State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
ByRepresentatives Taylor, Connors, Duerr, Jacobsen, Peterson, Reed, Barkis, Rule, Doglio, Tharinger, Salahuddin, Ormsby, Ryu, Entenman, Street, and Hill
Read first time 01/20/25.Referred to Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary.
Sec. 1. RCW
64.90.670 and 2019 c 238 s 102 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A declarant and any dealer warrants to a purchaser of a condominium unit that the unit will be in at least as good condition at the earlier of the time of the conveyance or delivery of possession as it was at the time of contracting, except for reasonable wear and tear and damage by casualty or condemnation.
(2) ((A))(a) If a condominium unit is part of a common interest community organized under this chapter and created prior to the effective date of this section, a declarant and any dealer impliedly warrants to a purchaser of ((a))the condominium unit that the unit and the common elements in the condominium are suitable for the ordinary uses of real estate of its type and that any improvements made or contracted for by such declarant or dealer will be:
(((a)))(i) Free from defective materials;
(((b)))(ii) Constructed in accordance with engineering and construction standards, including applicable building codes, generally accepted in the state of Washington at the time of construction; and
(((c)))(iii) Constructed in a workmanlike manner.
(b) If a condominium unit is part of a common interest community created on or after the effective date of this section, a declarant and any dealer impliedly warrants to a purchaser of the condominium unit that the unit and the common elements in the condominium are suitable for the ordinary uses of real estate of its type and that any improvements made or contracted for by such declarant or dealer will be:
(i) Free from defective materials;
(ii) Constructed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and applicable building codes in effect at the time of construction; and
(iii) Constructed in a workmanlike manner. For purposes of this subsection (2)(b)(iii), "workmanlike manner" means the degree of care that a reasonably prudent contractor licensed in the state of Washington would exercise under the same or similar circumstances.
(3) A declarant and any dealer warrants to a purchaser of a condominium unit that may be used for residential use that an existing use, continuation of which is contemplated by the parties, does not violate applicable law at the earlier of the time of conveyance or delivery of possession.
(4) Warranties imposed under this section may be excluded or modified as specified in RCW
(5) For purposes of this section, improvements made or contracted for by an affiliate of a declarant are made or contracted for by the declarant.
(6) Any conveyance of a condominium unit transfers to the purchaser all of a declarant's or dealer's implied warranties of quality.
(7)(a) In a proceeding for breach of any of the obligations arising under this section, the purchaser must show that the alleged breach has adversely affected or will adversely affect the performance of that portion of the unit or common elements alleged to be in breach. Nothing in this section limits the ability of a board to bring claims on behalf of two or more unit owners pursuant to RCW
(b) To establish an adverse effect on performance, the purchaser is required to prove that the alleged breach:
(i) Is more than technical;
(ii) Is significant to a reasonable person; and
(iii) Has caused or will cause physical damage to the unit or common elements; has materially impaired the performance of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, elevator, or similar building equipment; or presents an actual, unreasonable safety risk to the occupants of the condominium.
(8) Proof of breach of any obligation arising under this section is not proof of damages. Damages awarded for a breach of a warranty arising under subsection (2) of this section are the reasonable cost of repairs. However, if it is established that the cost of such repairs is clearly disproportionate to the loss in market value caused by the breach, damages are limited to the loss in market value.
Sec. 2. RCW
64.90.685 and 2018 c 277 s 418 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((A))Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, a declarant, association, unit owner, or any other person subject to this chapter may bring an action to enforce a right granted or obligation imposed under this chapter or the governing documents. The court may award reasonable attorneys' fees and costs to the substantially prevailing party.
(2) ((Parties))Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, parties to a dispute arising under this chapter or the governing documents may agree at any time to resolve the dispute by any form of binding or nonbinding alternative dispute resolution.
(3) An action commenced under RCW 64.90.680 must be arbitrated pursuant to RCW 64.55.100 if: (a) A condominium unit is part of a common interest community created on or after the effective date of this section;
(b) The sole relief sought is a money judgment; and
(c) No party asserts a claim in excess of $500,000, exclusive of interests and costs.
Sec. 3. RCW
64.55.100 and 2005 c 456 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((If))(a) Except as otherwise provided in (b) of this subsection, if the declarant, an association, or a party unit owner demands an arbitration by filing such demand with the court not less than thirty and not more than ninety days after filing or service of the complaint, whichever is later, the parties shall participate in a private arbitration hearing. The declarant, the association, and the party unit owner do not have the right to compel arbitration without giving timely notice in compliance with this subsection. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitration hearing shall commence no more than fourteen months from the later of the filing or service of the complaint.
