The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sells timber and other valuable resources from state lands. Most sales conducted by DNR must be done at public auction to the highest bidder. Before valuable materials can be sold, the sale must be properly advertised so that the maximum number of potential buyers are aware of the pending sale. DNR does have the authority to offer a direct sale without notice or advertising for sales appraised at $25,000 or less.
Direct sales of valuable materials from public lands up to $250,000 in appraised value may be sold to entities using those materials for habitat restoration projects under certain conditions.? To qualify for the direct sale, DNR must determine the direct sale is in the best interest of the state or the affected trust, and the project proponent must have all appropriate permits and approvals required for the habitat restoration project.? In addition, the project proponent must submit a report as defined by DNR describing how the materials will be used in the habitat restoration project.? The valuable materials may not be resold or remanufactured for other uses by the project proponent. ?Any resale or remanufacture of timber is a violation subject to treble damages.
If a purchaser plans to stockpile valuable materials for future use by project proponents, DNR may sell valuable materials to the purchaser subject to rules established by DNR to ensure the materials are used exclusively for eligible habitat restoration projects.