State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
ByHouse Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Low, Berg, Peterson, and Nance)
AN ACT Relating to providing tax relief for certain incidental uses on open space land; amending RCW
84.34.080, and
84.34.108; and creating new sections.
Sec. 1. RCW
84.34.020 and 2014 c 125 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Open space land" means (a) any land area so designated by an official comprehensive land use plan adopted by any city or county and zoned accordingly, or (b) any land area, the preservation of which in its present use would (i) conserve and enhance natural or scenic resources, or (ii) protect streams or water supply, or (iii) promote conservation of soils, wetlands, beaches or tidal marshes, or (iv) enhance the value to the public of abutting or neighboring parks, forests, wildlife preserves, nature reservations or sanctuaries or other open space, or (v) enhance recreation opportunities, or (vi) preserve historic sites, or (vii) preserve visual quality along highway, road, and street corridors or scenic vistas, or (viii) retain in its natural state tracts of land not less than one acre situated in an urban area and open to public use on such conditions as may be reasonably required by the legislative body granting the open space classification, or (c) any land meeting the definition of farm and agricultural conservation land under subsection (8) of this section. As a condition of granting open space classification, the legislative body may not require public access on land classified under (b)(iii) of this subsection for the purpose of promoting conservation of wetlands.
(2) "Farm and agricultural land" means:
(a) Any parcel of land that is ((twenty))20 or more acres or multiple parcels of land that are contiguous and total ((twenty))20 or more acres:
(i) Devoted primarily to the production of livestock or agricultural commodities for commercial purposes;
(ii) Enrolled in the federal conservation reserve program or its successor administered by the United States department of agriculture; or
(iii) Other similar commercial activities as may be established by rule;
(b)(i) Any parcel of land that is five acres or more but less than ((twenty))20 acres devoted primarily to agricultural uses, which has produced a gross income from agricultural uses equivalent to, as of January 1, 1993:
(A) ((One hundred dollars))$100 or more per acre per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification under this chapter for all parcels of land that are classified under this subsection or all parcels of land for which an application for classification under this subsection is made with the granting authority prior to January 1, 1993; and
(B) On or after January 1, 1993, ((two hundred dollars))$200 or more per acre per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification under this chapter;
(ii) For the purposes of (b)(i) of this subsection, "gross income from agricultural uses" includes, but is not limited to((, the)):
(A) The wholesale value of agricultural products donated to nonprofit food banks or feeding programs; and
(B) The wholesale value of agricultural products sold to persons allowed to harvest the agricultural products they purchase, if the products harvested are grown on the same land;
(c) Any parcel of land of less than five acres devoted primarily to agricultural uses which has produced a gross income as of January 1, 1993, of:
(i) ((One thousand dollars))$1,000 or more per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification under this chapter for all parcels of land that are classified under this subsection or all parcels of land for which an application for classification under this subsection is made with the granting authority prior to January 1, 1993; and
(ii) On or after January 1, 1993, ((fifteen hundred dollars))$1,500 or more per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification under this chapter. Parcels of land described in (b)(i)(A) and (c)(i) of this subsection will, upon any transfer of the property excluding a transfer to a surviving spouse or surviving state registered domestic partner, be subject to the limits of (b)(i)(B) and (c)(ii) of this subsection;
(d) Any parcel of land that is five acres or more but less than ((twenty))20 acres devoted primarily to agricultural uses, which meet one of the following criteria:
(i) Has produced a gross income from agricultural uses equivalent to ((two hundred dollars))$200 or more per acre per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification under this chapter;
(ii) Has standing crops with an expectation of harvest within seven years, except as provided in (d)(iii) of this subsection, and a demonstrable investment in the production of those crops equivalent to ((one hundred dollars))$100 or more per acre in the current or previous calendar year. For the purposes of this subsection (2)(d)(ii), "standing crop" means Christmas trees, vineyards, fruit trees, or other perennial crops that: (A) Are planted using agricultural methods normally used in the commercial production of that particular crop; and (B) typically do not produce harvestable quantities in the initial years after planting; or
