State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
ByRepresentatives Barkis, Hackney, Ley, Jacobsen, and Caldier
Read first time 01/20/25.Referred to Committee on Community Safety.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that an increase in graffiti and defacement of public and private property damages and detracts from the general enjoyment of community spaces. This act provides the court with more options for offenders to rectify their mistakes. The intent of this act is to discourage graffiti and other malicious mischief crimes by including community service hours or actual damage cleanup as a court-issued punishment. Adults are paying the fines for some youth, so the offender is not experiencing consequences that would lead to better behavior. Prosecutors are unlikely to recommend actual jail time for minor crimes. Therefore, picking up trash in state parks, scrubbing off paint, or doing other forms of community restitution provides a reformative opportunity. This act is building on policies that currently exist in the justice system with the expectation of better outcomes for all involved.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter
9A.48 RCW to read as follows:
For offenders convicted of malicious mischief in the third degree or criminal street gang tagging and graffiti, the court shall order the offender to perform at least 40 hours of community restitution, as defined in RCW
9.94A.030, in addition to other penalties. The court may use any community restitution program available including, but not limited to, RCW
Sec. 3. RCW
9A.04.110 and 2011 c 336 s 350 and 2011 c 166 s 2 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
In this title unless a different meaning plainly is required:
(1) "Acted" includes, where relevant, omitted to act;
(2) "Actor" includes, where relevant, a person failing to act;
(3) "Benefit" is any gain or advantage to the beneficiary, including any gain or advantage to a third person pursuant to the desire or consent of the beneficiary;
(4)(a) "Bodily injury," "physical injury," or "bodily harm" means physical pain or injury, illness, or an impairment of physical condition;
(b) "Substantial bodily harm" means bodily injury which involves a temporary but substantial disfigurement, or which causes a temporary but substantial loss or impairment of the function of any bodily part or organ, or which causes a fracture of any bodily part;
(c) "Great bodily harm" means bodily injury which creates a probability of death, or which causes significant serious permanent disfigurement, or which causes a significant permanent loss or impairment of the function of any bodily part or organ;
(5) "Building," in addition to its ordinary meaning, includes any dwelling, fenced area, vehicle, railway car, cargo container, or any other structure used for lodging of persons or for carrying on business therein, or for the use, sale, or deposit of goods; each unit of a building consisting of two or more units separately secured or occupied is a separate building;
(6) "Deadly weapon" means any explosive or loaded or unloaded firearm, and shall include any other weapon, device, instrument, article, or substance, including a "vehicle" as defined in this section, which, under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used, or threatened to be used, is readily capable of causing death or substantial bodily harm;
(7) "Dwelling" means any building or structure, though movable or temporary, or a portion thereof, which is used or ordinarily used by a person for lodging;
(8) "Government" includes any branch, subdivision, or agency of the government of this state and any county, city, district, or other local governmental unit;
(9) "Governmental function" includes any activity which a public servant is legally authorized or permitted to undertake on behalf of a government;
(10) "Graffiti" means defacing, damaging, or destroying public or private buildings, structures, facilities, natural features, or places without the owner's permission by writing, painting, spraying, marking, or drawing with paint, ink, dye, or other substances;
(11) "Indicted" and "indictment" include "informed against" and "information", and "informed against" and "information" include "indicted" and "indictment";
(((11)))(12) "Judge" includes every judicial officer authorized alone or with others, to hold or preside over a court;
(((12)))(13) "Malice" and "maliciously" shall import an evil intent, wish, or design to vex, annoy, or injure another person. Malice may be inferred from an act done in willful disregard of the rights of another, or an act wrongfully done without just cause or excuse, or an act or omission of duty betraying a willful disregard of social duty;
(((13)))(14) "Officer" and "public officer" means a person holding office under a city, county, or state government, or the federal government who performs a public function and in so doing is vested with the exercise of some sovereign power of government, and includes all assistants, deputies, clerks, and employees of any public officer and all persons lawfully exercising or assuming to exercise any of the powers or functions of a public officer;
(((14)))(15) "Omission" means a failure to act;
(((15)))(16) "Peace officer" means a duly appointed city, county, or state law enforcement officer;
(((16)))(17) "Pecuniary benefit" means any gain or advantage in the form of money, property, commercial interest, or anything else the primary significance of which is economic gain;
(((17)))(18) "Person," "he or she," and "actor" include any natural person and, where relevant, a corporation, joint stock association, or an unincorporated association;
(((18)))(19) "Place of work" includes but is not limited to all the lands and other real property of a farm or ranch in the case of an actor who owns, operates, or is employed to work on such a farm or ranch;
(((19)))(20) "Prison" means any place designated by law for the keeping of persons held in custody under process of law, or under lawful arrest, including but not limited to any state correctional institution or any county or city jail;
(((20)))(21) "Prisoner" includes any person held in custody under process of law, or under lawful arrest;
(((21)))(22) "Projectile stun gun" means an electronic device that projects wired probes attached to the device that emit an electrical charge and that is designed and primarily employed to incapacitate a person or animal;
(((22)))(23) "Property" means anything of value, whether tangible or intangible, real or personal;
(((23)))(24) "Public servant" means any person other than a witness who presently occupies the position of or has been elected, appointed, or designated to become any officer or employee of government, including a legislator, judge, judicial officer, juror, and any person participating as an advisor, consultant, or otherwise in performing a governmental function;
(((24)))(25) "Signature" includes any memorandum, mark, or sign made with intent to authenticate any instrument or writing, or the subscription of any person thereto;
(((25)))(26) "Statute" means the Constitution or an act of the legislature or initiative or referendum of this state;
(((26)))(27) "Strangulation" means to compress a person's neck, thereby obstructing the person's blood flow or ability to breathe, or doing so with the intent to obstruct the person's blood flow or ability to breathe;
(((27)))(28) "Suffocation" means to block or impair a person's intake of air at the nose and mouth, whether by smothering or other means, with the intent to obstruct the person's ability to breathe;
(((28)))(29) "Threat" means to communicate, directly or indirectly the intent:
(a) To cause bodily injury in the future to the person threatened or to any other person; or
(b) To cause physical damage to the property of a person other than the actor; or
(c) To subject the person threatened or any other person to physical confinement or restraint; or
(d) To accuse any person of a crime or cause criminal charges to be instituted against any person; or
(e) To expose a secret or publicize an asserted fact, whether true or false, tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule; or
(f) To reveal any information sought to be concealed by the person threatened; or
(g) To testify or provide information or withhold testimony or information with respect to another's legal claim or defense; or
(h) To take wrongful action as an official against anyone or anything, or wrongfully withhold official action, or cause such action or withholding; or
(i) To bring about or continue a strike, boycott, or other similar collective action to obtain property which is not demanded or received for the benefit of the group which the actor purports to represent; or
(j) To do any other act which is intended to harm substantially the person threatened or another with respect to his or her health, safety, business, financial condition, or personal relationships;
(((29)))(30) "Vehicle" means a "motor vehicle" as defined in the vehicle and traffic laws, any aircraft, or any vessel equipped for propulsion by mechanical means or by sail;
(((30)))(31) Words in the present tense shall include the future tense; and in the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter genders; and in the singular shall include the plural; and in the plural shall include the singular.
