State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
ByRepresentatives Walen and Barkis
Read first time 01/24/25.Referred to Committee on Local Government.
AN ACT Relating to the designation of historic landmarks by cities; reenacting and amending RCW
43.21C.495; adding a new section to chapter
35.21 RCW; and adding a new section to chapter
35A.21 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter
35.21 RCW to read as follows:
(1)(a) Except as provided for in subsection (3) of this section, cities must adopt or amend by ordinance, and incorporate into their development regulations, zoning regulations, preservation ordinances, and other official controls the requirements of subsection (2) of this section for properties that are zoned for residential or mixed use no later than one year after the effective date of this act.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the requirements of subsection (2) of this section apply and take effect in any city that has not adopted or amended ordinances, regulations, or other official controls as required under this section by the timeline in (a) of this subsection and supersede, preempt, and invalidate any conflicting local regulations.
(2) No city may designate a property as a historic landmark if:
(a) The property that would be designated as a historic landmark is less than 40 years old; or
(b) If the designation would restrict the use, alteration, or demolition of the property, or the written consent of the owner of the property has not been obtained. Such a designation made without the written consent of the property owner is void unless and until such consent is obtained.
(3) The limitations in subsection (2) of this section do not apply if the property that would be designated as a historic landmark is within a historic district established through a local preservation ordinance.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter
35A.21 RCW to read as follows:
(1)(a) Except as provided for in subsection (3) of this section, code cities must adopt or amend by ordinance, and incorporate into their development regulations, zoning regulations, preservation ordinances, and other official controls, the requirements of subsection (2) of this section for properties that are zoned for residential or mixed use no later than one year after the effective date of this act.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the requirements of subsection (2) of this section apply and take effect in any code city that has not adopted or amended ordinances, regulations, or other official controls as required under this section by the timeline in (a) of this subsection and supersede, preempt, and invalidate any conflicting local regulations.
(2) No code city may designate a property as a historic landmark if:
(a) The property that would be designated as a historic landmark is less than 40 years old; or
(b) If the designation would restrict the use, alteration, or demolition of the property, or the written consent of the owner of the property has not been obtained. Such a designation made without the written consent of the property owner is void unless and until such consent is obtained.
(3) The limitations in subsection (2) of this section do not apply if the property that would be designated as a historic landmark is within a historic district established through a local preservation ordinance.
Sec. 3. RCW
43.21C.495 and 2023 c 334 s 6 and 2023 c 3 s 8 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) Adoption of ordinances, development regulations and amendments to such regulations, and other nonproject actions taken by a city to implement: The actions specified in section 2, chapter 246, Laws of 2022 unless the adoption of such ordinances, development regulations and amendments to such regulations, or other nonproject actions has a probable significant adverse impact on fish habitat; and the increased residential building capacity actions identified in RCW
36.70A.600(1), with the exception of the action specified in RCW
36.70A.600(1)(f), are not subject to administrative or judicial appeals under this chapter.
(2) Amendments to development regulations and other nonproject actions taken by a city to implement the requirements under RCW
36.70A.635 pursuant to RCW
36.70A.636(3)(b) are not subject to administrative or judicial appeals under this chapter.
(3) Adoption of ordinances, development regulations and amendments to such regulations, and other nonproject actions taken by a city or county consistent with the requirements of RCW
36.70A.680 and
36.70A.681, or such actions taken by a city pursuant to section 1 or 2 of this act, are not subject to administrative or judicial appeals under this chapter.
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