(iii) Has a standing crop of short rotation hardwoods with an expectation of harvest within ((fifteen))15 years and a demonstrable investment in the production of those crops equivalent to ((one hundred dollars))$100 or more per acre in the current or previous calendar year;
(e) Any lands including incidental uses ((as are compatible with agricultural purposes, including wetlands preservation, provided such incidental use does not exceed twenty percent of the classified land)) and the land on which appurtenances necessary to the production, preparation, or sale of the agricultural products exist in conjunction with the lands producing such products. Agricultural lands also include any parcel of land of one to five acres, which is not contiguous, but which otherwise constitutes an integral part of farming operations being conducted on land qualifying under this section as "farm and agricultural lands";
(f) The land on which housing for employees and the principal place of residence of the farm operator or owner of land classified pursuant to (a) of this subsection is sited if: The housing or residence is on or contiguous to the classified parcel; and the use of the housing or the residence is integral to the use of the classified land for agricultural purposes;
(g) Any land that is used primarily for equestrian related activities for which a charge is made, including, but not limited to, stabling, training, riding, clinics, schooling, shows, or grazing for feed and that otherwise meet the requirements of (a), (b), or (c) of this subsection; or
(h) Any land primarily used for commercial horticultural purposes, including growing seedlings, trees, shrubs, vines, fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs, and other plants in containers, whether under a structure or not, subject to the following:
(i) The land is not primarily used for the storage, care, or selling of plants purchased from other growers for retail sale;
(ii) If the land is less than five acres and used primarily to grow plants in containers, such land does not qualify as "farm and agricultural land" if more than ((twenty-five))25 percent of the land used primarily to grow plants in containers is open to the general public for on-site retail sales;
(iii) If more than ((twenty))20 percent of the land used for growing plants in containers qualifying under this subsection (2)(h) is covered by pavement, none of the paved area is eligible for classification as "farm and agricultural land" under this subsection (2)(h). The eligibility limitations described in this subsection (2)(h)(iii) do not affect the land's eligibility to qualify under (e) of this subsection; and
(iv) If the land classified under this subsection (2)(h), in addition to any contiguous land classified under this subsection, is less than ((twenty))20 acres, it must meet the applicable income or investment requirements in (b), (c), or (d) of this subsection.
(3) "Timberland" means any parcel of land that is five or more acres or multiple parcels of land that are contiguous and total five or more acres which is or are devoted primarily to the growth and harvest of timber for commercial purposes. Timberland means the land only and does not include a residential homesite. The term includes land used for incidental uses that are compatible with the growing and harvesting of timber but no more than ((ten))10 percent of the land may be used for such incidental uses. It also includes the land on which appurtenances necessary for the production, preparation, or sale of the timber products exist in conjunction with land producing these products.
(4) "Current" or "currently" means as of the date on which property is to be listed and valued by the assessor.
(5) "Owner" means the party or parties having the fee interest in land, except that where land is subject to real estate contract "owner" means the contract vendee.
(6)(a) "Contiguous" means land adjoining and touching other property held by the same ownership. Land divided by a public road, but otherwise an integral part of a farming operation, is considered contiguous.
(b) For purposes of this subsection (6):
(i) "Same ownership" means owned by the same person or persons, except that parcels owned by different persons are deemed held by the same ownership if the parcels are:
(A) Managed as part of a single operation; and
(B) Owned by:
(I) Members of the same family;
(II) Legal entities that are wholly owned by members of the same family; or
(III) An individual who owns at least one of the parcels and a legal entity or entities that own the other parcel or parcels if the entity or entities are wholly owned by that individual, members of his or her family, or that individual and members of his or her family.