Sec. 4. RCW
9A.48.105 and 2008 c 276 s 306 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of criminal street gang tagging and graffiti if he or she commits malicious mischief in the third degree under RCW
9A.48.090(1)(b) and he or she:
(a) Has multiple current convictions for malicious mischief in the third degree offenses under RCW
9A.48.090(1)(b); or
(b) Has previously been convicted for a malicious mischief in the third degree offense under RCW
9A.48.090(1)(b) or a comparable offense under a municipal code provision of any city or town; and
(c) The current offense or one of the current offenses is a "criminal street gang-related offense" as defined in RCW
(2) ((Criminal))(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, criminal street gang tagging and graffiti is a gross misdemeanor offense.
(b) A second or subsequent conviction for criminal street gang tagging and graffiti is a class C felony.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter
9.94A RCW to read as follows:
(1) In a prosecution for malicious mischief in the first degree under RCW
9A.48.070, or a second or subsequent criminal street gang tagging and graffiti offense under RCW
9A.48.105(2)(b), the prosecuting attorney may file a special allegation when sufficient evidence exists to show that the defendant engaged in organized graffiti in the commission of the offense.
(2) In a criminal case in which there has been a special allegation and the accused has been convicted of the underlying crime, the court shall make a finding of fact prior to sentencing whether the defendant engaged in organized graffiti in the commission of the offense. If the court finds beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant engaged in organized graffiti in the commission of the offense, the defendant shall be sentenced in accordance with RCW
(3) For purposes of this section, a person engages in organized graffiti if the person:
(a) Commits, individually or as a participant in a group of multiple individuals, any act or series of acts that results in physical damage to the property of another in the amount of $25,000 or more; or
(b) Travels across state lines with the purpose of committing the offense of malicious mischief, and commits any act or series of acts that results in physical damage to the property of another in the amount of $10,000 or more.
Sec. 6. RCW
9.94A.533 and 2024 c 301 s 28 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The provisions of this section apply to the standard sentence ranges determined by RCW
9.94A.510 or
(2) For persons convicted of the anticipatory offenses of criminal attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy under chapter
9A.28 RCW, the standard sentence range is determined by locating the sentencing grid sentence range defined by the appropriate offender score and the seriousness level of the completed crime, and multiplying the range by seventy-five percent.
(3) The following additional times shall be added to the standard sentence range for felony crimes committed after July 23, 1995, if the offender or an accomplice was armed with a firearm as defined in RCW
9.41.010 and the offender is being sentenced for one of the crimes listed in this subsection as eligible for any firearm enhancements based on the classification of the completed felony crime. If the offender is being sentenced for more than one offense, the firearm enhancement or enhancements must be added to the total period of confinement for all offenses, regardless of which underlying offense is subject to a firearm enhancement. If the offender or an accomplice was armed with a firearm as defined in RCW
9.41.010 and the offender is being sentenced for an anticipatory offense under chapter
9A.28 RCW to commit one of the crimes listed in this subsection as eligible for any firearm enhancements, the following additional times shall be added to the standard sentence range determined under subsection (2) of this section based on the felony crime of conviction as classified under RCW
(a) Five years for any felony defined under any law as a class A felony or with a statutory maximum sentence of at least twenty years, or both, and not covered under (f) of this subsection;
(b) Three years for any felony defined under any law as a class B felony or with a statutory maximum sentence of ten years, or both, and not covered under (f) of this subsection;
(c) Eighteen months for any felony defined under any law as a class C felony or with a statutory maximum sentence of five years, or both, and not covered under (f) of this subsection;
(d) If the offender is being sentenced for any firearm enhancements under (a), (b), and/or (c) of this subsection and the offender has previously been sentenced for any deadly weapon enhancements after July 23, 1995, under (a), (b), and/or (c) of this subsection or subsection (4)(a), (b), and/or (c) of this section, or both, all firearm enhancements under this subsection shall be twice the amount of the enhancement listed;
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all firearm enhancements under this section are mandatory, shall be served in total confinement, and shall run consecutively to all other sentencing provisions, including other firearm or deadly weapon enhancements, for all offenses sentenced under this chapter. However, whether or not a mandatory minimum term has expired, an offender serving a sentence under this subsection may be:
(i) Granted an extraordinary medical placement when authorized under RCW
9.94A.728(1)(c); or
(ii) Released under the provisions of RCW
(f) The firearm enhancements in this section shall apply to all felony crimes except the following: Possession of a machine gun or bump-fire stock, possessing a stolen firearm, drive-by shooting, theft of a firearm, unlawful possession of a firearm in the first and second degree, and use of a machine gun or bump-fire stock in a felony;
(g) If the standard sentence range under this section exceeds the statutory maximum sentence for the offense, the statutory maximum sentence shall be the presumptive sentence unless the offender is a persistent offender. If the addition of a firearm enhancement increases the sentence so that it would exceed the statutory maximum for the offense, the portion of the sentence representing the enhancement may not be reduced.