(b) Any claim subject to this chapter must be arbitrated pursuant to this section if:
(i) The claim relates to a condominium unit in a common interest community created on or after the effective date of this section;
(ii) The sole relief sought is a money judgment; and
(iii) No party asserts a claim in excess of $500,000, exclusive of interest and costs.
(2) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, claims that in aggregate are for less than one million dollars shall be heard by a single arbitrator and all other claims shall be heard by three arbitrators. As used in this chapter, arbitrator also means arbitrators where applicable.
(3) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the court shall appoint the arbitrator, who shall be a current or former attorney with experience as an attorney, judge, arbitrator, or mediator in construction defect disputes involving the application of Washington law.
(4) Upon conclusion of the arbitration hearing, the arbitrator shall file the decision and award with the clerk of the superior court, together with proof of service thereof on the parties. Within twenty days after the filing of the decision and award, any aggrieved party may file with the clerk a written notice of appeal and demand for a trial de novo in the superior court on all claims between the appealing party and an adverse party. As used in this section, "adverse party" means the party who either directly asserted or defended claims against the appealing party. The demand shall identify the adverse party or parties and all claims between those parties shall be included in the trial de novo. The right to a trial de novo includes the right to a jury, if demanded. The court shall give priority to the trial date for the trial de novo.
(5) If the judgment for damages, not including awards of fees and costs, in the trial de novo is not more favorable to the appealing party than the damages awarded by the arbitrator, not including awards of fees and costs, the appealing party shall pay the nonappealing adverse party's costs and fees incurred after the filing of the appeal, including reasonable attorneys' fees so incurred.
(6) If the judgment for damages, not including awards of fees and costs, in the trial de novo is more favorable to the appealing party than the damages awarded by the arbitrator, not including awards of fees and costs, then the court may award costs and fees, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred after the filing of the request for trial de novo in accordance with applicable law; provided if such a judgment is not more favorable to the appealing party than the most recent offer of judgment, if any, made pursuant to RCW
64.55.160, the court shall not make an award of fees and costs to the appealing party.
(7) If a party is entitled to an award with respect to the same fees and costs pursuant to this section and RCW
64.55.160, then the party shall only receive an award of fees and costs as provided in and limited by RCW
64.55.160. Any award of fees and costs pursuant to subsections (5) or (6) of this section is subject to review in the event of any appeal thereof otherwise permitted by applicable law or court rule.
Sec. 4. RCW
64.50.020 and 2023 c 337 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In every construction defect action brought against a construction professional, the claimant shall, no later than 45 days before filing an action, serve written notice of claim on the construction professional.
(a) The notice of claim shall state that the claimant asserts a construction defect claim against the construction professional and shall describe the claim in reasonable detail sufficient to determine the general nature of the defect.
(b) If the claimant is a condominium association created after July 23, 2023, the written notice of claim shall include a written report from a construction defect professional. In addition to describing the claim in reasonable detail sufficient to determine the general nature of the defect the written report shall state the construction defect professional's qualifications, the manner and type of inspection upon which the report was based, and the general location of the defect.
(2) Within 14 days after service of the notice of claim, the construction professional may serve a written response demanding a meeting with the claimant and its expert, including the construction defect professional who authored the report required in subsection (1)(b) of this section to confer regarding the report and its contents. The meeting shall take place within 14 days of service of the construction professional's demand or at such later date as mutually agreed to by the parties.
(3) Within 14 days after the meeting referenced in subsection (2) of this section or, in the absence of a demand for such meeting, within 21 days after service of the notice of claim, whichever is later, the construction professional shall serve a written response on the claimant by registered mail or personal service. The written response shall:
(a) Propose to inspect the residence that is the subject of the claim and to complete the inspection within a specified time frame. The proposal shall include the statement that the construction professional shall, based on the inspection, offer to remedy the defect, compromise by payment, or dispute the claim;
(b) Offer to compromise and settle the claim by monetary payment without inspection. A construction professional's offer under this subsection (3)(b) to compromise and settle a homeowner's claim may include, but is not limited to, an express offer to purchase the claimant's residence that is the subject of the claim, and to pay the claimant's reasonable relocation costs; or
(c) State that the construction professional disputes the claim and will neither remedy the construction defect nor compromise and settle the claim.
(4)(a) If the construction professional disputes the claim or does not respond to the claimant's notice of claim within the time stated in subsection (3) of this section, the claimant may bring an action against the construction professional for the claim described in the notice of claim without further notice.