(ii) "Family" includes only:
(A) An individual and his or her spouse or domestic partner, child, stepchild, adopted child, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, cousin, or sibling;
(B) The spouse or domestic partner of an individual's child, stepchild, adopted child, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, cousin, or sibling;
(C) A child, stepchild, adopted child, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, cousin, or sibling of the individual's spouse or the individual's domestic partner; and
(D) The spouse or domestic partner of any individual described in (b)(ii)(C) of this subsection (6).
(7) "Granting authority" means the appropriate agency or official who acts on an application for classification of land pursuant to this chapter.
(8) "Farm and agricultural conservation land" means either:
(a) Land that was previously classified under subsection (2) of this section, that no longer meets the criteria of subsection (2) of this section, and that is reclassified under subsection (1) of this section; or
(b) Land that is traditional farmland that is not classified under chapter
84.33 or
84.34 RCW, that has not been irrevocably devoted to a use inconsistent with agricultural uses, and that has a high potential for returning to commercial agriculture.
(9) "Appurtenance" means something used with, and related to or dependent upon another thing that is, something that belongs to something else, an adjunct. The thing appurtenant is strictly necessary and essential to the proper use and enjoyment of the land, as well as useful or necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the land is classified under this chapter.
(a) In terms of farm and agricultural land, an "appurtenance" is something used for a particular sort of farm and is widely and routinely used in the operation of the commercial agricultural enterprise.
(b) An "appurtenance" includes, but is not limited to, portable sanitation equipment, barn, or tool shed, or equipment used for a particular purpose or task, such as tools, instruments, or machinery.
(10) "Incidental use" means a use of land classified as farm and agricultural land or timberland that is compatible with commercial agricultural purposes. "Incidental use" for land classified as farm and agricultural land may not exceed 20 percent of the total classified land, while incidental use for timberland may not exceed 10 percent of the total classified land. An "incidental use" may include, but is not limited to, wetland preservation, a gravel pit, a farm woodlot, a produce stand, or an unpaved parking area necessary for the safe visiting or viewing of classified land.
Sec. 2. RCW
84.34.080 and 1999 sp.s. c 4 s 705 are each amended to read as follows:
When land which has been classified under this chapter as open space land, farm and agricultural land, or timberland is applied to some other use, except through compliance with RCW
84.34.070, or except as a result solely from any one of the conditions listed in RCW
84.34.108(6), the owner shall within ((
60 days notify the county assessor of such change in use and additional real property tax shall be imposed upon such land in an amount equal to the sum of the following:
(1) The total amount of the additional tax and applicable interest due under RCW
84.34.108; plus
(2) ((
Except as provided in RCW 84.34.108(4)(c), a penalty amounting to ((
20 percent of the amount determined in subsection (1) of this section.
Sec. 3. RCW
84.34.108 and 2024 c 109 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) When land has once been classified under this chapter, a notation of the classification must be made each year upon the assessment and tax rolls and the land must be valued pursuant to RCW
84.34.060 or
84.34.065 until removal of all or a portion of the classification by the assessor upon occurrence of any of the following:
(a) Receipt of notice from the owner to remove all or a portion of the classification;
(b) Sale or transfer to an ownership, except a transfer that resulted from a default in loan payments made to or secured by a governmental agency that intends to or is required by law or regulation to resell the property for the same use as before, making all or a portion of the land exempt from ad valorem taxation;
(c) Sale or transfer of all or a portion of the land to a new owner, unless the new owner has signed a notice of classification continuance, except transfer to an owner who is an heir or devisee of a deceased owner or transfer by a transfer on death deed does not, by itself, result in removal of classification. The notice of continuance must be on a form prepared by the department. If the notice of continuance is not signed by the new owner and attached to the real estate excise tax affidavit, all additional taxes, applicable interest, and penalty calculated pursuant to subsection (4) of this section become due and payable by the seller or transferor at time of sale. The auditor may not accept an instrument of conveyance regarding classified land for filing or recording unless the new owner has signed the notice of continuance or the additional tax, applicable interest, and penalty has been paid, as evidenced by the real estate excise tax stamp affixed thereto by the treasurer. The seller, transferor, or new owner may appeal the new assessed valuation calculated under subsection (4) of this section to the county board of equalization in accordance with the provisions of RCW
84.40.038. Jurisdiction is hereby conferred on the county board of equalization to hear these appeals;
(d)(i) Determination by the assessor, after giving the owner written notice and an opportunity to be heard, that all or a portion of the land no longer meets the criteria for classification under this chapter. The criteria for classification pursuant to this chapter continue to apply after classification has been granted.
