SB 5524
As of February 10, 2025
Title: An act relating to creating the donate life special license plate.
Brief Description: Creating the donate life special license plate.
Sponsors: Senators Goehner, Riccelli, Fortunato, Short, Dozier, Wilson, J., Braun, McCune, Warnick, Torres, Kauffman, Slatter, Boehnke and Nobles.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Transportation: 2/10/25.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Creates the new Donate Life special license plate.
  • Directs proceeds from the special license plate to build awareness for organ donation and encourage a positive, inclusive sentiment around organ donation registration.
Staff: Bryon Moore (786-7726)

The Department of Licensing (DOL) issues special vehicle license plates that may be used in lieu of standard plates.  A governmental or nonprofit sponsoring organization seeking to sponsor a special plate either submits an application to DOL or requests legislation to create the special plate.


Under the DOL application method, the application packet must include the design of the special license plate, proof of 3500 signatures in support of the special license plate, and a start-up fee of $6,300.  For special license plates enacted by the Legislature, a sponsoring organization must submit prepayment of all start-up costs to DOL within 30 days of enactment.
The sponsoring organization seeking to sponsor the special plate is required to reimburse DOL for the costs of establishing the new special plate.  If the sponsoring organization is not able to meet the prepayment requirement, revenues generated from the sale of the special license plate are first used to pay off any costs associated with establishing the new plate.  The sponsoring organization must also provide a proposed license plate design to DOL.  The sponsoring organization must submit an annual financial report to DOL detailing actual revenues generated from the sale of the special license plate.  The reports are reviewed, approved, and presented to the Joint Transportation Committee.
DOL collects special license plate fees, and for administrative expenses, deducts an amount not to exceed $12 for new plate issuance and $2 for renewal.  After these expenses are paid, the state treasurer deposits the proceeds into the Motor Vehicle Account until DOL determines the start-up costs for a special license plate are paid.  After that point, all remaining proceeds go to the sponsoring organization.

Summary of Bill:

The new Donate Life special license plate is created.  The net proceeds from the Donate Life special license plate sales will go to Life Center Northwest to build awareness for organ donation and encourage a positive, inclusive sentiment around organ donation registration.

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Creates Committee/Commission/Task Force that includes Legislative members: No.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Staff Summary of Public Testimony:

PRO:  The proposed new Donate Life license plate is about honoring organ donors and creating awareness for others to consider organ donation.  Organ transplants are literally lifesaving opportunities to give others a new lease on life.  The recipient organization, Life Center Northwest, would use the proceeds for additional education and outreach.   This is something that has been attempted for the last 22 years and has never been successful.  This bill would help the awareness by putting the very important message that organ donors save lives right onto license plates.  This calls attention to the issue, raises curiosity, and will expand interest in organ transplantation.  The number of potential donors is well below the number of people on the organ donor waiting list, and this bill will help address that problem.

Persons Testifying:

PRO: Senator Keith Goehner, Prime Sponsor; Sandy Hubbard; Geoff Arthur, Co-Chair - University of Washington Lung Transplant Support Program; David Joswick, Co-Chair - University of Washington Lung Transplant Support Program; Karen Schiewetz; Carlene Young, Commitee Member - University of Washington Lung Transplant Support Program; Laura Givins, Mother; Jenna Pringle Huerta, Life Center NW.

Persons Signed In To Testify But Not Testifying: No one.