SB 5641
As of February 8, 2025
Title: An act relating to public school instruction in awareness of blood donation.
Brief Description: Encouraging public school instruction in awareness of blood donation.
Sponsors: Senators Harris, Dozier, Riccelli and Short.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Early Learning & K-12 Education: 2/11/25.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Encourages school districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools to provide instruction in awareness of blood donation in addition to awareness of bone marrow donation.?
  • Allows this instruction to be included in at least one health class necessary for graduation, beginning in the 2025-26 school year.
Staff: Ailey Kato (786-7434)

Instruction in Awareness of Bone Marrow Donation.? Current law encourages school districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools that serves students in any of grades 9-12 to offer instruction in awareness of bone marrow donation.? Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, this instruction may be included in at least one health class necessary for graduation. Schools that serves students in any of grades kindergarten through eight may offer this instruction and adapt it to be age-appropriate.


Instruction in awareness of bone marrow donation?must be an instructional program provided by the National Marrow Donor Program or other relevant nationally recognized organization. ?The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction?must post the instructional program on its website.?


Schools may offer this instruction directly or arrange for the instruction to be provided by available community-based providers. The instruction does not have to be provided by certificated instructional staff.


Health Graduation Requirement.? The State Board of Education establishes graduation requirements.? One half credit of health is required for graduation.?


Blood Donation.? Current law allows any person 18 or older to be eligible to donate blood, including donation through apheresis, in any voluntary and non-compensatory blood program without the necessity of obtaining parental permission or authorization.


Any person ages 16 or 17 are eligible to donate blood after obtaining parental or legal guardian permission or authorization.

Summary of Bill:

School districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools are encouraged to offer instruction in awareness of blood donation in addition to awareness of bone marrow donation.?


Beginning with the 2025-26 school year, instruction in awareness of blood donation along with awareness of bone marrow donation may be included in at least one health class necessary for graduation.


This instruction must be an instructional program provided by the National Marrow Donor Program, the American Red Cross, America's Blood Centers, Bloodworks Northwest, or other relevant nationally recognized organizations focused on either bone marrow or blood donation, or both.

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on February 6, 2025.
Creates Committee/Commission/Task Force that includes Legislative members: No.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.