(b) If the claimant rejects the inspection proposal or the settlement offer made by the construction professional pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, the claimant shall serve written notice of the claimant's rejection on the construction professional. After service of the rejection, the claimant may bring an action against the construction professional for the construction defect claim described in the notice of claim. If the construction professional has not received from the claimant, within 30 days after the claimant's receipt of the construction professional's response, either an acceptance or rejection of the inspection proposal or settlement offer, then at anytime thereafter the construction professional may terminate the proposal or offer by serving written notice to the claimant, and the claimant may thereafter bring an action against the construction professional for the construction defect claim described in the notice of claim.
(5)(a) If the claimant elects to allow the construction professional to inspect in accordance with the construction professional's proposal pursuant to subsection (3)(a) of this section, the claimant shall provide the construction professional and its contractors or other agents reasonable access to the claimant's residence during normal working hours to inspect the premises and the claimed defect.
(b) Within 14 days following completion of the inspection, the construction professional shall serve on the claimant:
(i) A written offer to remedy the construction defect at no cost to the claimant, including a report of the scope of the inspection, the findings and results of the inspection, a description of the additional construction necessary to remedy the defect described in the claim, and a timetable for the completion of such construction;
(ii) A written offer to compromise and settle the claim by monetary payment pursuant to subsection (3)(b) of this section; or
(iii) A written statement that the construction professional will not proceed further to remedy the defect.
(c) If the construction professional does not proceed further to remedy the construction defect within the agreed timetable, or if the construction professional fails to comply with the provisions of (b) of this subsection, the claimant may bring an action against the construction professional for the claim described in the notice of claim without further notice.
(d) If the claimant rejects the offer made by the construction professional pursuant to (b)(i) or (ii) of this subsection to either remedy the construction defect or to compromise and settle the claim by monetary payment, the claimant shall serve written notice of the claimant's rejection on the construction professional. After service of the rejection notice, the claimant may bring an action against the construction professional for the construction defect claim described in the notice of claim. If the construction professional has not received from the claimant, within 30 days after the claimant's receipt of the construction professional's response, either an acceptance or rejection of the offer made pursuant to (b)(i) or (ii) of this subsection, then at anytime thereafter the construction professional may terminate the offer by serving written notice to the claimant.
(6)(a) Any claimant accepting the offer of a construction professional to remedy the construction defect pursuant to subsection (5)(b)(i) of this section shall do so by serving the construction professional with a written notice of acceptance within a reasonable time period after receipt of the offer, and no later than 30 days after receipt of the offer. The claimant shall provide the construction professional and its contractors or other agents reasonable access to the claimant's residence during normal working hours to perform and complete the construction by the timetable stated in the offer.
(b) The claimant and construction professional may, by written mutual agreement, alter the extent of construction or the timetable for completion of construction stated in the offer, including, but not limited to, repair of additional defects.
(7) Any action commenced by a claimant prior to compliance with the requirements of this section shall be subject to dismissal without prejudice, and may not be recommenced until the claimant has complied with the requirements of this section.
(8) Nothing in this section may be construed to prevent a claimant from commencing an action on the construction defect claim described in the notice of claim if the construction professional fails to perform the construction agreed upon, fails to remedy the defect, or fails to perform by the timetable agreed upon pursuant to subsection (3)(a) or (6) of this section.
(9) Prior to commencing any action alleging a construction defect, or after the dismissal of any action without prejudice pursuant to subsection (7) of this section, the claimant may amend the notice of claim to include construction defects discovered after the service of the original notice of claim, and must otherwise comply with the requirements of this section for the additional claims. The service of an amended notice of claim shall relate back to the original notice of claim for purposes of tolling statutes of limitations and repose. Claims for defects discovered after the commencement or recommencement of an action may be added to such action only after providing notice to the construction professional of the defect and allowing for response under subsection (3) of this section.
(10) If the claimant is an association, and notwithstanding any contrary provisions in the association's governing documents, the association's board of director's ability to incur expenses to prepare and serve a notice of claim and any related reports and otherwise comply with the requirements of this chapter shall not be restricted.
(11) If the subject of the claim under this section is a residence constructed or substantially remodeled on or after the effective date of this section, the court or arbitrator shall assess costs and reasonable attorneys' fees against a claimant or construction professional who refuses to accept an offer to remedy the defect or a compromise by payment and fails to improve its position in the subsequent construction defect action.
Sec. 5. RCW
64.55.005 and 2019 c 238 s 216 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) RCW
64.55.010 through
64.55.090 apply to any multiunit residential building for which the permit for construction or rehabilitative construction of such building was issued on or after August 1, 2005.