(4) The following additional times shall be added to the standard sentence range for felony crimes committed after July 23, 1995, if the offender or an accomplice was armed with a deadly weapon other than a firearm as defined in RCW
9.41.010 and the offender is being sentenced for one of the crimes listed in this subsection as eligible for any deadly weapon enhancements based on the classification of the completed felony crime. If the offender is being sentenced for more than one offense, the deadly weapon enhancement or enhancements must be added to the total period of confinement for all offenses, regardless of which underlying offense is subject to a deadly weapon enhancement. If the offender or an accomplice was armed with a deadly weapon other than a firearm as defined in RCW
9.41.010 and the offender is being sentenced for an anticipatory offense under chapter
9A.28 RCW to commit one of the crimes listed in this subsection as eligible for any deadly weapon enhancements, the following additional times shall be added to the standard sentence range determined under subsection (2) of this section based on the felony crime of conviction as classified under RCW
(a) Two years for any felony defined under any law as a class A felony or with a statutory maximum sentence of at least twenty years, or both, and not covered under (f) of this subsection;
(b) One year for any felony defined under any law as a class B felony or with a statutory maximum sentence of ten years, or both, and not covered under (f) of this subsection;
(c) Six months for any felony defined under any law as a class C felony or with a statutory maximum sentence of five years, or both, and not covered under (f) of this subsection;
(d) If the offender is being sentenced under (a), (b), and/or (c) of this subsection for any deadly weapon enhancements and the offender has previously been sentenced for any deadly weapon enhancements after July 23, 1995, under (a), (b), and/or (c) of this subsection or subsection (3)(a), (b), and/or (c) of this section, or both, all deadly weapon enhancements under this subsection shall be twice the amount of the enhancement listed;
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all deadly weapon enhancements under this section are mandatory, shall be served in total confinement, and shall run consecutively to all other sentencing provisions, including other firearm or deadly weapon enhancements, for all offenses sentenced under this chapter. However, whether or not a mandatory minimum term has expired, an offender serving a sentence under this subsection may be:
(i) Granted an extraordinary medical placement when authorized under RCW
9.94A.728(1)(c); or
(ii) Released under the provisions of RCW
(f) The deadly weapon enhancements in this section shall apply to all felony crimes except the following: Possession of a machine gun or bump-fire stock, possessing a stolen firearm, drive-by shooting, theft of a firearm, unlawful possession of a firearm in the first and second degree, and use of a machine gun or bump-fire stock in a felony;
(g) If the standard sentence range under this section exceeds the statutory maximum sentence for the offense, the statutory maximum sentence shall be the presumptive sentence unless the offender is a persistent offender. If the addition of a deadly weapon enhancement increases the sentence so that it would exceed the statutory maximum for the offense, the portion of the sentence representing the enhancement may not be reduced.
(5) The following additional times shall be added to the standard sentence range if the offender or an accomplice committed the offense while in a county jail or state correctional facility and the offender is being sentenced for one of the crimes listed in this subsection. If the offender or an accomplice committed one of the crimes listed in this subsection while in a county jail or state correctional facility, and the offender is being sentenced for an anticipatory offense under chapter
9A.28 RCW to commit one of the crimes listed in this subsection, the following additional times shall be added to the standard sentence range determined under subsection (2) of this section:
(a) Eighteen months for offenses committed under RCW
69.50.401(2) (a) or (b) or
(b) Fifteen months for offenses committed under RCW
69.50.401(2) (c), (d), or (e);
(c) Twelve months for offenses committed under RCW
For the purposes of this subsection, all of the real property of a state correctional facility or county jail shall be deemed to be part of that facility or county jail.
(6) An additional twenty-four months shall be added to the standard sentence range for any ranked offense involving a violation of chapter
69.50 RCW if the offense was also a violation of RCW
69.50.435 or
9.94A.827. All enhancements under this subsection shall run consecutively to all other sentencing provisions, for all offenses sentenced under this chapter.
(7) An additional two years shall be added to the standard sentence range for vehicular homicide committed while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug as defined by RCW
46.61.502 for each prior offense as defined in RCW
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all impaired driving enhancements under this subsection are mandatory, shall be served in total confinement, and shall run consecutively to all other sentencing provisions, including other impaired driving enhancements, for all offenses sentenced under this chapter.
An offender serving a sentence under this subsection may be granted an extraordinary medical placement when authorized under RCW
(8)(a) The following additional times shall be added to the standard sentence range for felony crimes committed on or after July 1, 2006, if the offense was committed with sexual motivation, as that term is defined in RCW
9.94A.030. If the offender is being sentenced for more than one offense, the sexual motivation enhancement must be added to the total period of total confinement for all offenses, regardless of which underlying offense is subject to a sexual motivation enhancement. If the offender committed the offense with sexual motivation and the offender is being sentenced for an anticipatory offense under chapter
9A.28 RCW, the following additional times shall be added to the standard sentence range determined under subsection (2) of this section based on the felony crime of conviction as classified under RCW
(i) Two years for any felony defined under the law as a class A felony or with a statutory maximum sentence of at least twenty years, or both;
(ii) Eighteen months for any felony defined under any law as a class B felony or with a statutory maximum sentence of ten years, or both;
(iii) One year for any felony defined under any law as a class C felony or with a statutory maximum sentence of five years, or both;
(iv) If the offender is being sentenced for any sexual motivation enhancements under (a)(i), (ii), and/or (iii) of this subsection and the offender has previously been sentenced for any sexual motivation enhancements on or after July 1, 2006, under (a)(i), (ii), and/or (iii) of this subsection, all sexual motivation enhancements under this subsection shall be twice the amount of the enhancement listed;
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all sexual motivation enhancements under this subsection are mandatory, shall be served in total confinement, and shall run consecutively to all other sentencing provisions, including other sexual motivation enhancements, for all offenses sentenced under this chapter. However, whether or not a mandatory minimum term has expired, an offender serving a sentence under this subsection may be:
(i) Granted an extraordinary medical placement when authorized under RCW
9.94A.728(1)(c); or
(ii) Released under the provisions of RCW
(c) The sexual motivation enhancements in this subsection apply to all felony crimes;
(d) If the standard sentence range under this subsection exceeds the statutory maximum sentence for the offense, the statutory maximum sentence shall be the presumptive sentence unless the offender is a persistent offender. If the addition of a sexual motivation enhancement increases the sentence so that it would exceed the statutory maximum for the offense, the portion of the sentence representing the enhancement may not be reduced;
(e) The portion of the total confinement sentence which the offender must serve under this subsection shall be calculated before any earned early release time is credited to the offender;
(f) Nothing in this subsection prevents a sentencing court from imposing a sentence outside the standard sentence range pursuant to RCW
(9) An additional one-year enhancement shall be added to the standard sentence range for the felony crimes of RCW
9A.44.086, or
9A.44.089 committed on or after July 22, 2007, if the offender engaged, agreed, or offered to engage the victim in the sexual conduct in return for a fee. If the offender is being sentenced for more than one offense, the one-year enhancement must be added to the total period of total confinement for all offenses, regardless of which underlying offense is subject to the enhancement. If the offender is being sentenced for an anticipatory offense for the felony crimes of RCW
9A.44.086, or
9A.44.089, and the offender attempted, solicited another, or conspired to engage, agree, or offer to engage the victim in the sexual conduct in return for a fee, an additional one-year enhancement shall be added to the standard sentence range determined under subsection (2) of this section. For purposes of this subsection, "sexual conduct" means sexual intercourse or sexual contact, both as defined in chapter
9A.44 RCW.
(10)(a) For a person age eighteen or older convicted of any criminal street gang-related felony offense for which the person compensated, threatened, or solicited a minor in order to involve the minor in the commission of the felony offense, the standard sentence range is determined by locating the sentencing grid sentence range defined by the appropriate offender score and the seriousness level of the completed crime, and multiplying the range by one hundred twenty-five percent. If the standard sentence range under this subsection exceeds the statutory maximum sentence for the offense, the statutory maximum sentence is the presumptive sentence unless the offender is a persistent offender.