(ii) The granting authority, upon request of an assessor, must provide reasonable assistance to the assessor in making a determination whether the land continues to meet the qualifications of RCW
84.34.020 (1) or (3). The assistance must be provided within ((
30 days of receipt of the request.
(2)(a) Land may not be removed from classification because of:
(i) The creation, sale, or transfer of forestry riparian easements under RCW
76.13.120; ((
(ii) The creation, sale, or transfer of a fee interest or a conservation easement for the riparian open space program under RCW
(b) Land classified as farm and agricultural land under RCW 84.34.020 upon which an existing appurtenance is located may not be removed from classification as a result of minor upgrades and alterations to the appurtenance such as the addition of a cement pad, plumbing, or electrical, or limited compatible uses including educational and recreational farming programs, events such as seasonal farm festivals, and celebratory gatherings such as weddings, unless: (i) Retaining the classification of such land would exceed the 20 percent incidental use limitation provided in the definition of incidental use in RCW 84.34.020; or (ii) The structure no longer meets the definition of appurtenance under RCW 84.34.020. (c) For the purpose of this subsection (2), "existing appurtenance" does not include a newly constructed structure, or major redevelopment of an existing structure.
(3) Within ((
30 days after the removal of all or a portion of the land from current use classification under subsection (1) of this section, the assessor must notify the owner in writing, setting forth the reasons for the removal. The seller, transferor, or owner may appeal the removal to the county board of equalization in accordance with the provisions of RCW
84.40.038. The removal notice must explain the steps needed to appeal the removal decision, including when a notice of appeal must be filed, where the forms may be obtained, and how to contact the county board of equalization.
(4) Unless the removal is reversed on appeal, the assessor must revalue the affected land with reference to its true and fair value on January 1st of the year of removal from classification. Both the assessed valuation before and after the removal of classification must be listed and taxes must be allocated according to that part of the year to which each assessed valuation applies. Except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, an additional tax, applicable interest, and penalty must be imposed, which are due and payable to the treasurer ((thirty))30 days after the owner is notified of the amount of the additional tax, applicable interest, and penalty. As soon as possible, the assessor must compute the amount of additional tax, applicable interest, and penalty and the treasurer must mail notice to the owner of the amount thereof and the date on which payment is due. The amount of the additional tax, applicable interest, and penalty must be determined as follows:
(a) The amount of additional tax is ((equal)):
(i) Except as provided in (a)(ii) of this subsection, equal to the difference between the property tax paid as "open space land," "farm and agricultural land," or "timberland" and the amount of property tax otherwise due and payable for the seven years last past had the land not been so classified;
(ii) For removals, or withdrawals, of classified farm and agricultural land on or after September 1, 2025, equal to the difference between the property tax paid as farm and agricultural and the amount of property tax otherwise due and payable for the four years last past had the land not been so classified.
