SB 5018
As of January 16, 2025
Title: An act relating to the geographic composition of county weed boards.
Brief Description: Concerning the geographic composition of county weed boards.
Sponsors: Senator Wilson, J..
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Local Government: 1/16/25.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Reduces the number of County Noxious Weed Control Board (Board) members appointed from geographical areas from five to four, and establishes one at-large member.?
  • Removes the requirement that applicants provide a list of voters supporting their nomination.
  • Allows the Board to post the notice of expiration of term on the district website and removes the requirement that the Board publish list of recommended nominees in a newspaper.
Staff: Rohan Bhattacharjee (786-7534)

County Noxious Weed Control Boards. Each county may activate a County Noxious Weed Control Board (Board) within its jurisdiction. The Board consists of five voting members appointed by the county legislative authority. The county legislative authority divides the county into five geographical areas and appoints a voting member from each geographical area. At least four members must be engaged in primary production of agricultural products. Board members serve until their replacements are appointed.


Board Nominations. Notice of a Board term expiration must be published in a weekly or daily general circulation newspaper in the geographical area with the last publication occurring at least ten days prior to the nomination.


Residents of the geographical area interested in appointment to the Board must make a written application that includes the signatures of at least ten registered voters residing in the geographical area supporting the nomination. The Board, after a hearing, recommends the names of the most qualified candidates to the county legislative authority. The Board must post the names of those nominees in the county courthouse or county website and publish the names in at least one general circulation newspaper in the county. ??

Summary of Bill:

County Noxious Weed Control Boards. The county legislative authority must divide the county into four geographical areas instead of five. A voting member is appointed from each of the four geographical areas, and one at-large member is appointed as the fifth voting member.


Board Nominations. The Board may post notice of expiration on the district's website at least ten days prior to the nomination, as an alternative to publishing the notice in a weekly or daily general circulation newspaper.


The requirement that residents of the geographical area interested in appointment to the Board include, in their written application, signatures of at least ten registered voters residing in the geographical area supporting the nomination, is removed. The requirement that the Board publish the list of recommended nominees in at least one general circulation newspaper in the county, is removed.

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Creates Committee/Commission/Task Force that includes Legislative members: No.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.