(b) This subsection does not apply to any criminal street gang-related felony offense for which involving a minor in the commission of the felony offense is an element of the offense.
(c) The increased penalty specified in (a) of this subsection is unavailable in the event that the prosecution gives notice that it will seek an exceptional sentence based on an aggravating factor under RCW
(11) An additional twelve months and one day shall be added to the standard sentence range for a conviction of attempting to elude a police vehicle as defined by RCW
46.61.024, if the conviction included a finding by special allegation of endangering one or more persons under RCW
(12) An additional twelve months shall be added to the standard sentence range for an offense that is also a violation of RCW
(13) An additional twelve months shall be added to the standard sentence range for vehicular homicide committed while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug as defined by RCW
46.61.520 or for vehicular assault committed while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug as defined by RCW
46.61.522, or for any felony driving under the influence (RCW
46.61.502(6)) or felony physical control under the influence (RCW
46.61.504(6)) for each child passenger under the age of sixteen who is an occupant in the defendant's vehicle. These enhancements shall be mandatory, shall be served in total confinement, and shall run consecutively to all other sentencing provisions, including other minor child enhancements, for all offenses sentenced under this chapter. If the addition of a minor child enhancement increases the sentence so that it would exceed the statutory maximum for the offense, the portion of the sentence representing the enhancement shall be mandatory, shall be served in total confinement, and shall run consecutively to all other sentencing provisions.
(14) An additional twelve months shall be added to the standard sentence range for an offense that is also a violation of RCW
(15) An additional 12 months may, at the discretion of the court, be added to the standard sentence range for an offense that is also a violation of RCW
An additional 12 months shall be added to the standard sentence range for a conviction for malicious mischief in the first degree under RCW 9A.48.070, or a second or subsequent conviction for criminal street gang tagging and graffiti under RCW 9A.48.105(2)(b), if the court finds that the offender engaged in organized graffiti pursuant to section 5 of this act.(17) Regardless of any provisions in this section, if a person is being sentenced in adult court for a crime committed under age eighteen, the court has full discretion to depart from mandatory sentencing enhancements and to take the particular circumstances surrounding the defendant's youth into account.
Sec. 7. RCW
9A.20.030 and 1982 1st ex.s. c 47 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) If a person has gained money or property or caused a victim to lose money or property through the commission of a crime, upon conviction thereof or when the offender pleads guilty to a lesser offense or fewer offenses and agrees with the prosecutor's recommendation that the offender be required to pay restitution to a victim of an offense or offenses which are not prosecuted pursuant to a plea agreement, the court, in lieu of imposing the fine authorized for the offense under RCW
9A.20.020, may order the defendant to pay an amount, fixed by the court, not to exceed double the amount of the defendant's gain or victim's loss from the commission of a crime. Such amount may be used to provide restitution to the victim at the order of the court. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney to investigate the alternative of restitution, and to recommend it to the court, when the prosecuting attorney believes that restitution is appropriate and feasible. If the court orders restitution, the court shall make a finding as to the amount of the defendant's gain or victim's loss from the crime, and if the record does not contain sufficient evidence to support such finding the court may conduct a hearing upon the issue. For purposes of this section, the terms "gain" or "loss" refer to the amount of money or the value of property or services gained or lost.
(a) If a person commits malicious mischief in the third degree under RCW 9A.48.090 or criminal street gang tagging and graffiti under RCW 9A.48.105, in addition to the community restitution authorized in section 2 of this act, the court has discretion to order community or clean-up restitution, in lieu of part or all of the incarceration sentence.(b) The court may order the person to clean up the damage, with prior permission of the legal owner or, in the case of public property, of the agency managing the property.
(c) When the court orders community restitution under section 2 of this act, the payment shall be forwarded to the state treasurer who shall distribute it to the program for which the restitution is performed.
(d) When the court does not order community restitution under section 2 of this act, the restitution payment shall be forwarded to the state treasurer who shall deposit it in the graffiti and tagging abatement grant program in RCW 36.28A.210, or a similar account, to be used solely for graffiti abatement and cleanup. (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this section also applies to any corporation or joint stock association found guilty of any crime.
Sec. 8. RCW
36.28A.210 and 2008 c 276 s 102 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) When funded, the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs shall establish a grant program to assist local law enforcement agencies in the support of graffiti and tagging abatement programs located in local communities. Grant applicants are encouraged to utilize multijurisdictional efforts.
(2) Each graffiti or tagging abatement grant applicant shall:
(a) Demonstrate that a significant gang problem exists in the jurisdiction or jurisdictions receiving the grant;
(b) Show how the funds will be used to dispose or eliminate any current or ongoing tagging or graffiti within a specified time period;
(c) Specify how the funds will be used to reduce gang-related graffiti or tagging within its community;
(d) Show how the local citizens and business owners of the community will benefit from the proposed graffiti or tagging abatement process being presented in the grant application; and
(e) Collect data on performance pursuant to RCW
(3) The cost of administering the grants shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, or four percent of funding, whichever is greater.
(4) Subject to appropriations made available for this purpose, during fiscal years 2025-2027, grants must be awarded under this section to investigate, arrest, and prosecute individuals involved in tagging or graffiti on property owned by the department of transportation. Each recipient of a grant awarded under this subsection must provide a report to the legislature by December 31st of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the grant is awarded. The report must include the number of arrests, convictions, and community service hours, or other corrective actions taken against individuals damaging property with graffiti that resulted from the provided funding.