(b) The amount of applicable interest is equal to the interest upon the amounts of the additional tax paid at the same statutory rate charged on delinquent property taxes from the dates on which the additional tax could have been paid without penalty if the land had been assessed at a value without regard to this chapter;
(c) The amount of the penalty is as provided in RCW
84.34.080. The penalty may not be imposed if the removal satisfies the conditions of RCW
(5) Additional tax, applicable interest, and penalty become a lien on the land. The lien attaches at the time the land is removed from classification under this chapter and has priority to and must be fully paid and satisfied before any recognizance, mortgage, judgment, debt, obligation, or responsibility to or with which the land may become charged or liable. This lien may be foreclosed upon expiration of the same period after delinquency and in the same manner provided by law for foreclosure of liens for delinquent real property taxes as provided in RCW
84.64.050. Any additional tax unpaid on the due date is delinquent as of the due date. From the date of delinquency until paid, interest must be charged at the same rate applied by law to delinquent ad valorem property taxes.
(6) The additional tax, applicable interest, and penalty specified in subsection (4) of this section may not be imposed if the removal of classification pursuant to subsection (1) of this section resulted solely from:
(a) Transfer to a government entity in exchange for other land located within the state of Washington;
(b)(i) A taking through the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or (ii) sale or transfer to an entity having the power of eminent domain in anticipation of the exercise of such power, said entity having manifested its intent in writing or by other official action;
(c) A natural disaster such as a flood, windstorm, earthquake, wildfire, or other such calamity rather than by virtue of the act of the landowner changing the use of the property;
(d) Official action by an agency of the state of Washington or by the county or city within which the land is located which disallows the present use of the land;
(e) Transfer of land to a church when the land would qualify for exemption pursuant to RCW
(f) Acquisition of property interests by state agencies or agencies or organizations qualified under RCW
84.34.210 and
64.04.130 for the purposes enumerated in those sections. At such time as these property interests are not used for the purposes enumerated in RCW
84.34.210 and
64.04.130 the additional tax specified in subsection (4) of this section must be imposed;
(g) Removal of land classified as farm and agricultural land under RCW
(h) Removal of land from classification after enactment of a statutory exemption that qualifies the land for exemption and receipt of notice from the owner to remove the land from classification;
(i) The creation, sale, or transfer of forestry riparian easements under RCW
(j) The creation, sale, or transfer of a conservation easement of private forestlands within unconfined channel migration zones or containing critical habitat for threatened or endangered species under RCW
(k) The sale or transfer of land within two years after the death of the owner of at least a ((
50 percent interest in the land if the land has been assessed and valued as classified forestland, designated as forestland under chapter
84.33 RCW, or classified under this chapter continuously since 1993. The date of death shown on a death certificate is the date used for the purposes of this subsection (6)(k);
(l)(i) The discovery that the land was classified under this chapter in error through no fault of the owner. For purposes of this subsection (6)(l), "fault" means a knowingly false or misleading statement, or other act or omission not in good faith, that contributed to the approval of classification under this chapter or the failure of the assessor to remove the land from classification under this chapter.
(ii) For purposes of this subsection (6), the discovery that land was classified under this chapter in error through no fault of the owner is not the sole reason for removal of classification pursuant to subsection (1) of this section if an independent basis for removal exists. Examples of an independent basis for removal include the owner changing the use of the land or failing to meet any applicable income criteria required for classification under this chapter; or
(m) The sale or transfer to a governmental entity if the governmental entity manages the land in the same manner as designated forestland under chapter
84.33 RCW, or as property classified as timberland under this chapter, and the governmental entity provides the county assessor with a timber management plan or a notice of intent to manage the land as required under this subsection (6)(m). The governmental entity must provide an updated timberland or forestland management plan to the county assessor at least once every revaluation cycle. The county is authorized to collect a fee from the governmental entity for the filing of the forestland or timberland management plan in accordance with the county's fee schedule. When the land is not managed as required under this subsection (6)(m), or when the governmental entity sells or transfers the land at any time, the additional tax specified in subsection (4) of this section is due from the current government owner, unless the change in use of the land, sale or transfer, meets one of the other exceptions in this subsection (6).
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. This act does not affect any existing right acquired or liability or obligation incurred under the sections amended or repealed in this act or under any rule or order adopted under those sections, nor does it affect any proceeding instituted under those sections.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
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