sooner, according to rules to be developed by the authority.))
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. If specific funding for the purposes of this act, referencing this act by bill or chapter number, is not provided by June 30, 2025, in the omnibus appropriations act, this act is null and void.
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