Sec. 9. RCW
13.40.0357 and 2023 c 295 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
juvenile disposition offense category | description (rcw citation) | juvenile disposition category for attempt, bailjump, conspiracy, or solicitation |
| Arson and Malicious Mischief |
| A | Arson 1 (9A.48.020) | B+ |
| B | Arson 2 (9A.48.030) | C |
| C | Reckless Burning 1 (9A.48.040) | D |
| D | Reckless Burning 2 (9A.48.050) | E |
| ((B))B+ | Malicious Mischief 1 (9A.48.070) | ((C))C+ |
| ((C))C+ | Malicious Mischief 2 (9A.48.080) | ((D))D+ |
| ((D))D+ | Malicious Mischief 3 (9A.48.090) | ((E))D |
| E | Tampering with Fire Alarm Apparatus (9.40.100) | E |
| E | Tampering with Fire Alarm Apparatus with Intent to Commit Arson (9.40.105) | E |
| A | Possession of Incendiary Device (9.40.120) | B+ |
| | Assault and Other Crimes Involving Physical Harm | |
| A | Assault 1 (9A.36.011) | B+ |
| B+ | Assault 2 (9A.36.021) | C+ |
| C+ | Assault 3 (9A.36.031) | D+ |
| D+ | Assault 4 (9A.36.041) | E |
| B+ | Drive-By Shooting (9A.36.045) committed at age 15 or under | C+ |
| A++ | Drive-By Shooting (9A.36.045) committed at age 16 or 17 | A |
| D+ | Reckless Endangerment (9A.36.050) | E |
| C+ | Promoting Suicide Attempt (9A.36.060) | D+ |
| D+ | Coercion (9A.36.070) | E |
| C+ | Custodial Assault (9A.36.100) | D+ |
| | Burglary and Trespass | |
| B+ | Burglary 1 (9A.52.020) committed at age 15 or under | C+ |
| A- | Burglary 1 (9A.52.020) committed at age 16 or 17 | B+ |
| B | Residential Burglary (9A.52.025) | C |
| B | Burglary 2 (9A.52.030) | C |
| D | Burglary Tools (Possession of) (9A.52.060) | E |
| D | Criminal Trespass 1 (9A.52.070) | E |
| E | Criminal Trespass 2 (9A.52.080) | E |
| C | Mineral Trespass (78.44.330) | C |
| C | Vehicle Prowling 1 (9A.52.095) | D |
| D | Vehicle Prowling 2 (9A.52.100) | E |
| | Drugs | |
| E | Possession/Consumption of Alcohol (66.44.270) | E |
| C | Illegally Obtaining Legend Drug (69.41.020) | D |
| C+ | Sale, Delivery, Possession of Legend Drug with Intent to Sell (69.41.030(2)(a)) | D+ |
| E | Possession of Legend Drug (69.41.030(2)(b)) | E |
| B+ | Violation of Uniform Controlled Substances Act - Narcotic, Methamphetamine, or Flunitrazepam Sale (69.50.401(2) (a) or (b)) | B+ |
| C | Violation of Uniform Controlled Substances Act - Nonnarcotic Sale (69.50.401(2)(c)) | C |
| E | Possession of Cannabis <40 grams (69.50.4014) | E |
| C | Fraudulently Obtaining Controlled Substance (69.50.403) | C |
| C+ | Sale of Controlled Substance for Profit (69.50.410) | C+ |
| E | Unlawful Inhalation (9.47A.020) | E |
| B | Violation of Uniform Controlled Substances Act - Narcotic, Methamphetamine, or Flunitrazepam Counterfeit Substances (69.50.4011(2) (a) or (b)) | B |
| C | Violation of Uniform Controlled Substances Act - Nonnarcotic Counterfeit Substances (69.50.4011(2) (c), (d), or (e)) | C |
| E | Violation of Uniform Controlled Substances Act - Possession of a Controlled Substance (69.50.4013) | E |
| C | Violation of Uniform Controlled Substances Act - Possession of a Controlled Substance (69.50.4012) | C |
| | Firearms and Weapons | |
| B | Theft of Firearm (9A.56.300) | C |
| B | Possession of Stolen Firearm (9A.56.310) | C |
| E | Carrying Loaded Pistol Without Permit (9.41.050) | E |
| C | Possession of Firearms by Minor (<18) (9.41.040(2)(a) (v)) | C |
| D+ | Possession of Dangerous Weapon (9.41.250) | E |
| D | Intimidating Another Person by use of Weapon (9.41.270) | E |
| | Homicide | |
| A+ | Murder 1 (9A.32.030) | A |
| A+ | Murder 2 (9A.32.050) | B+ |
| B+ | Manslaughter 1 (9A.32.060) | C+ |
| C+ | Manslaughter 2 (9A.32.070) | D+ |
| B+ | Vehicular Homicide (46.61.520) | C+ |
| | Kidnapping | |
| A | Kidnap 1 (9A.40.020) | B+ |
| B+ | Kidnap 2 (9A.40.030) | C+ |
| C+ | Unlawful Imprisonment (9A.40.040) | D+ |
| | Obstructing Governmental Operation | |
| D | Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer (9A.76.020) | E |
| E | Resisting Arrest (9A.76.040) | E |
| B | Introducing Contraband 1 (9A.76.140) | C |
| C | Introducing Contraband 2 (9A.76.150) | D |
| E | Introducing Contraband 3 (9A.76.160) | E |
| B+ | Intimidating a Public Servant (9A.76.180) | C+ |
| B+ | Intimidating a Witness (9A.72.110) | C+ |
| | Public Disturbance | |
| C+ | Criminal Mischief with Weapon (9A.84.010(2)(b)) | D+ |
| D+ | Criminal Mischief Without Weapon (9A.84.010(2)(a)) | E |
| E | Failure to Disperse (9A.84.020) | E |
| E | Disorderly Conduct (9A.84.030) | E |
| | Sex Crimes | |
| A | Rape 1 (9A.44.040) | B+ |
| B++ | Rape 2 (9A.44.050) committed at age 14 or under | B+ |
| A- | Rape 2 (9A.44.050) committed at age 15 through age 17 | B+ |
| C+ | Rape 3 (9A.44.060) | D+ |
| B++ | Rape of a Child 1 (9A.44.073) committed at age 14 or under | B+ |
| A- | Rape of a Child 1 (9A.44.073) committed at age 15 | B+ |
| B+ | Rape of a Child 2 (9A.44.076) | C+ |
| B | Incest 1 (9A.64.020(1)) | C |
| C | Incest 2 (9A.64.020(2)) | D |
| D+ | Indecent Exposure (Victim <14) (9A.88.010) | E |
| E | Indecent Exposure (Victim 14 or over) (9A.88.010) | E |
| B+ | Promoting Prostitution 1 (9A.88.070) | C+ |
| C+ | Promoting Prostitution 2 (9A.88.080) | D+ |
| E | O & A (Prostitution) (9A.88.030) | E |
| B+ | Indecent Liberties (9A.44.100) | C+ |
| B++ | Child Molestation 1 (9A.44.083) committed at age 14 or under | B+ |
| A- | Child Molestation 1 (9A.44.083) committed at age 15 through age 17 | B+ |
| B | Child Molestation 2 (9A.44.086) | C+ |
| C | Failure to Register as a Sex Offender (9A.44.132) | D |
| | Theft, Robbery, Extortion, and Forgery | |
| B | Theft 1 (9A.56.030) | C |
| C | Theft 2 (9A.56.040) | D |
| D | Theft 3 (9A.56.050) | E |
| B | Theft of Livestock 1 and 2 (9A.56.080 and 9A.56.083) | C |
| C | Forgery (9A.60.020) | D |
| A | Robbery 1 (9A.56.200) committed at age 15 or under | B+ |
| A++ | Robbery 1 (9A.56.200) committed at age 16 or 17 | A |
| B+ | Robbery 2 (9A.56.210) | C+ |
| B+ | Extortion 1 (9A.56.120) | C+ |
| C+ | Extortion 2 (9A.56.130) | D+ |
| C | Identity Theft 1 (9.35.020(2)) | D |
| D | Identity Theft 2 (9.35.020(3)) | E |
| D | Improperly Obtaining Financial Information (9.35.010) | E |
| B | Possession of a Stolen Vehicle (9A.56.068) | C |
| B | Possession of Stolen Property 1 (9A.56.150) | C |
| C | Possession of Stolen Property 2 (9A.56.160) | D |
| D | Possession of Stolen Property 3 (9A.56.170) | E |
