SB 5152
As of January 22, 2025
Title: An act relating to state employee access to peer-reviewed journals.
Brief Description: Concerning state employee access to peer-reviewed journals.
Sponsors: Senators Warnick, Dozier, Hasegawa and Shewmake.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: State Government, Tribal Affairs & Elections: 1/24/25.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Requires the Washington State Institute for Public Policy to conduct a study on providing state employees with electronic access to peer-reviewed journals.?
Staff: Danielle Creech (786-7412)

In a number of scientific fields, academics and professionals rely on articles published in peer-reviewed journals for their research. Before publication in a peer-reviewed journal, articles must be reviewed by experts in the field. Reviewers may suggest revisions to an article before it is published, and an article will be rejected from publication if it is lacking in scholarly validity and rigor.?


Access to peer-reviewed journals often requires purchasing a subscription or paying an access fee, although specific articles may sometimes be purchased individually. College and university libraries generally subscribe to relevant journals for their students or others with library accounts. The Washington State Library statewide database licensing project also includes a research library with some magazines, periodicals, and scholarly journals.


The Washington State Institute for Public Policy (WSIPP) is a multidisciplinary team of researchers tasked with conducting nonpartisan policy research at the direction of the Legislature or WSIPP's Board of Directors. Established in 1982, WSIPP provides reports to the Legislature on a variety of issue areas of interest to the state Legislature and state agencies.? Fiscal and administrative services for WSIPP are provided by The Evergreen State College.

Summary of Bill:

WSIPP must conduct a study addressing, at a minimum, potential funding, organizational structure, and policy mechanisms that would provide state employees with electronic access to peer-reviewed journals. The study must be completed by December 1, 2026, and submitted to the appropriate committees of the Legislature.?

Appropriation: The bill contains an appropriation(s) totaling $83,000 from various accounts.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Creates Committee/Commission/Task Force that includes Legislative members: No.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.