(b) RCW
64.55.010 and
64.55.090 apply to conversion condominiums as defined in RCW
64.34.020 or conversion buildings as defined in RCW
64.90.010, provided that RCW
64.55.090 shall not apply to a condominium conversion for which a public offering statement had been delivered pursuant to chapter
64.34 RCW prior to August 1, 2005.
(c) RCW 64.55.010 through 64.55.090 do not apply to an accessory dwelling unit organized pursuant to chapter 64.90 RCW as a condominium unit in a common interest community created on or after the effective date of this section. (a) Actions filed or served prior to August 1, 2005;
(b) Actions for which a notice of claim was served pursuant to chapter
64.50 RCW prior to August 1, 2005;
(c) Actions asserting any claim regarding a building that is not a multiunit residential building;
(d) Actions asserting any claim regarding a multiunit residential building that was permitted on or after August 1, 2005, unless the letter required by RCW
64.55.060 has been submitted to the appropriate building department or the requirements of RCW
64.55.090 have been satisfied.
(3) Other than the requirements imposed by RCW
64.55.010 through
64.55.090, nothing in this chapter amends or modifies the provisions of RCW
Sec. 6. RCW
64.55.005 and 2024 c 321 s 423 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) RCW
64.55.010 through
64.55.090 apply to any multiunit residential building for which the permit for construction or rehabilitative construction of such building was issued on or after August 1, 2005.
(c) RCW 64.55.010 through 64.55.090 do not apply to an accessory dwelling unit organized pursuant to chapter 64.90 RCW as a condominium unit in a common interest community created on or after the effective date of section 5 of this act. (a) Actions filed or served prior to August 1, 2005;
(b) Actions for which a notice of claim was served pursuant to chapter
64.50 RCW prior to August 1, 2005;
(c) Actions asserting any claim regarding a building that is not a multiunit residential building;
(d) Actions asserting any claim regarding a multiunit residential building that was permitted on or after August 1, 2005, unless the letter required by RCW
64.55.060 has been submitted to the appropriate building department or the requirements of RCW
64.55.090 have been satisfied.
(3) Other than the requirements imposed by RCW
64.55.010 through
64.55.090, nothing in this chapter amends or modifies the provisions of RCW
Sec. 7. RCW
64.90.675 and 2018 c 277 s 416 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as limited under subsection
s (2)
and (4) of this section with respect to a purchaser of a condominium unit that may be used for residential use, implied warranties of quality under RCW
(a) May be excluded or modified by written agreement of the parties; and
(b) Are excluded by written expression of disclaimer, such as "as is," "with all faults," or other language that in common understanding calls the buyer's attention to the exclusion of warranties.
(2) With respect to a purchaser of a condominium unit that may be used for residential use, no disclaimer of implied warranties of quality under RCW
64.90.670 is effective, except that a declarant and any dealer may disclaim liability in an instrument for one or more specified defects or failures to comply with applicable law, if:
(a) The declarant or dealer knows or has reason to believe that the specific defects or failures exist at the time of disclosure;
(b) The disclaimer specifically describes the defects or failures;
(c) The disclaimer includes a statement as to the effect of the defects or failures;
(d) The disclaimer is boldfaced, capitalized, underlined, or otherwise set out from surrounding material so as to be conspicuous; and
(e) The disclaimer is signed by the purchaser.
(3) ((
Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, a declarant or dealer may not make an express written warranty of quality that limits the implied warranties of quality made to the purchaser set forth in RCW
(4)(a) With respect to a unit in a condominium created on or after the effective date of this section, a declarant or dealer is not subject to the implied warranties of quality set forth in RCW 64.90.670 if the declarant or dealer provides for the condominium unit an express warranty of quality and express warranty insurance coverage that meets the requirements in (b) of this subsection, and the condominium unit is: (i) An accessory dwelling unit organized as a condominium pursuant to this chapter;
(ii) Located in a new building or a condominium conversion containing 12 or fewer units and two or fewer stories; or
(iii) Located in a new building or a condominium conversion containing 12 or fewer units and three or fewer stories, if one story is utilized for parking, either above or below ground, or as a commercial space.
(b) An express warranty of quality and insurance coverage provided under (a) of this subsection must:
(i) Require acknowledgment by the unit purchaser that the express warranty of quality applies;
(ii) Allow for recovery of defects under the express warranty of quality by the unit owner and any subsequent purchaser, and by the unit owners association for common areas;
(iii) Apply to all condominium units and common areas within the building; and
(iv) Provide minimum coverage periods as follows:
(A) One year for workmanship and materials;
(B) Two years for plumbing, electrical, and ductwork distribution systems; and
(C) 10 years for structural defects to load-bearing structural members.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. Section 5 of this act expires January 1, 2028.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. Section 6 of this act takes effect January 1, 2028.
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