| B | Taking Motor Vehicle Without Permission 1 (9A.56.070) | C |
| C | Taking Motor Vehicle Without Permission 2 (9A.56.075) | D |
| B | Theft of a Motor Vehicle (9A.56.065) | C |
| | Motor Vehicle Related Crimes | |
| E | Driving Without a License (46.20.005) | E |
| B+ | Hit and Run - Death (46.52.020(4)(a)) | C+ |
| C | Hit and Run - Injury (46.52.020(4)(b)) | D |
| D | Hit and Run-Attended (46.52.020(5)) | E |
| E | Hit and Run-Unattended (46.52.010) | E |
| C | Vehicular Assault (46.61.522) | D |
| C | Attempting to Elude Pursuing Police Vehicle (46.61.024) | D |
| E | Reckless Driving (46.61.500) | E |
| D | Driving While Under the Influence (46.61.502 and 46.61.504) | E |
| B+ | Felony Driving While Under the Influence (46.61.502(6)) | B |
| B+ | Felony Physical Control of a Vehicle While Under the Influence (46.61.504(6)) | B |
| | Other | |
| B | Animal Cruelty 1 (16.52.205) | C |
| B | Bomb Threat (9.61.160) | C |
| C | Escape 11 (9A.76.110) | C |
| C | Escape 21 (9A.76.120) | C |
| D | Escape 3 (9A.76.130) | E |
| E | Obscene, Harassing, Etc., Phone Calls (9.61.230) | E |
| A | Other Offense Equivalent to an Adult Class A Felony | B+ |
| B | Other Offense Equivalent to an Adult Class B Felony | C |
| C | Other Offense Equivalent to an Adult Class C Felony | D |
| D | Other Offense Equivalent to an Adult Gross Misdemeanor | E |
| E | Other Offense Equivalent to an Adult Misdemeanor | E |
| V | Violation of Order of Restitution, Community Supervision, or Confinement (13.40.200)2 | V |
1Escape 1 and 2 and Attempted Escape 1 and 2 are classed as C offenses and the standard range is established as follows:
1st escape or attempted escape during 12-month period - 28 days confinement
2nd escape or attempted escape during 12-month period - 8 weeks confinement
3rd and subsequent escape or attempted escape during 12-month period - 12 weeks confinement
2If the court finds that a respondent has violated terms of an order, it may impose a penalty of up to 30 days of confinement.
This schedule must be used for juvenile offenders. The court may select sentencing option A, B, C, or D.
| A++ | 129 to 260 weeks for all category A++ offenses |
| A+ | 180 weeks to age 21 for all category A+ offenses |
| A | 103-129 weeks for all category A offenses |
| A- | 30-40 weeks | 52-65 weeks | 80-100 weeks | 103-129 weeks | 103-129 weeks |
| B++ | 15-36 weeks | 52-65 weeks | 80-100 weeks | 103-129 weeks | 103-129 weeks |
CURRENT | B+ | 15-36 weeks | 15-36 weeks | 52-65 weeks | 80-100 weeks | 103-129 weeks |
OFFENSE | B | LS | LS | 15-36 weeks | 15-36 weeks | 52-65 weeks |
CATEGORY | C+ | LS | LS | LS | 15-36 weeks | 15-36 weeks |
| C | LS | LS | LS | LS | 15-36 weeks |
| D+ | LS | LS | LS | LS | LS |
| D | LS | LS | LS | LS | LS |
| E | LS | LS | LS | LS | LS |
PRIOR | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 or more |
NOTE: References in the grid to days or weeks mean periods of confinement. "LS" means "local sanctions" as defined in RCW
(1) The vertical axis of the grid is the current offense category. The current offense category is determined by the offense of adjudication.
(2) The horizontal axis of the grid is the number of prior adjudications included in the juvenile's criminal history. Each prior felony adjudication shall count as one point. Each prior violation, misdemeanor, and gross misdemeanor adjudication shall count as 1/4 point. Fractional points shall be rounded down.
(3) The standard range disposition for each offense is determined by the intersection of the column defined by the prior adjudications and the row defined by the current offense category.
(4) RCW
13.40.180 applies if the offender is being sentenced for more than one offense.
(5) A current offense that is a violation is equivalent to an offense category of E. However, a disposition for a violation shall not include confinement.
(6) A juvenile adjudicated of malicious mischief in the first, second, or third degree shall be required to perform community restitution in addition to local sanctions or in lieu of time in confinement.
(1) If the offender is subject to a standard range disposition involving confinement by the department, the court may impose the standard range and suspend the disposition on condition that the offender comply with one or more local sanctions and any educational or treatment requirement. The treatment programs provided to the offender must be either research-based best practice programs as identified by the Washington state institute for public policy or the joint legislative audit and review committee, or for chemical dependency treatment programs or services, they must be evidence-based or research-based best practice programs. For the purposes of this subsection:
(a) "Evidence-based" means a program or practice that has had multiple site random controlled trials across heterogeneous populations demonstrating that the program or practice is effective for the population; and
(b) "Research-based" means a program or practice that has some research demonstrating effectiveness, but that does not yet meet the standard of evidence-based practices.
(2) If the offender fails to comply with the suspended disposition, the court may impose sanctions pursuant to RCW
13.40.200 or may revoke the suspended disposition and order the disposition's execution.
(3) An offender is ineligible for the suspended disposition option under this section if the offender:
(a) Is adjudicated of an A+ or A++ offense;
(b) Is fourteen years of age or older and is adjudicated of one or more of the following offenses:
(i) A class A offense, or an attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to commit a class A offense;
(ii) Manslaughter in the first degree (RCW
(iv) Violation of the uniform controlled substances act (RCW
69.50.401(2) (a) and (b)), when the offense includes infliction of bodily harm upon another or when during the commission or immediate withdrawal from the offense the respondent was armed with a deadly weapon;
(c) Is ordered to serve a disposition for a firearm violation under RCW
(d) Is adjudicated of a sex offense as defined in RCW
9.94A.030; or
(e) Has a prior option B disposition.
(4) A juvenile adjudicated of malicious mischief in the first, second, or third degree shall be required to perform community restitution in addition to local sanctions or in lieu of time in confinement.
If the juvenile offender is subject to a standard range disposition of local sanctions or 15 to 36 weeks of confinement and has not committed a B++ or B+ offense, the court may impose a disposition under RCW
13.40.160(4) and
If the court determines that a disposition under option A, B, or C would effectuate a manifest injustice, the court shall impose a disposition outside the standard range under RCW
Sec. 10. RCW
9.94A.515 and 2024 c 301 s 29 and 2024 c 55 s 1 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
| TABLE 2 | |
XVI | | |
XV | | |
| | |
| | |
XIV | | |
| | |
XIII | | |
| Malicious placement of an explosive 1 (RCW 70.74.270(1)) | |
XII | | |
| | |
| Malicious placement of an imitation device 1 (RCW 70.74.272(1)(a)) | |
| Promoting Commercial Sexual Abuse of a Minor (RCW 9.68A.101) | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
XI | | |
| | |
| | |
| Vehicular Homicide, by being under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug (RCW 46.61.520) | |
| Vehicular Homicide, by the operation of any vehicle in a reckless manner (RCW 46.61.520) | |
X | | |
| | |
| Indecent Liberties (with forcible compulsion) (RCW 9A.44.100(1)(a)) | |
| | |
| Leading Organized Crime (RCW 9A.82.060(1)(a)) | |
| | |
| Sexually Violent Predator Escape (RCW 9A.76.115) | |
IX | Abandonment of Dependent Person 1 (RCW 9A.42.060) | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Homicide by Watercraft, by being under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug (RCW 79A.60.050) | |
| Inciting Criminal Profiteering (RCW 9A.82.060(1)(b)) | |
| Malicious placement of an explosive 2 (RCW 70.74.270(2)) | |
| | |
| | |
VIII | | |
| Commercial Sexual Abuse of a Minor (RCW 9.68A.100) | |
| Homicide by Watercraft, by the operation of any vessel in a reckless manner (RCW 79A.60.050) | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
VII | Air bag diagnostic systems (causing bodily injury or death) (RCW 46.37.660(2)(b)) | |
| Air bag replacement requirements (causing bodily injury or death) (RCW 46.37.660(1)(b)) | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Custodial Sexual Misconduct 1 (RCW 9A.44.160) | |
| Dealing in depictions of minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct 1 (RCW 9.68A.050(1)) | |
| | |
| | |
| Homicide by Watercraft, by disregard for the safety of others (RCW 79A.60.050) | |
| Indecent Liberties (without forcible compulsion) (RCW 9A.44.100(1) (b) and (c)) | |
| | |
| Malicious placement of an explosive 3 (RCW 70.74.270(3)) | |
| Manufacture or import counterfeit, nonfunctional, damaged, or previously deployed air bag (causing bodily injury or death) (RCW 46.37.650(1)(b)) | |
| Negligently Causing Death By Use of a Signal Preemption Device (RCW 46.37.675) | |
| Sell, install, or reinstall counterfeit, nonfunctional, damaged, or previously deployed airbag (RCW 46.37.650(2)(b)) | |
| Sending, bringing into state depictions of minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct 1 (RCW 9.68A.060(1)) | |
| Unlawful Possession of a Firearm in the first degree (RCW 9.41.040(1)) | |
| Use of a Machine Gun or Bump-fire Stock in Commission of a Felony (RCW 9.41.225) | |
| Vehicular Homicide, by disregard for the safety of others (RCW 46.61.520) | |
VI | Bail Jumping with Murder 1 (RCW 9A.76.170(3)(a)) | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Malicious placement of an imitation device 2 (RCW 70.74.272(1)(b)) | |
| Possession of Depictions of a Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct 1 (RCW 9.68A.070(1)) | |
| | |
| | |
| Theft from a Vulnerable Adult 1 (RCW 9A.56.400(1)) | |
| | |
V | Abandonment of Dependent Person 2 (RCW 9A.42.070) | |
| Advancing money or property for extortionate extension of credit (RCW 9A.82.030) | |
| Air bag diagnostic systems (RCW 46.37.660(2)(c)) | |
| Air bag replacement requirements (RCW 46.37.660(1)(c)) | |
| Bail Jumping with class A Felony (RCW 9A.76.170(3)(b)) | |
| | |
| | |
| Custodial Sexual Misconduct 2 (RCW 9A.44.170) | |
| Dealing in Depictions of Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct 2 (RCW 9.68A.050(2)) | |
| | |
| | |
| Extortionate Extension of Credit (RCW 9A.82.020) | |
| Extortionate Means to Collect Extensions of Credit (RCW 9A.82.040) | |
| | |
| | |
| Manufacture or import counterfeit, nonfunctional, damaged, or previously deployed air bag (RCW 46.37.650(1)(c)) | |
| | |
| Persistent prison misbehavior (RCW 9.94.070) | |
| Possession of a Stolen Firearm (RCW 9A.56.310) | |
| | |
| Rendering Criminal Assistance 1 (RCW 9A.76.070) | |
| Sell, install, or reinstall counterfeit, nonfunctional, damaged, or previously deployed airbag (RCW 46.37.650(2)(c)) | |
| Sending, Bringing into State Depictions of Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct 2 (RCW 9.68A.060(2)) | |
| Sexual Misconduct with a Minor 1 (RCW 9A.44.093) | |
| Sexually Violating Human Remains (RCW 9A.44.105) | |
| | |
| Taking Motor Vehicle Without Permission 1 (RCW 9A.56.070) | |
IV | | |
| | |
| Assault 3 (of a Peace Officer with a Projectile Stun Gun) (RCW 9A.36.031(1)(h)) | |
| Assault 4 (third domestic violence offense) (RCW 9A.36.041(3)) | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Criminal Street Gang Tagging and Graffiti (second or subsequent offense) (RCW 9A.48.105(2)(b)) | |
| Driving While Under the Influence (RCW 46.61.502(6)) | |
| Endangerment with a Controlled Substance (RCW 9A.42.100) | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Hit and Run with Vessel —Injury Accident (RCW 79A.60.200(3)) | |
| | |
| Indecent Exposure to Person Under Age 14 (subsequent sex offense) (RCW 9A.88.010) | |
| Influencing Outcome of Sporting Event (RCW 9A.82.070) | |
| Physical Control of a Vehicle While Under the Influence (RCW 46.61.504(6)) | |
| Possession of Depictions of a Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct 2 (RCW 9.68A.070(2)) | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Trafficking in Catalytic Converters 1 (RCW 9A.82.190) | |
| Trafficking in Stolen Property 1 (RCW 9A.82.050) | |
| Unlawful factoring of a credit card or payment card transaction (RCW 9A.56.290(4)(b)) | |
| Unlawful transaction of health coverage as a health care service contractor (RCW 48.44.016(3)) | |
| Unlawful transaction of health coverage as a health maintenance organization (RCW 48.46.033(3)) | |
| Unlawful transaction of insurance business (RCW 48.15.023(3)) | |
| Unlicensed practice as an insurance professional (RCW 48.17.063(2)) | |
| Use of Proceeds of Criminal Profiteering (RCW 9A.82.080 (1) and (2)) | |
| Vehicle Prowling 2 (third or subsequent offense) (RCW 9A.52.100(3)) | |
| Vehicular Assault, by being under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug, or by the operation or driving of a vehicle in a reckless manner (RCW 46.61.522) | |
| Viewing of Depictions of a Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct 1 (RCW 9.68A.075(1)) | |
III | | |
| Assault 3 (Except Assault 3 of a Peace Officer With a Projectile Stun Gun) (RCW 9A.36.031 except subsection (1)(h)) | |
| | |
| Bail Jumping with class B or C Felony (RCW 9A.76.170(3)(c)) | |
| | |
| Communication with a Minor for Immoral Purposes (RCW 9.68A.090) | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Intimidating a Public Servant (RCW 9A.76.180) | |
| | |
| Malicious Injury to Railroad Property (RCW 81.60.070) | |
| Manufacture of Untraceable Firearm with Intent to Sell (RCW 9.41.190) | |
| Manufacture or Assembly of an Undetectable Firearm or Untraceable Firearm (RCW 9.41.325) | |
| | |
| Negligently Causing Substantial Bodily Harm By Use of a Signal Preemption Device (RCW 46.37.674) | |
| | |
| | |
| Possession of Incendiary Device (RCW 9.40.120) | |
| Possession of Machine Gun, Bump-Fire Stock, Undetectable Firearm, or Short-Barreled Shotgun or Rifle (RCW 9.41.190) | |
| | |
| Retail Theft with Special Circumstances 1 (RCW 9A.56.360(2)) | |
| | |
| | |
| Telephone Harassment (subsequent conviction or threat of death) (RCW 9.61.230(2)) | |
| | |
| Theft with the Intent to Resell 1 (RCW 9A.56.340(2)) | |
| Trafficking in Catalytic Converters 2 (RCW 9A.82.200) | |
| Trafficking in Stolen Property 2 (RCW 9A.82.055) | |
| Unlawful Hunting of Big Game 1 (RCW 77.15.410(3)(b)) | |
| | |
| Unlawful Misbranding of Fish or Shellfish 1 (RCW 77.140.060(3)) | |
| Unlawful possession of firearm in the second degree (RCW 9.41.040(2)) | |
| Unlawful Taking of Endangered Fish or Wildlife 1 (RCW 77.15.120(3)(b)) | |
| Unlawful Trafficking in Fish, Shellfish, or Wildlife 1 (RCW 77.15.260(3)(b)) | |
| Unlawful Use of a Nondesignated Vessel (RCW 77.15.530(4)) | |
| Vehicular Assault, by the operation or driving of a vehicle with disregard for the safety of others (RCW 46.61.522) | |
II | Commercial Fishing Without a License 1 (RCW 77.15.500(3)(b)) | |
| | |
| | |
| Electronic Data Service Interference (RCW 9A.90.060) | |
| | |
| | |
| Engaging in Fish Dealing Activity Unlicensed 1 (RCW 77.15.620(3)) | |
| Escape from Community Custody (RCW 72.09.310) | |
| Failure to Register as a Sex Offender (second or subsequent offense) (RCW 9A.44.130 prior to June 10, 2010, and RCW 9A.44.132) | |
| | |
| | |
| Improperly Obtaining Financial Information (RCW 9.35.010) | |
| | |
| | |
| Possession of Stolen Property 1 (RCW 9A.56.150) | |
| Possession of a Stolen Vehicle (RCW 9A.56.068) | |
| Possession, sale, or offering for sale of seven or more unmarked catalytic converters (RCW 9A.82.180(5)) | |
| Retail Theft with Special Circumstances 2 (RCW 9A.56.360(3)) | |
| Scrap Processing, Recycling, or Supplying Without a License (second or subsequent offense) (RCW 19.290.100) | |
| | |
| | |
| Theft of Rental, Leased, Lease-purchased, or Loaned Property (valued at $5,000 or more) (RCW 9A.56.096(5)(a)) | |
| Theft with the Intent to Resell 2 (RCW 9A.56.340(3)) | |
| | |
| Unlawful factoring of a credit card or payment card transaction (RCW 9A.56.290(4)(a)) | |
| Unlawful Participation of Non-Indians in Indian Fishery (RCW 77.15.570(2)) | |
| | |
| Unlawful Purchase or Use of a License (RCW 77.15.650(3)(b)) | |
| Unlawful Trafficking in Fish, Shellfish, or Wildlife 2 (RCW 77.15.260(3)(a)) | |
| Unlicensed Practice of a Profession or Business (RCW 18.130.190(7)) | |
| | |
I | Attempting to Elude a Pursuing Police Vehicle (RCW 46.61.024) | |
| False Verification for Welfare (RCW 74.08.055) | |
| | |
| Fraudulent Creation or Revocation of a Mental Health Advance Directive (RCW 9A.60.060) | |
| | |
| | |
| Possession of Stolen Property 2 (RCW 9A.56.160) | |
| | |
| Spotlighting Big Game 1 (RCW 77.15.450(3)(b)) | |
| Suspension of Department Privileges 1 (RCW 77.15.670(3)(b)) | |
| Taking Motor Vehicle Without Permission 2 (RCW 9A.56.075) | |
| | |
| Theft from a Vulnerable Adult 2 (RCW 9A.56.400(2)) | |
| Theft of Rental, Leased, Lease-purchased, or Loaned Property (valued at $750 or more but less than $5,000) (RCW 9A.56.096(5)(b)) | |
| Transaction of insurance business beyond the scope of licensure (RCW 48.17.063) | |
| Unlawful Fish and Shellfish Catch Accounting (RCW 77.15.630(3)(b)) | |
| Unlawful Issuance of Checks or Drafts (RCW 9A.56.060) | |
| Unlawful Possession of Fictitious Identification (RCW 9A.56.320) | |
| Unlawful Possession of Instruments of Financial Fraud (RCW 9A.56.320) | |
| Unlawful Possession of Payment Instruments (RCW 9A.56.320) | |
| Unlawful Possession of a Personal Identification Device (RCW 9A.56.320) | |
| Unlawful Production of Payment Instruments (RCW 9A.56.320) | |
| Unlawful Releasing, Planting, Possessing, or Placing Deleterious Exotic Wildlife (RCW 77.15.250(2)(b)) | |
| Unlawful Trafficking in Food Stamps (RCW 9.91.142) | |
| Unlawful Use of Food Stamps (RCW 9.91.144) | |
| Unlawful Use of Net to Take Fish 1 (RCW 77.15.580(3)(b)) | |
| | |
| Violating Commercial Fishing Area or Time 1 (RCW 77.15.550(3)(b)) | |
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
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